The Bulldog Beat
Friday, October 4th, 2024
Hello Bulldog families!
We're thrilled to spotlight the incredible achievements of our Journalism classes this year! These dedicated students have been working tirelessly to keep our school community informed and connected.
- Consistently showcasing school events through stunning photography
- Providing in-depth coverage of Beveridge's activities and achievements
- Demonstrating exceptional reporting and writing skills
We couldn't be prouder of our budding journalists. Their commitment to excellence truly embodies the Bulldog spirit!
Check out the Beveridge Paw Print!
JoAnna Hale
Beveridge Middle School Principal
Fall Parent-Teacher Conferences
Beveridge Middle will be hosting Student-Led Conferences on Wednesday, October 16 and Thursday, October 17. All conferences on these dates will be in-person.
To schedule a conference time:
- Click your student's grade level registration link to access the signup sheet.
- Review the options and select the spot that works for you.
- If you have multiple students at Beveridge, complete the registration individually for each child.
6th Grade Sign Up: 6th Grade Link
7th Grade Sign Up: 7th Grade Link
8th Grade Sign Up: 8th Grade Link
If these dates do not work for your family, please email your student's Advisory teacher to set up an alternate time and date to meet. We want everyone to participate in conferences!
Similar to last year, conferences will be a blend of both student-led experiences in the cafeteria and traditional one-on-one meetings with individual teachers in the gym.
Near-perfect attendance (1 day or less of unexcused absences). Remember, 1 day counts as 415 minutes, and minutes from tardies add up!
No suspensions or SSC (Saturday School).
Final Week Requirements (October 28th - November 1st):
2 or fewer tardies
No failing grades
Dance Clinic Information
Yearbook 2024-2025
Created by 8th grade student Inessa West.
Coat Drive and Giveaway Information
Embracing Girl Power on Purpose
Math Tutoring/Acceleration Information
We were gracious enough to have Mr. Sand, a recently retired professor of mathematics and physics at College of Saint Mary, volunteer his time at Beveridge once a week to tutor math students on Wednesdays after school from 3:20-4:20. Please email me (joanna.hale@ops.org) if you are interested in this service for your student.
From the Sports Desk
Hello Beveridge sports fans and families! We are almost finished with season 1 sports - it flew by! I have some important information and dates to share before we get into the weekly highlight reel...
Cross Country City Finals - AT Bryan Middle School on Tuesday October 8th. 3:30 start time.
Volleyball Playoffs - Round 1 Thursday October 10 (TBA based on seeding) - Round 2 (TBA based on seeding) Stay tuned for when and where our girls will be playing.
Football Finals - Tuesday October 15th (TBA based on seeding)
Back to the weekly highlights... Our girls Volleyball team is having an amazing season. We played Lewis and Clark at home on Tuesday and suffered a 3 set loss from the Trailblazers. Our lady Bulldogs travel to McMillan to face the Monarchs on Thursday 10-3. McMillan is currently undefeated. Good luck girls!
X-Country traveled to Hitchcock Park for the Marrs Middle Invitational on Wednesday. Here are some of the results from our runners:
7th Grade Girls - 3rd place - Alexa Guerrero 15:36:48
10 place - Alexi Guerrero 17:00:21
14th place - Avery Feeney 17:14:38
7th Grade Boys - 10th place - Samuel Brons 14:08:43
8th Grade Girls - 3rd place - Nina Goosen 17:16:62
5th place - Liz Lehl 17:55:53
8th Grade Boys - 4th place -Zeke Mayle 12:28:11
6th place - Xavier Cortez 12:49:84
Football - Our football team hosted the McMillan Monarchs last Friday. It was a beautiful day for a football game and our Bulldogs made quick work of the Monarchs defeating them 40-6. Our squad will be on the road for the first time this year, traveling to Northwest High School to face Nathan Hale on Thursday 10-3. Good luck Bulldogs! We are back at home on Friday October 11th to face the Monroe Mustangs. Bring a lawn chair!
