GIS School Newsletter
APRIL 2024
Important Dates
Tuesday April 2- School Back in Session
Friday April 5- End of Marking Period
Monday April 8- MSTEP Testing Window Opens
Friday April 12- Report Cards go Home
Friday May 10- Progress Reports
Tuesday May 28- 4th Grade Field Day (Make Up May 31)
Wednesday May 29- 5th Grade Field Day (Make Up June 3)
Thursday May 30- 6th Grade Field Day (Make Up June 4)
Wednesday June 5- Tentative Last Day of School- Report Cards Go Home
Points of Pride
- We just finished up a great March is reading month. We had incredible participation by students with all of our themes throughout the weeks. Our read around GIS was a fun activity for students to visit teachers they don't normally get to see and have a book read aloud.
- 6th Grade has finalized dates with Camp Dagget for our annual 6th Grade day camp.
- Staff and Students are prepping for the MSTEP, which will be coming after break.
Summer At-Home Math and Reading
We often get questions on learning opportunities for students over the summer...
GRASP (Grand Rapids Academic Summer Programs) is a correspondence program in reading and math for grades K-8. There is an online version for grades 4-8 as well. The program seeks to help students retain skills learned during the past school year by providing review exercises. Below is an information brochure as well as an enrollment form that you can complete and return to the school no later than April 19th.
Teacher Request For Next School Year Window is Open
Below is a link if you want to request a teacher for your student's 2024-25 academic year. Our teacher request window closes at the end of April.
Please Note: We cannot guarantee any teacher requests. We will consider all requests. However, placements will be based primarily on our students' needs, class sizes, and creating balanced classes. Additionally, there is always the possibility that teachers will not stay in the same positions or teaching teams from year to year.
Our lost and found is piling up down by the gym foyer. If your student has lost an item(s) at school please schedule a time with our main office to come in and retrieve the lost property.
Thank you in advance.
School Pictures Link
Below is the link to Geskus where you can order school photos and a year book. When ordering you will need the personalized code that was provided in the picture packet that went home with your student. If the code has been forgotten or misplaced Geskus support services will be able to retrieve your student specific code.
OKAY2SAY Program
GIS Office Hours: 7:00 AM to 3:30 PM Monday - Friday
GIS Contact Information
Email: Pallasl@gaylord.k12.mi.us
Website: gaylordschools.com
Location: 240 East 4th Street, Gaylord, MI, USA
Phone: 989.731.0856