Viers Mill Elementary School
Weekly Sunday Message - November 17, 2024
This is Mr. Hawkins, Principal of Viers Mill Elementary School, with our weekly Sunday message. We truly appreciated having so many parents and caregivers join us for our Open House and Math Fair this past week! Our families are such meaningful partners in helping our students grow, and these wonderful community events truly help strengthen the connections and relationships that we strive to foster. Please read through our message below with information about upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences, school closures, attendance reminders, and more!
Parent-Teacher Conferences on November 25 and 26
We have early release days (with 12:55 p.m. dismissal) on Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26 for Parent-Teacher Conferences. Our staff is in the process of scheduling conference dates and times with families, as well as coordinating any language interpretation requests for these meaningful conversations. To assist families with preparing for these conferences, please click on the following links for resources--ENGLISH or SPANISH.
Attendance Reminders
Please continue to ensure that your child attends school and arrives on time each day so that we can promote our students' success. Montgomery County Public Schools and our Viers Mill staff are continuing to monitor chronic absenteeism which is defined as any student missing 10% or more of school days for BOTH excused and unexcused absences. We are seeking to reduce chronic absenteeism through partnering with our families and providing an achievable goal of not having any student miss more than 3 days each marking period (or 12 days total in a school year). Finally, please remember that your child is marked late if they arrive to class (not enter the school building) after 9:00 a.m. Students arriving by car or as walkers must enter through our main entrance if arriving after 9:00 a.m. and be signed in by a parent/caregiver.
Free Shipping for Viers Mill Spiritwear
If you are interested in purchasing Viers Mill Spiritwear, there is FREE SHIPPING being offered now through November 21. Please click HERE to visit the spiritwear website.
Virtual PTA Meeting on Tuesday, December 3
Our Virtual Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meeting will take place on Tuesday, December 3, from 7:00-8:00 p.m. We hope that all families log into this monthly meeting to provide all PTA members, families, and school administration with your input to enhance our school community and experiences for our students. Mr. Hawkins and Ms. Lee will also provide school updates and answer questions that you may have. To join the Zoom Meeting, please refer to the details below.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 815 3266 7390
Passcode: vmes
Upcoming Dates and Events
Monday, November 25 and Tuesday, November 26: Early Release Days for Parent-Teacher Conferences (12:55 p.m. Dismissal)
Wednesday, November 27 - Friday, November 29: Schools and Offices Closed
Tuesday, December 3: Virtual PTA Meeting (7:00 p.m.)
December 21 - January 1 - Winter Break (schools and offices closed; school resumes on January 2)
Viers Mill Elementary School
Matthew Hawkins
Matthew is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters