
Dear Parents,
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Please remember as the first semester comes to an end, EDM and lunch balances must be paid in full.
Next week is our Christmas programs, we hope you can join us in our celebration:
- Monday at 6pm, grades K-4
- Wednesday at 6pm, PreK
Have a wonderful week,
Mrs. Weaver
Balloons Over Broadway
Thanksgiving Activities
3rd Grade Friendsgiving
Kindergarten had Mr. Bishop (Mrs. Carmer's dad!) come in and talk about Native American clothing and dances.
Middle Schoolers used coding to make their balloons follow their parade routes.
3rd Grade Friendsgiving
Kindergarten had Mr. Bishop (Mrs. Carmer's dad!) come in and talk about Native American clothing and dances.
Middle Schoolers used coding to make their balloons follow their parade routes.
A Day in the Life of a Spartan
Middle School STEM
First graders made foil Mayflower boats and estimated the number of penny pilgrams each boat would hold. They tested their design in water and got their actual number by adding pennies until the boats took on water. The best design was able to hold 105 Pennies!
Author Jonathan Miller, a fantastic artist and writer. He spoke to the kids about how many hours it took him to do his art, how he had to spend hours doing preparation/planning to complete his beautiful books.
Christmas Programs
Pastoral Plan
Go Forth in Joy & Hope as Missionary Disciples!
Archdiocesan Pastoral Plan
A process is underway whereby representatives from throughout southern and central Indiana are helping to write a strategic Pastoral Plan for the archdiocese. While a steering committee—made up of a diverse assortment of women and men from various parts of our archdiocese—is helping to shepherd this project, much input is being gathered through several listening sessions as well as an online survey.
Here are the links to the Pastoral Plan information and survey, Take the online survey
English Listening Session (Spanish listed in attachment):
November 6 at St. Luke, Indianapolis from 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Spanish Listening Sessions:
November 5 at Catholic Center from 6:30 - 8:30 pm
November 21 at St. Mary's, New Albany from 6:30 - 8:30 pm
School Communication
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is the primary law in the United States that governs SMS marketing and requires businesses to obtain written consent before sending text messages to consumers. Parents and Staff must OPT IN one time to receive School text messages.
*See directions above*
Once completed, you will receive all messages sent as texts by the school.
Stoles for the Parish
We are looking for someone who loves to sew and would be interested in making baptismal stoles for the parish. We would pay for the cloth - you would donate your skill. We give about 60 a year to infants, children, and adults who are joining our Catholic community. If interested, please contact me at jabdoulaye@saintsusanna.com
Extended Daycare Ministry Payments
Extended Daycare Ministry (EDM) is our daycare program. It is a self-supporting program whose operating budget is separate from our school. We ask our families who use this program to keep a positive balance in their account by estimating their upcoming usage and applying money to their account. Supervision charges will then reduce from this balance. You do not need to wait for a statement to apply money to your account. Deposits/payments may be made at anytime for any amount online via bank account transfer or credit card with no additional fees at www.saintsusannaschool.com/pay. Please do not send cash payments in an envelope with your child to ensure they are not lost. Cash payments must be made in person with Ms. Brown at the reception window. Payments are posted when received. Statements to help you track your positive balance are sent bimonthly depending upon school breaks. The first statement each year will be sent after August 31 as we adjust our enrollment with the start of the new school year. Charges are based at $6 per hour for the first child in the family and $1 per hour for each additional child in the same family attending at the same time. Charges are based on actual recorded in/out times rounded to the quarter hour. Snacks are offered and billed at 70-cents per item and are separate from the lunch program. There is a one-time charge of $15 for registration fee per school year charged at the first use of EDM each year. All charges must be paid in full at the end of each semester-Christmas break and the end of the school year. Families with outstanding balances may be restricted from further use of this program. If you need assistance with keeping your EDM account current or have billing questions, please email Kandi Carson at kcarson@saintsusanna.com.
