Ripon Cathedral School Update
Week ending Friday 8th November 2024
Festival of Remembrance
On Wednesday, eight children from Years 2 to 6 attended a very special service at Ripon Cathedral.
As they have parents in the forces, they were invited to join the Festival of Remembrance, with over 23 schools represented from North Yorkshire and many military and civilian dignitaries. The children joined together to be thankful for the sacrifices of others and remember those no longer with us.
“We all sang ‘All Together Now’. The lyrics tells about the Christmas Day Truce in World War I where, on Christmas Day 1914, soldiers from both sides put their weapons down, and met in no man's land to exchange gifts and play football.” Freya Year 5
“During the service, there were some military families who read letters sent at Christmas during World War 2. They were very moving as they spoke about being apart and how they might not come home.” Martha Year 6
KS2 Football Tournament
Thank you to Miss Haslam who organised a fantastic football tournament for the KS2 children to enjoy on Thursday afternoon. Everyone had a great time with some fabulous skills and sportsmanship on show. Congratulations to the Tigers who were overall winners.
Stars of the Week
Congratulations to this week's stars who were celebrated in our worship time this morning.
Nursery - Melo for growing in confidence in all areas.
Reception - Lunnah for having an amazing attitude to learning, always ready to do her best and challenging herself to complete our 'Star Challenges' independently.
Year 1 - Alexa for using a range of powerful adjectives to describe a setting, well done!
Year 2 - Martha for always being a superstar! Everyday Martha strives to follow our school values. This is very clear in all of her books and the friendships that she has made in the class. What an amazing role model for Year 2!
Year 3 - Isaac for an incredible week of working so hard in every lesson, particularly maths.
Year 4 - Elissa for her enthusiasm in our history lessons, particularly when we looked at the Shang Dynasty.
Year 5 - Scarlett for always being ready to learn and trying her best in everything she does. Well done!
Year 6 - Owethu for having a positive attitude towards his learning and for challenging himself in English.
Children in Need Friday 15th November
On Friday 15th November, Ripon Cathedral School will be participating in Children in Need to raise funds for children facing poverty, mental health conditions and other challenges. The theme for this year's event is gladiators; throughout the day the children will be participating lots of fun gladiator themed activities as well as thinking about the importance and meaning of the day. To get into the Pudsey spirit children may come to school wearing a yellow accessory or one item of clothing e.g. t-shirt, socks with their uniform. We encourage all children to wear items they already own so they are able to make a small donation to Children in Need on ParentPay.
Thank you for your support!
Information Sharing
Tempest Photography
School photographs have taken place today. All proofs will be emailed to first priority contacts on Monday so you can order online. If you do not receive the email by Tuesday, please let Mrs Bingham know on rbingham@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk Thank you.
Oscar's Breakfast and After School Club
The club has become far busier this year and we thank parents for their support. However, the high numbers resulted in some confusion earlier this week. Therefore, we have just emailed out a letter which it is important that all users of Oscar's read, thank you.
Dates for Diaries
Monday 11th November - 10.30am Remembrance Day worship led by Year 5 in the hall, all parents welcome
Wednesday 13th - Friday 15th November - Year 6 London Visit
Wednesday 13th November - Year 5 football tournament finals at Boroughbridge
Friday 15th November - Children in Need - wear something yellow - donations on ParentPay please
Week commencing 18th November - Road Safety Week
Wednesday 20th November - Cross Country Championship
Thursday 21st November - Year 3 visit to Hindu Temple in Bradford
Thursday 28th November - Friends' Christmas Fair (in the school hall 300-4.30pm)
Tuesday 3rd December - Econ Goldie the Gritter Event (Year 6)
Wednesday 4th December - Year 4 Sound Day
Tuesday 10th December - 9am Reception and KS1 Superstars Worship
Wednesday 11th December - School Christmas Dinner, Christmas Jumper Day and Parties
Thursday 12th December - 9am KS2 Superstars Worship
Thursday 19th December- 1.30pm Nativity in the Cathedral
Friday 20th December - Break up for Christmas
Monday 6th January - Training Day
Tuesday 7th January - Return to school
Friends of the School
If you are able to donate any children's books for the ever popular book tombola, please can they brought into the school office. Another big fundraiser at the event is the hamper raffle. Each class has its own theme and if you are able to bring in donations for the hamper, it would be much appreciated. These donations will be collected in the classrooms. Themes are as follows:
Nursery- Christmas
Reception- Sweet Shop
Year 1- Toyshop
Year 2- Yorkshire
Year 3- Indulgence
Year 4- Best of British
Year 5- Around the world
Year 6- Baking
In more exciting news, a disco is being planned and we hope for a date before Christmas!
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Like us and follow us...
Email: admin@riponcathedral.n-yorks.sch.uk
Website: www.riponcathedralschool.org.uk
Location: HG41LT, United Kingdom
Phone: 01765 602355
Facebook: facebook.com/riponcathschool