Crabapple Crossing Elementary
School Newsletter
October 25, 2019
From the Assistant Principal
Happy Friday Colt Families,
Our week kicked off with great news as we closed out our 2019 GLO for IT fundraiser and exceeded our goal of $100,000! We raised $127, 599 with 1801 donations! That is incredible to say the least! The GLO fairies visited classrooms last night and delivered a prize bag for EVERY student in this building whether they raised funds or not and for that we are grateful! Students will be coming home with their prize bags today. Every student at CCE will benefit from the funds raised. We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated fundraising team!
Our CCRPI scores were released this morning and we are proud to say that our overall score is a 93.1 (A) with a 5 star School Climate-Star Rating. These results show the great support of our parent community and the hard work of our excellent staff at CCE. By working together, we are ensuring the academic success of your children.
Not only are we proud of our school, we are thrilled to work in a district where we truly focus on putting students first. Check out these accomplishments:
- FCS outperformed the state in all levels
- FCS’s overall CCRPI increased
- CCRPI averages increased at all levels – Elementary, Middle and High Schools
- 67 schools increased their CCRPI score
- FCS reduced the number of schools that received an “F” rating
- 85 schools received a 4 or 5 Climate Star Rating
Next week is sure to be a fun filled week! See all of the Red Ribbon Week details below. Have a great weekend.
Red Ribbon Week Starts Monday!
Red Ribbon Week is October 28- November 1 with the theme:
"Send A Message. Stay Drug Free."
Please make note of the following dress up days:
Monday - I am RED-Y to Say NO to drugs!-Wear as much RED as possible.
Tuesday - It’s CRAZY to do drugs! Students can have fun and be creative with their outfits- mismatched day, crazy socks, shoes, hair.
Wednesday - I am too BRIGHT for drugs! Wear neon and sunglasses.
Thursday - My Character counts because I am drug free! - Dress like a book character - NO masks
Friday - Wake up drug free!- Wear pajamas to school.
- March 24, 2020 (GA Presidential primary election) will be a teacher workday.
- April 21, 2020 (state-wide election) will be a student Digital Learning Day and a teacher professional development day.
- May 19, 2020 (state-wide election) will be a student Digital Learning Day and a teacher professional development day.
Since April 21 and May 19 are state-wide election days, there is high-volume participation of the public at polling stations located in our schools, and this increases the potential for security concerns.
By utilizing digital learning activities, students will be able to maintain their focus on instruction even though they are not on campus. This also allows staff the opportunity to participate in high-quality professional development to deepen their knowledge and skills.
Thank you for your support and flexibility. Dr. Mike Looney
PTO News
A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped make our GLO FOR IT fundraiser SO successful this year, all of the volunteers behind the scenes, sub committees and especially Co-Chairs Candice Selby and Jennifer Fratesi. They have run this amazing fundraiser for 5 years and are "retiring” but are willing to support and provide their expertise during the transition.
This year we are in need of a new team to take over GLO FOR IT. It is a wonderful opportunity for a team of parents to continue the great work moving forward. Please email us if you are interested in learning more and we will invite you to the information meeting in the future.
We will celebrate our success at GLO Day on Friday, November 8th. Details will be in next week's newsletter. We are also in need of A LOT volunteers that day. If you can help, sign up here.
It’s not too late for families to join PTO for $30! Click here to join. Please contact us at with any questions, suggestions or concerns! Also, follow us on Twitter at @CCES_Colts_PTO or on Facebook by searching Crabapple Crossing Elementary School - Colts.
On time All the time!
CCE Yearbooks On Sale!
CCE YEARBOOKS ARE ON SALE NOW! Place your order by going to:
- Yearbooks are $26.00 now until January 14th
- January 15th they will go up to $30.00
- Last day to buy yearbooks April 15th!
***Attention all 5th grade parents*** New this year the 5th grade ads will be done online by you and is free!
Click on the picture that looks like this on the website, and add to your cart.
If you have any questions please call the Balfour Marketplace parent order/ad builder hot line : 1-800-944-5930 (It does say for all 6th grade parents by default on the website, but it’s for 5th at our school)
If you have questions regarding your yearbook order, please contact Katelynn Pappas
Community events
Upcoming Events
10/28-11/1 Red Ribbon Week
10/31 Book Character Day
11/5 Professional Development Day - No School for Students
11/6 Picture Re-takes (change from original date)
11/6 5th Gr. Rock Eagle Parent Meeting
11/8 GLO Day Celebration
11/12 2nd Gr. Concert, 6:30 pm
11/14-15 5th Gr. Rock Eagle Trip
11/15-22 Fall Book Fair
11/19 Katie Reeves' Community Meeting, Webb Bridge MS, 9:30 am
11/19 K, 1st and 4th Grade Thanksgiving Feast, Cafeteria
11/20 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Grade Thanksgiving Feast, Cafeteria
11/20 Katha Stuart's Community Meeting, Mountain Park ES, 9:30 am
11/25-29 Thanksgiving Holidays
About Us
Asst. Principal: Denise Haltrecht Strother
Northwest Learning Community & Milton Cluster
Grades: KK - 05
Location: 12775 Birmingham Highway, Milton, GA 30004, United States
Phone: 470-254-7055