July Distance Education Newsletter
Kapi‘olani Community College | July 2, 2020
Let's Relax and Grow in July!
Join the TOPP To Go! Summer II Community
The Teaching Online Prep Program (TOPP) To Go! at Kapi‘olani CC saw 230+ participants enrolled during Summer I. In an effort to support as many faculty and staff as possible in prepping for Fall or beyond, the IDS team has decided to offer another round of TOPP To-Go! from July 6 through August 3, 2020.
TOPP To Go! is a 4-week community-based program where participants will be guided through 4 learning modules. This professional development program will be open to anyone in the UH system who wishes to participate. No commitment necessary – we just hope to serve up some bite-sized instructional support to the masses and provide a space for everyone to come together to communicate and collaborate. A certificate will be awarded to those participants completing all required activities but acquiring a certificate is not mandated (note: certificate of completion is required for faculty seeking the $200 CARES-funded stipend).
Participants who join the site will receive announcements as new modules are released (the first module drops July 06). The site will be available to registrants on June 29 for peeking around and saying “aloha” to others). Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate, including experienced DE faculty – please come and share your experience, insights, feedback, questions, and ideas in the forums.
TOPP To Go! Summer Specials Webinar Menu
We're serving up a whole new lineup of TOPP To Go! Summer Specials webinars in Summer II! Check out what's on offer and meet us online for a brekky, brunch or lunch and learn sesh. Here are the preliminary details - watch the News & Events Bulletin for more details! ALL are welcome to attend--you don't have to be taking TOPP To Go! to join us.
Week 1:
Friday, July 10th (10:30-11:30am): Building a Hybrid Course: Integrating F2F Course Content and Online Pedagogy w/ Penny Hirata-Knight
Week 2:
Monday, July 13 (10-11am): Students Responding/Responding to Students w/ Francisco Acoba
Wednesday, July 15 (time TBD): Intentional Use of Digital Tools to Support Diverse Learners w/ Cary Torres
Week 3:
Wednesday, July 22 (10-11am): Supporting Student Success in Online Courses w/ Rachel Lindsey
- Thursday, July 23 (11:30am-12:30pm): Time-Saving Tips and Tricks for Laulima w/ Lauren Tamamoto
Week 4:
Monday, July 27 (10-11am): OER Opportunities w/ Sheryl Shook & Sunny Pai
- Friday, July 31 (10-11am): Laulima Tests & Quizzes w/ Paul Briggs
TOPP Restart Showcase
Join the TOPP Restart Final Presentations!
TOPPers will showcase their new online courses they have diligently built this summer. Please join us in congratulating the new TOPP graduates and learn from their creative pedagogical and visual designs that facilitate engaging online & hybrid learning environments.
Thursday, July 16th, 10am to 11:30 am
Friday, July 17th, 1pm to 2:30 pm
We’ve reserved 90 minutes each day to ensure that there is adequate time for each presenter. You are welcome to hop in to our Zoom when you can and leave when you need to.
Mark Your Calendar for Kapi‘olani Summer Camp!
Kapi‘olani Summer Camp is coming...and there's no bug spray required! This 4-day professional development event will take place virtually, via Zoom, on the mornings of August 3 - 6. Summer Camp will feature keynote speakers joining us from UH, UC-Berkeley, and Harvard as well as 30+ exciting sessions, including fireside chats (small, discipline-specific discussions), group outings (mid-sized, interactive sessions), and open swims (large group webinars).
The event will be open to all UH campuses, and all staff and faculty are welcome - there's something for everyone, from interactive presentations, opportunities to peek into and discuss virtual classrooms and learning solutions to wellness activities, like Zoom-ba! Reserve the dates now, and please watch the News & Events Bulletin for details and registration information.
Free 2-day ASU Summit on Remote Teaching and Learning
Arizona State University is hosting a free two-day online conference: REMOTE: The Connected Faculty Summit. There will be 70+ targeted sessions with faculty speakers representing 30+ colleges & universities
July 13 (12-4:30pm Pacific time)
July 14 (9am - 3pm Pacific time)
Data Dimensions
Laulima Advanced Tips: Remove Format with Ctrl+Shift+v (Command+Shift+v for Mac)
We all know that copying & pasting saves a ton of time, especially if you use keyboard shortcuts:
Ctrl+c (Command+c in Mac) to copy
Ctrl+v (Command+v in Mac) to paste
Did you know that adding the shift key when pasting will remove formatting from pasted text?
Ctrl+Shift+v (Command+Shift+v in Mac) to paste with no formatting
This works when copying and pasting to/from most applications such as Word, Laulima, Google Docs, Gmail, etc.
In Laulima or Google Docs, there’s another way to achieve this: Select the text in question and use the Remove Format button ().
Fun New FlipGrid Goodies!
Kapi‘olani Zoom Is Moving to the UH System ITS
ITS is currently working on setting up a UH cloud server to store future instructional Zoom recordings and will announce how you can request that service.
After the transfer is completed, replace “kapiolani” with “hawaii” in the URL that you share with students or colleagues. (E.g. https://kapiolani.zoom.us/j/8081234567 will become https://hawaii.zoom.us/j/8081234567.) Using the old link will still work -- as Zoom will automatically reroute to the new address.
ITS oversight of our Zoom accounts will mean savings in cost and administrative efforts for Kapi‘olani. If you need support or need to request another account, please contact ITS Zoom Support at uh-zoom-support@lists.hawaii.edu.
Contact us at celtt@hawaii.edu if you have questions.
What we are reading, listening to, or watching now
The Quotation at the End
time frame / planning
- remote teaching happens when there's little time for planning
- online learning is the result of considerable planning over time
- remote teaching students and teachers intended learning to take place face-to-face; no one intended to be online
- online learning intentionally takes place in the online environment; teachers carefully constructed online learning spaces and students chose to experience online learning
"proximity" to the classroom
- remote teaching may seek to mimic the classroom experience AND is engaging with students who intentionally scheduled time for classes, so leans towards synchronous virtual class meetings
- online learning does not intend to recreate the classroom, but explores alternative pedagogies which may be more suited to the virtual environment AND is engaging with students who intentionally sought schedule flexibility, so leans towards asynchronous learning
technology access and fluency
- with the understanding that students did not choose online learning, remote teaching realizes that some students may lack easy access to technology and/or fluency with technology, and must actively seek remediation
- with the understanding that students chose this venue, online learning may worry about various aspects of access, but assumes that students will take responsibility for basic access to and fluency with technology
federal rules and regulations
- remote teachers may be only minimally aware of federal rules and regulations (likely to be relaxed in emergency situations) specific to online learning
- online learning facilitators are expected to follow federal rules and regulations specific to online learning
human interaction
- remote teaching may be focused on delivery of content in an emergency situation, though human interaction may take place via synchronous virtual sessions
- online learning intentionally incorporates human interaction, though these interactions may look very different from face-to-face interactions
- remote teaching, in that it may seek to mimic face-to-face learning environments, may not venture far from "usual" learning processes
- online learning requires significant creativity and outside-the-box thinking to capitalize on the affordances of the venue
Finally, three great insights that span both remote teaching and online leaning:
- BOTH remote teaching and online learning are important, valuable, and appropriate responses to different situations.
- BOTH remote teaching and online learning are more effective with preparation and support, since the time demands are significant for planning and facilitation (especially for labs and experiential classes)
- BOTH remote teaching students and online learning students need entire online ecosystems (from advising and easy-to-use online forms to social activities and e-sports)