Stay tuned for more information next week....
Chad Wachholtz
Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Beveridge Magnet School
Fall Sport Schedules
Please see below for the sports schedule for the 24-25 season.
The volleyball schedule was created by Athena Rejda and another student.
The cross-country schedule was created by Rowen Baptiste.
The football schedule was created by Maddux Becker.
Club Schedules
All clubs are open to Grades 6-8.
Mindfulness Club- First Meeting September 16th in Rm B210. Students will work on reducing stress and improving their focus through art, journaling, and other activities.
Pep Club- Students will be part of a cheering section at all home games. Please see Ms. Worlds in the PAC room to sign up!
Board Games Club- Starts in September! If you enjoy rolling the dice to see where you land, learning fun new games, and making new friends, this club is for you. We have every table board game you can imagine, from Monopoly to Risk to Battleship to Exploding Kittens (no kittens are harmed). All grade levels are welcome to come have some fun. Board Games Club meets from 3:05 to 5:00 PM in the cafeteria on the following dates:
Thursday, September 12th
Thursday, October 10th
Thursday, November 14th
Thursday, December 5th
History Club- Will meet once a month starting in September to prepare for the National History Bee and the National Geography Bee.
African American History Challenge- Will meet once a month soon to prepare for competition. More details to follow.
Quiz Bowl Club-Email Ms. Bass (natalie.bass@ops.org) if your student is interested.
Beveridge PTSA
Need to attend virtually? Click HERE to join online!
Mark your calendars for the remaining 2024-25 dates:
- Monday, 10/28 (6:00 pm @ Beveridge)
- Sunday. 11/24 (6:00 pm, location tbd)
- Monday, 12/16 (6:00 pm @ Beveridge)
- Sunday, 1/27 (6:00 pm, location tbd)
- Monday, 2/24 (6:00 pm @ Beveridge)
- Monday, 3/24 (6:00 pm @ Beveridge)
- Sunday, 4/27 (6:00 pm, location tbd)
- Monday, 5/19 (6:00 pm @ Beveridge)
Not a PTSA member yet? Click HERE to join today!
Health Screenings 7th Grade
Students enrolled in Omaha Public Schools are provided free health screenings in accordance with Nebraska State Statute. Screenings are conducted throughout the school year and may begin as early as August. Students in early childhood, kindergarten, first, second, third, fourth, seventh, and tenth grades are screened for hearing, vision, dental, height, and weight per the rules and regulations set forth by the state of Nebraska. The screening is conducted to help identify health concerns in as early a stage as possible, in an effort to enhance learning. Screening is not intended to be diagnostic, but to identify students with potential problems. Findings that need further evaluation by a health care provider will be sent home. Per Nebraska State Regulations, a parent/guardian may supersede the mandated school health screening by submitting a statement signed by an authorized health care provider attesting that the required screening has been completed in the previous six months. An updated healthcare provider statement must be submitted each school year. Contact your school nurse for any questions regarding screening.
Exámenes de salud Los estudiantes inscritos en las Escuelas Públicas de Omaha reciben exámenes de salud gratuitos de acuerdo con el estatuto del estado de Nebraska. Las evaluaciones se llevan a cabo durante todo el año escolar y pueden comenzar en agosto. Los estudiantes de Educación a Temprana Edad, kínder, primero, segundo, tercero, cuarto, séptimo y décimo grado son evaluados en cuanto a audición, visión, dental, altura y peso según las normas y reglamentos establecidos por el estado de Nebraska. La evaluación se lleva a cabo para ayudar a identificar problemas de salud en la etapa más temprana posible, en un esfuerzo por mejorar el aprendizaje. La evaluación no pretende ser un diagnóstico, sino identificar a los estudiantes con problemas potenciales. Los resultados que necesiten una evaluación adicional por parte de un proveedor de atención médica se enviarán a casa. Según las regulaciones del estado de Nebraska, un padre/tutor puede reemplazar el examen de salud escolar obligatorio presentando una declaración firmada por un proveedor de atención médica autorizado que certifique que el examen requerido se completó en los últimos seis meses. Se debe presentar una declaración actualizada del proveedor de atención médica cada año escolar. Comuníquese con la enfermera de su escuela si tiene alguna pregunta sobre la evaluación
Cell Phone Policy Reminder
Beveridge Care Corner
Beveridge Care Corner
NEW: With a long break coming, we know this may be a strain on family's food budget with students at home. Our Bulldogs Care Pantry is offering food assistance packs for our conference break. Parents need to complete the form by October 14th to ensure a food pack is made up and ready for pick up before break starts. Please complete the form and Ms Kujath, our school social worker, will confirm when it is ready to pick up on either October 16th or October 17th during the day.
