September 23, 2024
Brookdale Elementary
611 132nd ST S Tacoma, WA 98444
Connie Holman - Principal
Ashley Landes - Assistant Principal
Office Hours - 9:00 to 4:30
253-298-3100 / FAX 253-369-1134
Principal Message
Monday, September 30th is Orange Shirt Day - A day to raise awareness of the residential school policy and its devastating effects on generations of First Nations people in Canada. Residential schools were the same as boarding schools that American Indians in the Unites States attended.
In May 2013, First Nations people in Canada gathered to honor victims and survivors of the St. Joseph Mission Residential School.
At this event a residential school survivor by the name of Phyllis Webstad was interviewed for a short video documentary. She mentioned when she was six, she picked out a new, shiny orange shirt for her first day of school, but when she got to the school they took her clothes, as all students were forced to wear the same clothing, and she never saw her favorite shirt again.
Her shirt story resonated with others and took off on social media. As the event became an annual way to remember the residential school systems, Orange Shirt Day was created. The official tagline for the day is “Every Child Matters” reminding everyone that all peoples cultural experiences are important.
The movement spread across Canada and in more recent years the United States. Indigenous people and non-indigenous allies wear orange on that day to show solidarity and to continue to raise awareness about the lasting effects of residential and boarding schools so they are never forgotten
What were Residential/Boarding Schools?
Residential and Boarding Schools were government run schools designed to strip Indigenous youth of their culture, language, and even their name if they had a non-English name.
Children were separated from their families and communities, often by force, and lived in and attended classes at the schools for most of the year. Often the residential schools were located far from the students’ home communities.
- There were over 130 residential schools in Canada, open between 1831 and 1997. The United States had over 400 boarding schools between 1869 and the 1970s.
- 150,000 Indigenous youth attended schools in Canada and several hundred thousand in the United States
- Three years ago, 215 remains of children were discovered in an unmarked grave at one former school location. This led to discoveries of hundreds more in Canada and an investigation into former school sites in the United States.
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month!
Over 60 million people identify as Hispanic in the U.S. Between September 15 and October 15 we celebrate National Hispanic Heritage. This is a great opportunity for us to celebrate those whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, & South America. I want to honor the many students and their families who come from these countries!
Important Dates!
September 24 ~ PTO Meeting & Pizza Party!
September 25 ~ EARLY RELEASE - 2:35
October 2 ~ EARLY RELEASE - 2:35
October 3 ~ Picture Day
October 7 ~ NO SCHOOL - Staff Training
October 8-11 ~ 12:35 EARLY RELEASE - Conferences
October 12 ~ Beat the Bobcat Fun Run 9:00 a.m. - PLU Meadows Disc Golf Course
PTO Meeting and Pizza Party! 🍕
Dear PTO Members,
We’re excited to invite you to our first PTO meeting of the 2024-2025 school year, happening this Tuesday, September 24, 2024!
We’ll be kicking things off with a pizza party and discussing important plans for the year ahead. This meeting is a great opportunity to:
- Learn how you can get involved
- Explore volunteer opportunities
- Hear about upcoming school events
Mark Your Calendar:
🗓 Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
🕒 Time: 5:30pm
📍 Location: Brookdale Elementary School Gym
To ensure we have enough pizza for everyone, please RSVP by Tuesday, September 24th at 3pm HERE. (Scroll to the bottom of the page, and add the pizza party/meeting to your cart!)
We look forward to seeing you there and sharing in a fun and productive start to the school year!
Conferences are coming!
As you may know, Student Led Conferences (SLCs) are just around the corner. This is an excellent opportunity for teachers, students, and their families to talk about the coming year. Teachers will have information to share and students will be sharing their goals. Very soon, you will be receiving a link to sign up for a conference time from your child's teacher. Please be sure to click on the link right away in order to secure a time for your conference. School will be dismissed Tuesday - Friday, Oct. 8th – 11th at 12:35 pm. Students will be served a sack lunch before they leave each day. Please be sure that you have made plans for your student(s) for these early dismissal days.
Picture Day!
A message from Mrs. Loman ~ Art Class
Hello Brookdale Families
My name is Kate Loman, and I am your student’s art teacher!
Our focus this year is on learning art techniques and using materials in a way that supports our art projects. We would love to use a variety of mediums like markers, paint, and chalk to create various projects.
For our younger artists in kindergarten and 1st grade will spend the first trimester exploring various materials, doing a material focus and stations. In the later part of the year, we will work up to larger multiday projects.
Last year was the first year we had art at Brookdale and your students loved it. Your students loved it so much that they have started to ask for and want items to use in the Brookdale Art Room. So, we have compiled a schoolwide wish list to help support their wants and needs for art this year. Items are categorized by greatest need to lower more fun based items. There are even some that may be grade specific. Just note that the supplies will be shipped to the school and will be used for the whole school unless noted otherwise in the wish list. Thank you for supporting your students’ love of art!
Thank you in advance!
Beat the Bobcat Fun Run
We are excited to announce our 2nd Annual Brookdale Fun Run "Beat the Bobcat"!
This will be a 1k course for students on October 12th at 9am! The event will be held at the PLU Meadows Disc Golf Course (754 124th St S. Tacoma, WA 98444)
Proceeds from our Beat The Bobcat 1k race will go to stocking our Bobcat Store this next 2024-2025 school year! We welcome all donations, and if you do not wish to participate in the race but wish to donate towards our efforts in stocking the Bobcat Store, you can make a Credit Card donation of any amount under the "Bobcat Store Donation"
Exciting news: The classroom with the MOST participants/donations will WIN a special popcorn party with champs! *Once classroom lists become available, we will begin recording payments and donations for classes/teachers!
