The School Counseling Office
October Newsletter
Take a Deep Breath
Breathing exercises to reduce stress By Your Headspace Mindfulness & Meditation Experts
“Take a deep breath” might be some of the best advice around. It’s one of the easiest and most effective ways to relieve stress, and has been for thousands of years. When we take a slow inhale through the nose and a big, long exhale through the mouth, we’re signaling to the brain and body that we’re safe, that it’s okay to calm down. Within a matter of seconds, we start to feel more relaxed.
Most of us rarely need to think about breathing. But learning to pay attention to our breath can improve how we feel and how we behave. Often, taking a moment before we react to stressful situations can make all the difference. With practice, we can purposefully slow down our breath anytime and anywhere until we feel less frazzled and more confident.
Here, we’ll share how to try breathing exercises to reduce stress so the next time we have to give a big speech, hear some disappointing news, or get a case of the Sunday scaries, we’ll know what to do to feel better: breathe.
Back to School Pledge
BASH Student Services in conjunction with the SAP Team and School Counseling, held an outreach table on Wednesday, September 18, during student lunches. 358 BASH students signed a pledge to have positive mental health this school year and were able to receive some freebies to help connect them to resources available at BASH! What an awesome start to the school year! Stay tuned for more outreach events at BASH! (pictured left to right: Lyndell Andrews-Lincoln Center, Xiomara Cosme-Lincoln Center, Briana Fretz-CARON Treatment Center, Julie Karaisz-Lincoln Center)
Student Educational Groups
Fall 2024 Groups
Kids of Promise- For students impacted by family addiction
Good Grief- For students experiencing grief and loss
Changing Families- For students impacted by divorce and family stress
Social Media Workbook for Teens- For students who struggle with social media
Mindfulness for Teen Anger- For students to overcome anger and aggression using MBSR and DBT skills
Mindfulness for Teen Anxiety- For students overcoming anxiety at home, school and everywhere else
Blues Group- For students who experienced depression
Social Skills- For students working to improve pro-social relationships across settings
If you are interested in any of the aforementioned groups, please reach out to your child's school counselor.
Student Assistance Program (SAP)
A SAP team made up of school and agency staff is available to help you access school and community services for your child. In Pennsylvania, every school district is required to have a plan for identifying and assisting students who experience barriers to learning.
Our Boyertown Area Senior High School Student Assistance (BASH SAP) Team will help you find services and assistance within the school, and if needed, in the community. We do not diagnose, treat, or refer your child for treatment. We will provide you with information and you make the choice(s) that best fit your needs and wishes. As the
parent/guardian you are an important part of the team.
Anyone can refer a student to the BASH SAP team. Some students are referred by teachers or other school personnel. A friend or family member can also let the BASH SAP team know that they are worried about someone. The student can even go directly to the BASH SAP team to ask for help. Schools will gather information to determine how a student is doing in their classes. However, the SAP team will not proceed unless you give your written parent permission. Once permission is received, the team will work with you to develop a plan of action to help your child achieve success in school. Participation in the program is voluntary.
A BASH SAP team member will contact you regarding your child’s referral to the program. Before any action is taken you must give your permission. The BASH SAP team will work with you and your child throughout the process. As a parent/guardian, your knowledge and thoughts about your child will be helpful in developing a plan of action.
The SAP team information is completely confidential and the team will respect you and your child’s privacy at all times.
If you need more information before making a decision about SAP, please feel free to talk to your child's school counselor.
National Merit Commended Students
Mr. Sparks, Mr. Venner, and Dr. McArthur are pleased to announce that Steven Levenson,
Summer Bellino, Alarice Huff, Caleb Hook, and Kyler Hohenstein have been named Commended Students in the 2025 National Merit Scholarship Program. Out of approximately 34,000 Commended Students nationwide, these individuals are recognized for their exceptional academic promise. Their outstanding potential highlights their dedication and hard work, marking a significant milestone in their academic journey.
Congratulations to all the honorees!
It's Financial Aid Season!!!!
On October 17 @ 6pm, a representative from the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency (PHEAA) will host a financial aid zoom for parents of our senior students. The purpose of the zoom is to provide parents a brief overview of the financial aid process and types of financial aid that exist. PHEAA is a national provider of financial aid services, serving millions of students and thousands of schools through a variety of student aid programs.
To join, use the link: Join Zoom Meeting
https://boyertownasd.zoom.us/j/91514429277?pwd=W8eRP3VFbvTdr0aKz6iFqqPTdsKHog.1Meeting ID: 915 1442 9277
Passcode: 130329
Career Portfolio Presentations
Class of 2025 - Congratulations! You have worked hard on your Career Portfolio during your years at BASH and now is your opportunity to present on everything you've experienced and learned! The presentation date for this year is Wednesday, October 16th, 2024 in person at BASH. This is an early dismissal day. As the date approaches, you will be given a 15 minute time slot in the afternoon. You should dress in a professional manner for your presentation. As a reminder, if you do not present on this day, you will lose all privileges and will have points deducted from your final score.
