Smokie Says....
A bi-weekly newsletter for SHE families
Please Read!
Grade Cards will be coming home today. If your child is receiving a summer camp invitation those will be coming home today as well. Please don't hesitate to call me if you need any clarification surrounding these invites. It is amazing to see the growth your children are making. We are so proud of their hard work!
Next Friday, March 29th is a Holiday. No school on this day!
Lunch with your student! Please know you are always welcome to come have lunch with your child. If your student would like to ask one friend to sit with you all they may. Please do not ask more than one child to join you and your student.
Smokie Strut is Friday, April 5th. We will have Spirit Days leading up to STRUT. Please look below to see the schedule the Student Leadership Team has created. The STRUT schedule is attached too, you are welcome to come watch your child run. This is always one of our best days of the year. Make sure your child wears their tennis shoes on this day and dresses in layers as it may be cold in the morning. The PTO will be providing free shirts for every student!
Early Dismissal for Eclipse on Monday, April 8th at 12:42! Adventure Club will be open at this time.
Spring State and End of Year Testing is right around the corner. 2nd and 3rd grade state testing will take place April 15-April 26th. Please make sure your students are at school on time as testing will begin promptly at 8 each morning. It is also really important for you not to schedule any doctor or dentist appointments on these days. Students are not allowed to leave during testing and must make up any test missed. I know it is softball and baseball season but getting to bed early and eating a good breakfast will truly make a difference when they test. Thank you in advance for your help and support. All grade levels will take the spring IReady ELA and Math tests at the end of April and beginning of May. We use these tests to measure their growth from the beginning of the year. Please assure your students that their best is ALWAYS enough.
Dates To Remember:
April 5th- Smokie Strut! Our BIG Fundraiser! Get ready for a great day!
April 15th-30th 2nd and 3rd Grade State Testing
May 3rd- Family Night- SHE Front Lawn 5:30 p.m.
May 8th- Field Day and Prize Day
May 13th- Third Grade Program
May 17th- Last Day of School
Thankful to all our "dads" who have been volunteering as Watch Dogs!
Free and Reduced Lunch Application
Scan here to apply for free and reduced lunch. This link is confidential.
School Bucks
School Cash Online
Thank you for taking the time to read this document.
Sam Houston Elementary - The Best School That We Know!
Location: 330 Melrose Street, Maryville, TN, USA
Phone: 865-983-3241