
February, 2025
Message from the Principal's Desk...
Hello Mt. Pleasant!
The month of January has flown by. We are now into February and so starts our testing season. There are several different types of assessments we will be doing from now until the middle of May. It is very important that your student gets plenty of rest and eats breakfast. A lot of students have anxiety over taking a test, so the best way to mange this anxiety is to practice some relaxation techniques with deep breathing and taking a mindful minute or two before taking on a large task, like a test.
During the month of January, the PTO hosted a movie night and we watched Wild Robot. The PTO supplied popcorn and water for all to enjoy while curling up on their blanket or chair to watch the movie.
The PTO also sponsored the Snowball Dance. Students and their families joined us to dance the night away. Some played games while others participated in some line dancing activities.
Our staff also participated in a secret Spirit Week. Each day we dressed up to see if the students noticed anything strange. Day 1 was College Wear (no one really noticed); Day 2 was Character Day (some started thinking something was unusual); Day 3 was School Spirit (no one really noticed) Day 4 was to wear all black - now the students knew something was going on. Day 5 was Hats and Plaid - students are on to us by now. Fun was had by all and the students enjoyed trying to guess what the theme of the day was.
We have some exciting events coming our way for the month of February as well. Be sure to check them out below!
Waterford Head Start Program
Hello Parents! We’re excited to share a fantastic opportunity for preschoolers—the FREE Waterford Head Start Program! This program helps your child build essential skills to be ready for kindergarten by fall. It’s fun, engaging, and designed to support early learning in literacy! Don’t miss this free chance to give your child a head start!
Upcoming Events...
PTO & Title 1 - Annual Meeting
Call all families to join us for our Annual Meeting and some goodies
Wednesday, February 5th
6:00 - 8:00pm
PTO - Movie - Wall-E
Friday, February 7th
Doors Open at 5:45pm
Lots of Love Day
Friday, February 14th
Wear Red Day
Important Parent Information
Lunch Monitor Needed
Do you have a few hours a day and love to be around kids? We are looking for someone to help out with lunches and watch children play on the playground. It is only 2 1/2 hours per day and pays $13/hr. If interested go to: https://www.applitrack.com/nashuasd/onlineapp/
Check out Mt. Pleasant Elementary on Instagram...
Please note that student dismissal is at 2:40pm. Please do not enter the playground before 2:35pm as we may still be holding classes on the playground until this time. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Check out our new Car Drop Off Lane
As parking is so limited around our building, we are utilizing the car drop off lane behind the school on Abbott Street this year for the mornings only. Please note that the right hand side of Abbott St. is a Car Drop Off Lane Only. Please do not park in this lane. There will be staff members stationed behind the school starting at 8am to welcome your children. Please have your child prepared to leave the vehicle on the right hand side, so as soon as you pull up the child may easily exit the vehicle and the car lane may keep moving forward.
If you would like to walk your student up to the school, please find an appropriate place to park and avoid this lane.
Thank you for your cooperation!