Seniors need to make sure that they have successfully completed all required tasks from previous years as no new tasks are required. This will help students prepare and create their presentation. Students will need to talk about how and what they learned, and how it impacted decisions/plans for the future.
If you are a Senior and this is your first year at BASH, you will not be required to present on the scheduled presentation day. Please work with Mrs. Bright in the School Counseling Office to get caught up with your Career Portfolio in order to be prepared for your presentation at a later date.
College Applications-Early Action (EA) versus Early Decision (ED)
EARLY ACTION (EA) - Students who are accepted to a college through EA are not required to attend that school. Students can compare offers from other colleges and usually have until May 1 to decide whether to enroll. Applying early action to college can have several benefits, including: Non-binding, learn decisions early, and compare financial aid! The early action deadline for the 2024–2025 academic year is generally between November 1 and 15, 2024. However, some schools may have different deadlines, so please be mindful of these deadlines for each specific school.
EARLY DECISION (ED)- ED is a binding commitment!!! Commitment: Are you 100% sure you want to attend the college you apply to? If you are 110% sure, then you should apply ED. If the student is accepted under an Early Decision plan, the student
must promptly withdraw the applications submitted to other colleges and
universities and make no additional applications to any other university in any
country. If the student is an Early Decision candidate and is seeking financial
aid, the student need not withdraw other applications until the student has
received notification about financial aid from the admitting Early Decision
institution. The early decision deadline for the 2024–2025 academic year is generally November 1–15, 2024. Many schools notify applicants of their early decision or early action decisions around mid-December.
Both ED and EA have earlier application deadlines than regular decision, and notifications are usually sent within eight weeks.
Career Portfolio Requirements
1st Quarter Requirements Due October 18, 2024
EverFi Financial Literacy
Everfi Financial Literacy Signup Info
www.everfi.com Students, please log in using Clever, Click Here for instructions.
Complete Modules 1-11 [You must earn a 70% or better to "pass" each module].
- Customer Skills
- Smart Money Habits
- Budgeting
- Checking Accounts
- Savings Accounts
- Credit & Debit Basics
- Education ROI
- Education & Financial Aid
- Exploring Jobs & Careers
- Beginning Employment
- Insurance Basics
Upload your Everfi Certification using the following path:
My Portfolio --> Uploaded Artifacts --> [Tag by Strand: Entrepreneurship]
Include the Title: Everfi Cert
Gathering Your Thoughts: Short overview [3-5 sentences]
Link a File: Upload your Cert. [make sure it is "viewable by all" when using a G-link]
Practice SAT (PSAT)
All juniors will be given the PSAT on October 16. Testing locations will be shared with students by homeroom teachers. There is no cost to the family. The PSAT is good preparation for the SAT and may yield college scholarships for top scorers. Students should bring their laptops and a pencil with them on test day. To view more details about the test, please view the student guide below.
Career Portfolio Requirements
1st Quarter Requirements Due by October 18, 2024
Smart Futures: Activities 8-16
- 8: Exp. Careers While Still at School
- 9: Selecting Your Career Goal
- 10: My Programs or Majors
- 11: My School and College Survey
- 12: Job Interviews
- 13: Active Listening
- 14: The Entrepreneur Within
- 15: Personal Budget
- 16: Multiple Inteligences
Service Learning Project Application with HR Teacher Approval Due by October 18, 2024. Hours/log due May 23, 2025. BCTC is not required to complete the Service Learning Project.
Practice ACT (PreACT)
All sophomores will be given the PreACT on October 16. Testing locations will be shared with students by homeroom teachers. There is no cost to the family. The PreACT is good preparation for the ACT and provides meaningful information about the test taker's strengths and areas of need. It also provides valuable career interest information. Students should bring their laptops and a pencil with them on test day. To view more details about the test, please view the student guide below.
Career Portfolio Requirements
1st Quarter Requirements Due October 18, 2024
Smart Futures: Activities 1-7
- New Thinking About Career Success → Career Clusters and Pathways
Smart Futures: Skills: (NorthStar Videos)
Students must attempt each skill below, they not required to earn each badge.
- Internet Basics
- Using Email
- Social Media
- Information Literacy
- Career Search Skills
- Your Digital Footprint
College Visits
How to sign up for a College Visit:
1. Please see Mrs. Bright in the Counseling office to sign up to attend the college visit. She will provide you with a pass.
2. Please make sure you communicate with your teachers if the college visit is during a class. You MUST have your teacher's permission if you are missing class for a college visit.
3. Save the Date, and Time for the visit in your calendar! We will try our best to send reminders, but it is your responsibility to remember the visit information.
Berks Career and Technology Center
Apply to BCTC-online portal opens October 15th
More information is forthcoming as we work with BCTC on updating our forms. Keep checking your email and the week in review!