Uniform Reminders
- All pants must have belt loops, NO drawstring pants
- All students wearing pants must have belts
- All polos must have the St. Susanna Logo on them
- All jumpers must be the St. Susanna Plaid (Blue, red, and white)
- Next Uniform Sales will be
- Friday, December 6th, from 3:30-5 at the Parish Center
If you have any questions, please email kweaver@saintsusanna.com
CYO Sports 24-25 Registration Information
Saint Susanna Advent Night and Christmas Eve Pageant
Saint Susanna Catholic Church - Helpful Information for School Families
St. Susanna Church Information
Cardinal Ritter Updates
Make an appointment for your child to spend the school day with us and see what a day at Cardinal Ritter looks like. https://www.cardinalritter.org/page/raider-for-the-day
Just a friendly reminder, applications for next year open on October 18th. Get your applications in early to avoid any anxiety as your child moves onto high school. https://www.cardinalritter.org/page/application-process
Lunch Payment Policy Updates
In order for our cafeteria to be self-sufficient, we must receive regular and timely payments from those who participate in the hot lunch program. As such, I have updated our lunch policies accordingly. Please see below for the excerpt from the attached Student Parent Handbook:
- For any student with a negative cafeteria balance, the student will continue to be eligible for a hot or cold lunch and milk; however, they will not be eligible for extra servings or any a la carte items including bottled water, until the account is brought positive. Students are always welcome to bring their own refillable water bottles to lunch with them.
- Preferred: www.myschoolbucks.com Payments made through MySchoolBucks credit to a student’s account automatically and accounts are updated without delay. Previously setup accounts will continue to work throughout your child’s time at Saint Susanna. Accounts can be set up with the lunch number that will come home in your child’s back-to-school packet. This system also shows parents all of the charges and credits to a student’s account.
- Alternate Method of Payment: Payments made outside of the MySchoolBucks system are subject to delay in crediting your student’s lunch account: 1) Online via www.saintsusanna.com/pay 2) Check sent via backpack mail to Mrs. Carson’s attention clearly describing the amounts to be applied to each student account. Do not send cash.
Safe Environment Training
All volunteers must have a background check and completed safe environment training through the Archdiocese's Safe Parish system. All volunteers' background checks are monitored quarterly. All volunteers must be registered in the Safe Parish system before they can volunteer. Instructions for registering and training are in the newsletter each week (see below).
In order to volunteer in our school building during the day or attend field trips as a chaperone, you must have current safe environment training on file with us. This requirement includes safe environment training and a basic background check through the Archdiocese.
To obtain a new training and background check:
- Go to the website www.archindysafeparish.org
- Create an account.
- You will need a passcode in order to create an account. The passcode is Archindy2021
- Complete the background check for school or parish VOLUNTEER and select Saint Susanna as a recipient of your information.
- Complete the training video and questions.
Please allow up to two weeks for this process to be completed.
Volunteer Opportunities
The service hour tracking form can be found here and a copy will be sent home in the back-to-school packets. We ask that each family complete five service hours this school year. These hours can be completed during school or parish events.
PTA Events
Easy Fund-Raising for Saint Susanna Catholic School!
Box Tops for Education
Here’s how it works:
- Step 1: Download the new Box Tops App (iTunes or Google Play) – it’s free
- Step 2: Create a username and connect it to your child’s school
- Step 3: Scan your grocery store receipt. Items with the new Box Tops label will be automatically credited to your school
Does this mean I should stop sending in my paper Box Tops that I have already clipped? No! Continue to send those to the school!
Kroger Community Rewards
Information on the Kroger Community Rewards program can be found here on their website or under the "rewards" tab in your Kroger app. You will need to search for the exact name of our organization as SAINT SUSANNAS SCHOOL PTP . From there, you can link your Kroger card with our organization and a portion of your spending at Kroger will come to us.
File Downloads
About Us
St. Susanna Catholic School's mission is to provide a Christ-centered, quality education that prepares and inspires its students to excel as they progress in their scholastic careers. Based on Catholic teachings, our students and staff exemplify the value of faith, service, love, and respect in all situations and with all people.
Email: kweaver@saintsusanna.com
Website: www.saintsusannaschool.com
Location: 1212 East Main Street, Plainfield, IN, USA
Phone: 317-839-3713
Facebook: facebook.com/stsusannaschool