What are Bobcat Bucks?
Bobcat bucks are currency given to students as recognition for demonstrating positive behaviors, making constructive choices, or contributing positively to the school environment. Whether it’s helping a fellow student, showing respect in the classroom, or going above and beyond in their responsibilities, students can earn Bobcat Bucks as an incentive or token of appreciation.
How Can Students Spend Bobcat Bucks?
The real magic of Bobcat Bucks is the value they hold. At least once a month… they can be redeemed for various prizes and special experiences at the Bobcat Store. These can be small tangible items like stickers, posters, toys, fidgets, and books to more experiential rewards such as:
Special Moments with Staff
Unique Experiences with Peers
Privilege Passes
Why Bobcat Bucks Work:
Instant recognition and immediate feedback for positive behaviors
Empowerment and responsibility through earning and choosing how to spend Bobcat Bucks
Community Building
Fostering a Positive Environment
Pre-Registration and payment is encouraged! Registration will be available day-of the event between 7:30-8:50am.
Those who adults who wish to run and compete are encouraged to register for the 5k race at 9:15am. You can register for this race soon!
This fun run is a part of the 3rd Annual Fall Classic!
Parents of Students in Grades K-2
Please pack an extra pair of clothes, including underwear, socks, and pants in your child’s backpack. Accidents do happen and we would like to be prepared. It is nice when a child can wear a pair of his or her own pants. The health room has a very limited supply of clothing. If your child does borrow clothing from the health room, please return the clothing items to the school after it is washed.
Student Absences
In order to assure your child's safety, please call the school office at 253-298-3100 if your child is ill or unable to attend school. You can call and leave a message on our 24-hour voice mail if it is before school hours or email . If your child is not in attendance, and we do not receive a call from you by 10:00 a.m, we will attempt to call you to confirm the reason for the absence. Your phone call saves time for the office and is greatly appreciated!
Please be patient, the first couple days of school the busses might be running late. We have a very helpful transportation department; if you have any questions, issues about something that happened on the bus or at the bus stop, or concerns about a late bus, please call the transportation office directly at 253-298-3865. To cut down on the number of calls received in the office daily we ask that if you wish for your child to ride a bus other than the one they normally ride, or get off at a bus stop other than their normal stop, you must send a note. The same holds true if you want your child to walk rather than ride their normal bus. Without a note, we will not allow students to walk or change their regular bus, bus stop, or end of the day routine.
Please be aware that any bus-riding kindergarten student that is not met at the bus stop after school will be returned to Brookdale for parent pick-up. It is very important to meet your students at the bus stop on time!
The health room is staffed daily from 9:15 - 4:15 with a LPN to provide first aid to students who become ill or injured at school, and to give medications prescribed by state approved medical providers. Our goal is to keep healthy children learning in the classroom and to get ill children home.
State law allows for students to be administered only oral medications at school (including inhalers). The two exceptions in this law are for insulin and Epi-pen use. Please do not ask the school to give your student ear drops or eye drops, or to apply lotions and ointments, as we are unable to do so. All medications, even over-the-counter products such as pain relievers and cough drops, require an appropriate order from an approved medical provider. We must have a new medication order each school year. Please do not send medication with your child, as it is illegal for them to carry it on school grounds. Do not hesitate to contact our school nurse, Ms. Rambow at 253-298-3108, if you have questions or desire further information.
Reminders From The Office
Please read these important reminders from the office!
Office Hours ~ 9:00 a.m - 4:30 p.m (Hours vary on early dismissal days)
- If you need to come into the building, please press the intercom button on your right as you look at the front door. This will enable the office to see and hear you and buzz you into the entry if needed.
- Please notify the office of any changes in the way your child will go home at the end of the day. We need this information one hour before dismissal so we have time to get a note to the teacher.
- Call the office if your child will be absent. If they have an appointment, please ask the doctor, dentist, counselor, etc. for a note for school. Offices that treat children are used to giving notes to students for excuses!
- If you need to take your child out of school early, please make sure to come to the office at least 35 minutes before dismissal time. On a regular school day, please be in the office by 3:30 and on an early dismissal day, be in the office by 2:00. You will want to make sure to come early enough so that we can locate your child and so you won't be trapped in the after-school pick-up line! You will need to sign your child out and wait for them to come from their classroom, so allow plenty of time. Thank you for your help!
- If your phone number, email address, or home address changes, please let us know so we have the most up-to-date contact information for you. If your child becomes ill, or otherwise needs your help, we need a way to contact you! Thank you!
Birthday Treat Reminders
Due to safety on the bus and classroom distractions, balloons are not allowed at school, please save them for your child at home.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
We are pleased that Brookdale will once again be participating in the federal Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Program as part of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program.
In a CEP school, ALL enrolled students receive a nutritious breakfast and lunch at no cost during the school year, regardless of family income.
If your child brings a lunch from home and wishes to have only milk, it will cost $.60. Milk by itself is not free in a CEP school. Student meal accounts are still available in CEP schools if parents wish to put money on accounts to purchase milk.
If you have any questions concerning school meals or CEP please contact the Nutrition Services Department at 253-298-4618.
Franklin Pierce Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. Questions and complaints of alleged discrimination should be directed to James Hester, Compliance Coordinator for State and Civil Rights Laws; Wendy Malich, Title IX Officer; or John Sanders, 504/ADA Coordinator at 315 129th ST S, Tacoma, WA 98444-5099 or at (253)298-3000.