Evergreen Middle School
August 30, 2024
Message from Principal Collins
Hello Evergreen Families,
Just a few more days left of summer. I sincerely hope you all had a wonder summer and are ready for the beginning of the new school year. Our admin team has been working hard to get ready for this year and our teachers have returned to prepare for the best school year ever.
Families, it’s not too early to start preparing for the first day of school! Enrollment and Verification for the 2024-25 school year is open, and this must be completed before the first day of school. Parents whose children attended FWPS in the 2024-25 school year and are rolling up to the next grade will need to complete the annual verification process to make sure all information is up-to-date and complete important new-year items, like reviewing the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook. Get a head-start on this process by taking a look at the Rights and Responsibilities Handbook now, at www.fwps.org/RightsandResponsibilities;
The first day of school for all of our scholars is September 3rd. We have the same start and end time as we did last year 8:00 am-2:30 pm.
As we come back to school, I want to put out some reminders for those that are new and for those who may need reminding.
Please do not use the bus loop to drop off your children. Drive into our parking lot and drop off your scholars.
We have a no-cell phone policy during school hours. Students must turn them off and place them in their backpacks or pockets.
School Counselors and Your Student’s Return to School
School counselors are key players on the educational team in middle and high schools. They also play a vital role in the return to, or introduction to a school community for students. School counselors strive to help all students be productive learners, adjust to new settings and challenges, and will be there to usher students into their next phase of life, work, and academia.
They also assist students to:
● Develop skills that will help them navigate changing expectations and environments
● Set academic goals
● Select courses that will prepare them for future classes
● Get back on track after facing academic problems
● Build social skills
● Solve problems with friends. This can include mediation or counseling sessions for an individual student or a small group
● Strengthen coping skills, including skills for dealing with bullies or with grief
● Develop study skills
● Make plans for high school and beyond
● Explore and plan for different careers
● Connect with community agencies in times of crisis
● Locate additional professionals for academic and personal support.
With so many roles to play, our counseling team will be busy, as they help each and every family start off the new year with orientations, welcome events, information nights and so much more! Make sure to connect with your student's counseling team members, and encourage children to make use of all the services we offer.
Evergreen would like to welcome all the new students, administration, and staff. We are excited to work with and get to know so many new people this year.
I would like to introduce you to our new staff members:
Mr. Baldwin- 8th grade- English Language Arts
Ms. Cheever- 6th grade- Science
Ms. Gonzalez- 7th grade Social Studies/Dual Language
Ms. Hernandez- 7th grade- Dual Language
Mr. Hughes- 6th grade- Math
Ms. Wilson-Garcia- Spanish
Ms. Zirkle- 7th grade- Social Studies
Mr. Wilkins- Instructional Coach
We are excited to welcome our new staff members into the Grizzly Family.
Incoming 6th Graders
I can’t wait to meet all of our incoming 6th graders. On Friday, Aug. 30th our doors will be open for our 6th graders starting at 9:00 am -1:00 pm. Students will be able to pick up their schedules, get a tour of the building, and spend some time with some of our amazing scholar leaders and teachers.
In partnership,
Mrs. Collins
Principal Evergreen Middle School
253 945 5100
Back to School Resource Hub
The first day of school for grades K-12 is on Tuesday, September 3. Make sure you have all
the information needed for a great start to a fantastic year by checking out the Back to
• Bus Routes (Available August 21)
• Childcare (Before and After School)
• Enrollment and Verification (Complete by September 3)
• ParentVUE (Courses, Grades, etc.)
You can also find information about what’s new in FWPS, and articles to help you prepare for
the school year, and more!
Explore the FWPS Back to School Resource Hub
Class Schedules
Class schedules will be passed out on the first day of school. Your schedule may have changed since it was posted in June. Schedule pick up location below (Tue 9/3):
6th Grade- outside front entrance
7th Grade- Gym
8th Grade- Gym
Bikes & Scooters
All bikes and scooters will need to stay outside. Please bring a lock for safe keeping. Evergreen is not responsible for personal items brought to school.
Associated Student Body (ASB) Funds
Associated Student Body (ASB) funds are public monies raised on behalf of students, and are used for optional, extra-curricular events of a cultural, athletic, recreational, or social nature.
Scholars participating in sports, and after-school activities must purchase an ASB card. See the link below for possible fee waiver qualifications. Scholars with an ASB card can get a discount on sports admission tickets.
Order Your Yearbook NOW!
Yearbook sales are now open through September 30th. Yearbooks are $25. Pre-order yours before the price increases. Click the picture above to purchase online or come to the front office.
Sports Information
Evergreens Athletic Director: Dennis Pichette 253-945-5167 or dpichett@fwps.org
Middle school sports season is divided into four seasons
Fall: Sept-Nov- Cross Country, Football & Fast Pitch (softball)
Winter #1: Nov- Feb- Girls Basketball, Boys & Girls Wrestling
Winter #2: Feb-Apr- Boys Basketball, Gymnastics, Intra Soccer
Spring: Apr-June- Baseball, Girls Volleyball, Track & Field
ALL FWPS ATHLETICS INFORMATION: https://www.fwps.org/departments/athletics
1. Turn in a recent sports physical to the school. The physicals are good for 2 years. (link above includes sports physical forms for you and the doctor to complete). Below is information about available clinics to request a physical.
2. Register your child online via FinalForms : Please register at: https://federalway-wa.finalforms.com/
3. Purchase an ASB card from the front office or online. $15
About FinalForms:
All FWPS scholar-athletes will use FinalForms, to complete athletic participation
This service streamlines the paperwork process by allowing you to complete and sign athletic
participation forms for your students online and saving data from season-to-season and year to-year.
This means that you will never need to enter the same information twice! You may review
your child’s data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update.
Join Evergreen PTO!
Welcome Back to School Grizzlies! Exciting news as we now have an Evergreen PTO and we hope you join. We want to hear the voices of parents and bring the community together.
Sign up below:
Important Dates
**** Yearbook $25 & ASB cards $15 on sale now. Purchase online or in person: https://evergreen.fwps.org/resources/fwps-payment-portal
09/03 Tue- First Day of School! Welcome back to a new school year.
09/03 Tue- First day of sports tryouts. All athletes must have a sports physical turned into the office, register on Final Forms, and pay $15 for an ASB card.
09/03-09/04- Washington State Fair Tickets will be passed out during 0 hour class
09/10 Tue- School pictures. Picture packets will be sent home with your student
09/16 Mon- Fall Fundraiser Kick Off! Sell cookie dough and win cool prizes! (fundraiser ends 9/30)
09/18 Wed- Middle School Open House- Time to be determined