Ms. Nutt's Newsletter
Austin Elementary
Our Week in Review
Week of September 26-30
We are reading...
*The Night I Followed the Dog
*No Dragons for Tea
*Sprinkles the Fire Dog
*We Found a Hat
*The Mission of Subtraction
*What's the Matter?
Language Arts
*Phonics Workshop - I can read and write high frequency words.
*Readers Workshop - I can have conversations about the books I read.
*Writers Workshop - I can revise, edit and publish my writing.
*Grammar Talk - .Sentences start with a capital letter.
*Handwriting - lower case letters: d and g
*review partners of ten
*introduce subtraction - a whole can be separated into parts
*practice subtraction strategies: count back, minus 1/2, and doubles
*solve word story problems
*review the three types of matter
*describe solids and liquids by their attributes*compare how solids and liquids are alike/different
*discuss changes in matter
*use "pebblego" app to research types of matter
Parent Conferences
I completed "Beginning of the Year" assessments and look forward to sharing the results with you! Parent Conference Week begins October 3. I will be offering times throughout the week and all day on Friday, October 7.
I attached a Google Sign Up sheet with both virtual and in-person time slots. I would love to meet with you in person if at all possible. Visiting with parents helps to build relationships within our school community! That being said, I know you all have very busy schedules and may prefer to meet via Zoom. Click the link to sign up for a convenient time.
*In-person conferences will take place in our classroom - B104.
*Zoom link for virtual conferences: https://coppellisd.zoom.us/j/89327698096?pwd=ajJoSFREYVZ0Zm1GajhrVnhvOGFSZz09
Meeting ID: 893 2769 8096
Passcode: 509755
As a reminder, students will be dismissed early on Thursday, October 6 at 12:30 p.m. / Friday, October 7 through Monday, October 10 is a designated school holiday. School resumes on Tuesday, October 11.
Please email me at snutt@coppellisd.com if you have any questions!
Upcoming Events
Wear tennis shoes to P.E. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Library books are due on Tuesdays.
iPads need to be charged each day.
Please provide headphones for your learner.
Upcoming Dates:
*September 30 - Spirit Assembly - Wear your House colors!
*October 6 - Early Release at 12:30 p.m.
*October 7 - Student Holiday/Parent Conference Day
*October 10 - School Holiday
*October 26 - Picture Day
Stay Connected!
Email: snutt@coppellisd.com
Location: 161 S. Moore Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: 214-496-7340
Twitter: @SharonNutt1C