-Soaring Falcons-
November 2024 Edition
Principal's Message
Dear Falmouth Families,
As we enter the month of November, a time when we reflect on the things we're grateful for, we want to take a moment to express our sincere appreciation to all of our wonderful parents. Your unwavering support, understanding, and partnership play a vital role in making our school community stronger and more connected.
This year has been one of growth and change, and we know that it hasn’t always been easy. Whether it’s adapting to new policies, navigating updated rules, or working together to make sure that our school remains a safe and thriving environment, your cooperation has been invaluable. Your patience and commitment to supporting our students have made all the difference.
The strength of our school lies in the partnerships we build with our families, and your involvement enriches every aspect of what we do. Whether it's helping with school events, volunteering, or simply staying engaged in your child's education, your efforts create an environment where everyone can thrive.
So, as we pause this November to give thanks, we want you to know just how much we value and appreciate you. Together, we are creating a school culture that is not only educational but also supportive, inclusive, and filled with gratitude. Thank you for all that you do—your support means the world to us.
With Love,
Ashley Hall
2024-25 Future Important Dates
November 1 - Ninja Night at Mt. Kim $20.00/child for 4 hours of fun and food (PTO event)
November 13 - Papa John's Delivery Night (PTO event)
December 9-13 - Elf Shop Week (PTO event)
December 14 - Holiday Breakfast with Special Guest SANTA!!! (PTO event)
December 20 - End of 1st Semester
January 8 - Second Semester Begins
January 10 - BINGO (PTO event)
January 15, 17, 22, 24 - Majest Tae Kwon Do in Gym after school (money goes to PE) (PTO event)
February 7 - Sweetheart Dance K-5 (PTO event)
March 7 - Movie Night (PTO event)
March 20 - End of 3rd Nine Weeks
April 11 - BINGO (PTO event)
May 29 - Last Day of School
2024-25 Student Holidays/Teacher Work Days (Building Open unless stated otherwise)
December 20 - No School-Professional Learning Day (Added to the calendar after School Board meeting on 10/8/24)
January 6 - No School-Staff Workday
January 7 - No School-Professional Learning Day
February 14 - No School-Professional Learning Day
March 21 - No School-Staff Workday
April 1 - No School-Professional Learning Day (Added to the calendar after School Board meeting on 10/8/24)
2024-25 School Holidays (Building Closed)
November 5 - Election Day
November 11 - Veterans' Day
November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Break
December 23-January 3 - Winter Break
January 20 - MLK, Jr. Day
February 17 - President's Day
March 24-28 - Spring Break
March 31 - Eid al-Fitr
April 18 & 21 - Good Friday and Easter Monday
May 26 - Memorial Day
PE News
Field Day was a success! K through 3 had 13 different stations while 4th through 5th had 14 stations. The weather is starting to change. Please make sure students are wearing appropriate clothing. Boosterthon will be held November 14th all the way through the 22nd. The Physical Education department wishes all Falmouth families a Happy Thanksgiving!
Mr. Emerson (Mr. E), PE Teacher
Ms. Smith, PE Teacher
Art Room News
Counselors' Corner
Please click here to read our latest news!
Mrs. Brown, Counselor
Mrs. Crane, Counselor
Mrs. Williams, Counselor
Reading Specialist
From: Mr. DuPont (FES ITRT)
Hello FES Families,
Computer knowledge and etiquette are essential 21st century skills. We want our students to be future ready and Falmouth recognizes the importance of developing an understanding of safe, respectful, and responsible technology use. Through the implementation of the Computer Science and Digital Learning Integration Standards of Learning (SOL), we are helping our learners build a solid foundation. Throughout the year we provide activities that introduce topics like coding, cyber security, digital citizenship, robotics, 3D printing, artificial intelligence (AI), and more. We know our Falcons deserve a world class education and we work hard each day to deliver, while also inspiring them to be their best selves. I encourage you to browse some of the outstanding resources we use for technology integration and STEM learning with your children:
Lost and Found
Falmouth Elementary School
Email: beasleyks@staffordschools.net
Website: https://www.staffordschools.net/Domain/11
Location: 1000 Forbes St, Falmouth, VA 22045
Phone: (540) 373-7458
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FalmouthElementarySchool/
Twitter: @schoolfalmouth