Mexican Bark Painting
Using Repeated Lines and Shapes to Create Rhythm
Amate or Bark Paintings
Rubric and Procedures
Amate Bark Painting Rubric
1. Your animal(s) is (are) the largest shape in the painting.
2. There is a one inch blank border framing the painted part of the artwork.
3. Research pictures are used in support of the sketching process.
4. Inside the image area there is no blank space larger than a thumb print.
5. The animal is surrounded by plants and flowers and lines.
6. The artwork is carefully painted:
7. Each shape is completely painted.
8. Black outlines are done last and minimal.
9. Most colors used in the painting have been mixed.
10. Neon colors have an under-painting of white paint.
Analogous Color Scheme Example
Mexican bark used is from mulberry or fig trees.
Construction of the Paper
Standards -from IncredibleArt Department
1-H (9 - 12) Students conceive and create works of visual art that demonstrate an understanding of how the communication of their ideas relates to the media, techniques, and processes they use
1-J (9 - 12) Students initiate, define, and solve challenging visual arts problems independently using intellectual skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
2-G (9 - 12) Students demonstrate the ability to form and defend judgments about the characteristics and structures to accomplish commercial, personal, communal, or other purposes of art
3-E (9 - 12) Students reflect on how artworks differ visually, spatially, temporally, and functionally, and describe how these are related to history and culture
3-H (9 - 12) Students evaluate and defend the validity of sources for content and the manner in which subject matter, symbols, and images are used in the students' works and in significant works by others
4-H (9 - 12) Students describe the function and explore the meaning of specific art objects within varied cultures, times, and places
4-I (9 - 12) Students analyze relationships of works of art to one another in terms of history, aesthetics, and culture, justifying conclusions made in the analysis and using such conclusions to inform their own art making
Resources from http://www.paacf.org/documents/mexbrkpaint.pdf
Kit. West Nyack, N.Y.: Center for Applied
Research in Education. 1994.
La Fuente Imports. “Bark Paintings.”
[Online] Available.
October, 2006.
Octavio Paz and the World Crafts Council.
In Praise of Hands: Contemporary Crafts of
the World. Greenwich, Connecticut: New
York Graphic Society. 1974. p. 145.
Sayer, Chloe. Arts and Crafts of Mexico.
London: Thames and Hudson. 1990.
pp. 83, 84