Our Bulldogs Care Pantry helps support students and families in our school with basic necessities like food and hygiene products. Families are able to make a request at any time throughout the year. Before breaks and long weekends, it is encouraged to make a request early to ensure you have items needed. Please complete the link and contact the school social worker Ms. Kujath with any questions.
If in need of more perishable items such as milk, meat, cheese, bread, etc., we encourage you to visit our local pantry at Lutheran Church of the Masters off 114th and Center. They provide a pantry the 1st Sunday from 12-2 pm and the 3rd Monday from 4-6pm of each month.
Donations are accepted throughout the year for the Bulldog Care pantry. The greatest needs are mac and cheese, pasta sauce, granola bars, cereal, ramen noodles, dried milk, chef Boyardee, and other non-perishable items.
During the school year, we have various student needs. Our greatest need is deodorant and socks. If you are able to donate, you can drop off donations at the front office for the nurse. Items will be used throughout the year to support all students!
School Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Please review the Drop-Off & Pick-Up procedures detailed below to help ensure a safe and smooth experience before and after school. Every year, the first week of school presents some challenges with transportation. Please be patient with other families and staff. Note, the south lot is for bus traffic and staff parking ONLY.
Click this link for a brief video showing drop-off & pick-up procedures: https://www.wevideo.com/view/2768864092
Drop-Off & Pick-Up in the "Loop"
Drop-Off & Pick-Up in Alternate Spot
Morning Drop-Off Procedures
- Vehicles coming from S 120th Street must turn west onto Woolworth Avenue.
- DO NOT turn left onto S 121st Street.
- Turn left onto S 122nd Street.
- Follow the curve and enter the drop-off loop.
- Stay to the right along the curb and pull forward as far as you can.
- Students may exit their vehicles ONLY CURBSIDE. This is known as the QUICK DROP zone. Students should NOT exit their vehicles from the left lane.
- Vehicles may exit the loop by turning right onto Skylark Drive or proceeding straight onto S 121st Street.
Afternoon Pick-Up Procedures
- Vehicles coming from S 120th Street must turn west onto Woolworth Avenue.
- Parking on 121st Street and waiting for your child is not permitted.
- Stay in line and pull up as far as you can.
- Pick-ups are not permitted along Skylark Drive.
- Once your student is in your vehicle, you may exit the loop by turning right onto Skylark Drive or proceeding straight onto S 121st Street.
- Skylark Drive becomes a ONE WAY road at 3:00 p.m.
- The left lane of Skylark Drive is for left turns only.
- The right lane of Skylark Drive is for right turns only.
Information for Bus Riders
Zūm Parent App
With Zum app, you can better protect your student's safety by:
- Tracking your student’s ride in real-time and receiving ride updates
- Knowing the driver profile and vehicle assigned to transport your student
- Viewing pick-up and drop-off time estimates
- Starting real-time chat with our support team if needed
- Canceling rides when necessary
Download the Zūm App (iOS) (Android) from your carrier’s App Store.
If you have questions or concerns about your child's transportation, their eligibility to receive transportation, a late bus or more, please call the transportation hotline at (531) 299-0140.
Power Up!
All students should have a charged iPad ready for school. Please have your student:
- Plug it in so it's fully charged for the day
- Connect to Wi-Fi so the iPad can update