Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Bridgeview School
Per the BV Police Department: Please do not block residential driveways during student arrival or student dismissal. This will be monitored.
Student Arrival
Door 1 (Main Entrance) for walkers and car riders
Door 7 (Gym Vestibule Door - from playground) for walkers and car riders
Door 3 (Gym Vestibule Door - from parking lot) for BUS RIDERS ONLY!
Door 1
Door 7
Door 3
Drop off Lane
For safety reasons, please do not drop your student(s) off on Thomas OR on either side of 78th Street east of Thomas Avenue.
Want to Walk Your Child to the Entrance in the Morning?
During arrival, there is NO PARKING in the following areas:
- There is NO PARKING on Thomas in front of the school during arrival. We need to keep this lane clear for the buses as they pull around to the rear of the building to drop off students.
- There is NO PARKING on the east side of Thomas, north of 78th Street. This causes major traffic congestion.
- There is NO PARKING on either side of 78th Street, east of Thomas. This causes traffic congestion as we get cars out of the drop off lane.
Please refer to the "Arrival and Dismissal Map" below for a visual of these procedures.
Also note that between 8AM and 4PM on school days, Thomas Avenue (south of 78th Street) is a one way street heading south.
Student Dismissal @ 2:30PM
Student safety is the number one priority and we always make sure to take attendance and account for our bus riders before dismissing the walkers/car riders. As our students and staff adjust to dismissal procedures, we will get quicker with dismissing walkers at the 2:30 bell.
For Our Bus Riders
Don't Be Late!
8:10AM 1st Bell
8:15AM Tardy Bell
2:30PM School Dismissed
All students arriving late to school (after 8:15AM) must report to the office for a tardy slip. Continuous tardiness may constitute disciplinary consequences. Our goal is for all students to arrive at school on time each day. When students are late, they miss instructional opportunities. Please keep in mind that students arriving after 9:15AM are no longer considered tardy, but will instead receive a half day absence.
Being late is detrimental to all students' learning, especially if it occurs on a consistent basis. Be sure to do all you can to prevent tardiness. Your child will thank you for it!
Bridgeview Elementary School
Email: cdelprete@isd109.org
Website: www.isd109.org
Location: 7800 S Thomas Ave Bridgeview, IL 60455
Phone: 708-496-8713
Twitter: @BVGoBobcats