Toll Gate Tidbits
March 14, 2025
A Note from Mrs. Lauri
Greetings Toll Gate Families,
I hope this note finds you well. As the weather starts to warm, and the spring approaches, we will begin our third trimester at Toll Gate. It is hard to believe that we only have a few short months left to the school year. The next several months will be dedicated towards continuing to learn and grow while celebrating student success, and creating memorable experiences for the students.
We were fortunate this month to provide our students with several assemblies. Earlier in the month, students in grades K-2 were treated with an Earth Science Circus courtesy of Mercer County Clean Communities. Just today, students in grades 3-5 had the pleasure of hearing Hopewell Valley Central High School Choir perform. We were in awe of their talent! This past week, as a school community, we kicked off the Kids Heart Challenge with an assembly provided by the American Heart Association. Linked below you will find additional information regarding signing up to make a donation or learn hands only CPR. Throughout the next two weeks, we will be sharing information about heart health through the morning announcements.
Next Tuesday, March 18th, we will be participating in National SEL Day. Our students will spend the day with their buddy classes engaging in activities on cooperation, partner reading, and rotating through a variety of challenges in the special area courses. Please be reminded that March 18th is an early dismissal day for our students.
We are looking forward to our school Book Fair next week. The book fair will be open for families to attend on Monday, Wednesday & Thursday from 3:45 -6:30. The 5th graders will be running a bake sale during the book fair in the front loop from 3:30-5:00 pm All items will be $1.00 and all proceeds will benefit the Toll Gate 5th grade class of 2025.
As always, please reach out with any questions.
With Thanks,
Melissa Lauri
Telesafe for Daily Attendance & Attendance Letters
It is pertinent that we have accurate daily attendance to ensure the safety of your children. If your child will be absent or will be reporting to school late, please call our Telesafe line at 609-737-4008, option 2. Please refrain from only emailing the classroom teacher and Ms. Smith, the school nurse, to report attendance. In the event a teacher or Ms. Smith is absent for the day, only Telesafe is checked for absences, their emails are not. Ms. Smith will continue to call home to ensure your child's safety, if your child is not in school and we did not receive a phone call through telesafe stating that would be absent.
During the month of March, we will be sharing out letters to families to notify you of how many absences your child/children have. Any student that has accrued has more than 6 absences will be sent a letter. Please know that if you receive a letter, it is just for information purposes. You be not be required to take any action.
Student Illnesses
Please remember that a student must be fever free, without medication, for 24 hours, before returning to school from ANY illness that includes fever as a symptom.
After an illness involving nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea, students should remain home until eating and drinking normally and symptoms have resolved.
Please remember to call the Telsafe line, 609-737-4008, option 2, for any absence and tardiness.
Please reach out to the health office for any questions.
Smart Watches & Cell Phones
Please be reminded that students are prohibited from using Smart Watches and Cell Phones during the school day. Our expectation is that student devices are off and away during the day. In the event you need to contact your child during the school day, please call the main office at 609-737-4008.
Clothing Needed for the Nurse's Office
Ms. Smith is looking for sweatpants or shorts in sizes 8-14 that she can offer to students in the event a child falls & gets their clothing dirty or has an accident. If you have gently worn clothing you are able to donate, we are happy to accept any donations we can get!
School Safety Reminders
Please be reminded that parents will be required to show photo identification when picking students up from school early or when entering the building. It is also required that all visitors have an appointment prior to arriving to the school to meet with school personnel. All visitors must sign in to the main office and obtain a visitors badge. In the event you need to pick your child up from school early or you have a change in pick up, please email TGMainoffice@hvrsd.org.
Green Week Student Expo
We are excited to share the plans for our fourth annual Toll Gate Green Week Student Expo. It will be held on Earth Day, Tuesday, April 22nd. Students in grades 3-5 are invited, but not required, to create a project around a Global Climate Issue to present at the Student Expo.
Students in grades K-5 will visit the Green Week Student Expo during school hours to learn about Global Climate Issues. Parents will also be invited to visit the Student Expo, which will be held in the gym, on Tuesday, April 22nd from 3 - 3:30 pm.
View this slide deck for more information.
Sign up via Google Form by Friday, March 21st.
Presentations to be dropped off to the Media Center the morning of Tuesday, April 22nd.
Email Mrs. Kampe (kimberlykampe@hvrsd.org) with any questions you may have about the Toll Gate Green Week Student Expo.
Upcoming Events
3/14- PTO Skate Night
3/17-3/21- TG Book Fair
3/18- Early Dismissal for Students
3/19- Grade 2 Trip to Brandywine
3/21- HVEF Above & Beyond Gala 6:30pm
3/24- Trimester 2 report cards will be available
3/26- PTO STEM Night 6-8pm
3/31-4/4- Spring Break
4/10- 3rd Grade Trip to the Franklin Institute
4/18- No School Good Friday
4/22- Green Week Expo
4/23 Spring Assembly
2/25- 5th Grade Trip to Liberty Science Center
4/26- PTO Spring Social
Save the Date- More information to follow
PTO Trenton Thunder Game - June 4th