Elementary School Update

November 28, 2024
Upcoming Events
Thursday, November 28 ~ Founder’s Day Cocktail (6 pm)
Friday, November 29 ~ Founder’s Day Holiday (school closed)
Friday, December 6 ~ ES Concert Assembly
Friday, December 6 ~ Holiday Sweater Day (worn with uniform pants & school shoes)
Wednesday, December 11 ~ Sports Jersey Day (worn with uniform pants & school shoes)
Monday, December 16 ~ Micro ouvert
Wednesday, December 18 ~ Pajama Day
Thursday, December 19 ~ Holiday Accessories Day (worn with regular uniform or replacing items of regular uniform)
Thursday, December 19 ~ Last Day of Classes (full day)
Need to Know
Elementary School (ES) Trimester 1 Reports: The ES Trimester 1 report card was sent home electronically earlier this week from registrar@selwyn.ca. If you did not receive it, please contact Ms. Poulin (poulink@selwyn.ca).
Special concert assembly dress: On Friday, December 6 Elementary School students need to bring a large plain long sleeved shirt with no collar to wear during the Elementary School Concert Assembly. The theme of the Concert Assembly is “Ancient Times”.
Holiday Cheer at Selwyn House!: The whole school is invited to participate in the special dress days to celebrate the festive season (see poster). The first day is Holiday Sweaters on Friday December 6. Students may wear a holiday sweater with their uniform pants and school shoes. Students are expected to wear full SHS uniform if they aren’t participating in the holiday themed days.
Student Initiative ~ Book Drive for Westmount Park School: To kick off the holiday season, our Community Service Squad is launching its first collection campaign! From December 2 to 6, they will be gathering gently used children’s books to share with the students at Westmount Park School. Collection boxes will be available outside the 4B classroom. Let’s spread some holiday cheer—please encourage your son to bring in gently used or new books to help brighten the holidays for these young readers! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ms. Segal.
Micro ouvert: Lundi 16 décembre prochain aura lieu le premier Micro ouvert de l'année. Les garçons de la 1re à la 6e année sont invités à préparer un court texte en français (maximum 1 minute). Il peut s'agir d'un extrait de roman, d'un poème, d'une histoire, d'une scène de théâtre, d'une fable, d'un court texte à propos d'une passion, d'une idole, d'une personne influente, etc. Les inscriptions sont jusqu'au 2 décembre. Les places sont limitées! Les textes écrits par les élèves sont grandement encouragés! Les élèves bien préparés pour présenter leur texte augmentent leur chance d'être sélectionnés pour cet évènement. NOUVEAUTÉ: Pour la 1re fois, les parents des élèves qui présentent sont invités à venir assister au Micro ouvert! Comme à l'habitude, des photos seront prises et les prestations seront filmées. Bonne préparation!
Holiday Marketplace at SHS next Thursday, December 5 from 8:30am-5pm:
The PVA will host a Holiday Marketplace to raise funds for Resilience Montreal. They will be selling gently used items and baked goods. Elementary School teachers will take their class to visit the Holiday Marketplace in the Rossy Agora. If you would like your child to participate, please send your child a small amount of money to buy items and support this worthwhile cause.
Friendly reminder that next week is our Holiday Marketplace! All money raised will benefit Resilience Montreal, a non-profit day shelter here in Montreal. It's a great opportunity for parents to get involved! Sign up if you can contribute baked goods and/or volunteer for a shift. We are still collecting gently used items (puzzles, games, holiday decorations, sporting goods, you name it!), with "car trunk" drop offs next Monday and Tuesday December 2nd and 3rd. Thank you so much for all your help!
A Message from Public Health: With the changing seasons, it’s a good time to focus on prevention and staying informed. Click on the following links to read how to support the health and well-being of ourselves and others (in French only): Seasonal Newsletter, Guidelines for managing symptoms and resources in cases of respiratory illnesses.
Elementary Concert Assembly: There will be a short, informal music assembly for the elementary students on Friday, December 6 from 2:15 to 3:00 pm in Coristine Hall. Each grade will perform a song. The theme of the concert this year is ancient times. Parents are always welcome at our ES assemblies; however, it is just an assembly, not a polished concert. Class performances will be very short. The assembly will be filmed and shared with parents.