Stanley Avenue School Newsletter
3rd May, Term 2, Week 1, 2024
Hello, Kia ora, Chomreabsour, Mālo ni, Ni hao, Kia orāna, Talofa lava, Namaste, Hola, Hallo, Chào bạn, Bula Vinaka, Kumusta, Guten Tag, Mālō e lelei , An-nyeong-ha-se-yo, greetings to all our School Families
Change of time - Term 2 Assemblies will be at 9.15am on Fridays
From the Principal's desk....
Nau mai haere mai!
Welcome back to the start of another exciting term. I’d like to thank Mrs Meyler, students and whānau who attended the Anzac Civic Service last Thursday. I was really impressed to hear of the turn out and the commitment shown on this important day. This morning we held our school Anzac Service on the front court by the Flagpole. The School Leaders led the service impeccably and made the school proud. Lest we forget!
Holiday Happenings
Swimming Pool
The Board of Trustees wish to inform you that the School Swimming Pool has been resurfaced over the holiday period. We thank Rick Forsman and his staff for the great job they have done. Our next goal is to have the pool fully painted ahead of the Winter months.
Sports Turf Preparation
Additionally during the break, special drainage has been installed in preparation for the installation of our new sports turf, which is due to be completed in July. This will mean we have the latest technology of sports turf including proper drainage, meaning water will no longer pool at the end closest to the Rec Centre.
Winter Sport
For many sporting codes this weekend marks the start of the Winter Sporting season. I would like to wish all students the very best of luck for the season. It is exciting to be involved in a team sport, where you learn lots of invaluable life skills and have a huge amount of fun with your friends. To all participants, I encourage you to ‘Strive to Succeed’ and be the best that you can be ‘on and off’ the field/court. Please remember that Coaches, Managers and Umpires are giving up their valuable time to ensure your team gets to play, so please show them respect. Remember it is vitally important to communicate with your Coach/Manager if you cannot make a practice or the game on Saturday. We will be relying on all parents, spectators and supporters to respect players and the game officials and set the ultimate example to the children. Have a wonderful season in your chosen sport. I look forward to seeing you in action over the winter months.
John Byers
Upcoming Events
- 15 May Scholastic Book Club Issue #3 orders are due in to the office please
- 17 May Pink Shirt Day supporting Stop Bullying and promoting Kindness
- 20 May BOT Meeting 6pm Staffroom
- 29 May National Young Leaders Day NYLD
- 3 June King's Birthday School closed
- 17 June Oxford Pie orders close.
- 20 June Tough Guy and Girl
- 26 June Oxford Pie orders delivered
- 27 June Matariki Celebration
- 28 June Matariki School closed
Powhiri for Mrs Valencia
We arrived at the entrance of Te Aroha College, waiting to be led in by the Rangatira of the school. I start hearing the words of karanga mai, walking slowly towards the door.
When we got inside, after the Rangatira finished the karanga, everyone started singing to Stanley Ave and Melville school as they entered. After that, we all sat down.
After we sat down Mr Higgins did his pepeha and a karakia. When Mr Higgins finished, Mr Byers stood up and said his farewell of having Mrs V at school. We all stood up and were singing, “He honore’. When we finished, the Principal of Te Aroha college welcomed Mrs V to be a full time teacher at their school. Just as he finished, Te Aroha college stood up and sang a waiata. After they were done, they sat down and we stood up and sang Te Aroha.
After a few speeches later, we all stood up and shook hands. Greeting everyone with a, “Hello”. After we were done we were lined up outside waiting for the kai. The food was delicious and we thanked everyone who prepared it. Then we went back to school.
Huia Lomas
The weight of the gazes shifted toward my group as we entered the hall. We walked silently down the free lane as they greeted us with a karanga. Our group was sorted neatly with the girls front, boys back traditionally. We seated ourselves in the empty chairs in the front corner of the room. Mr Higgins presented his pepeha oddly fast. Mr Byers stood and said his speech, slower and translated.
The teacher indicated with hand motions for us to stand quietly. We stood from our seats and sang our first waiata, “He honore”. Later into the powhiri we sang, “Te Aroha”.
Once speeches were over, the Principal shooed the students back to their classes. We entered a room I assumed was the staffroom. The bench was stuffed with sweets and savouries that looked gorgeous.
The powhiri was overall really great. I saw my college friends, supported Mrs V and had free food. It was awesome.
Isabella Fairnie
Junior Netball Opening Night
Junior Netball for 2024 is underway after a wonderful Opening Ceremony on Wednesday afternoon. The newly resurfaced and painted courts at Spur Street look amazing, and it was great to have so many of our students and families in attendance. Thank you to Te Aroha Netball and in particular to the tireless volunteers, who make these extra curricular sports happen for our kids. We really do appreciate all the hard work that we know goes on behind the scenes. A special mention to all of the Umpires (many of them ex Stanley Ave Students) for being brave and taking on the challenge of becoming an Umpire. To our Coaches, Managers and Star Helpers, thank you for giving up your precious time to nurture our future Silver Ferns and to our Parents and Caregivers, thank you for your support.
We want to give our kids an amazing experience, full of fun, learning, time spent with friends and help them to thrive in a team environment playing this wonderful game of Netball.
A reminder that Stanley Ave will be on office and canteen duty in the coming weeks. Please take a turn at helping out when asked. Many hands make light work.
Thank you
See you all next week
Kim Hayes
Oxford Pie Fundraiser
It is that time of year again where you get the opportunity to stock up your fridge and/or freezer with Oxford Pies and support the school in our fundraising efforts. This year we are taking orders and money from now until Monday 17th June with the pies delivered late morning on Wednesday 26th June.
Ask friends, family, and neighbours and send in your orders and payment.
More forms are available from the school and I will put one online for you to be able to access if you need it in the holidays!
Thanks for your support!
Di Meyler
Friendship Zone update - Week 1
This week, lots of children had fun skipping during lunch time. A huge thanks to our seniors who operate the sound system helping adding a positive energy to our area outside Room 13.
Scholastic Book orders Issue 3 - out now. Closes 15th May
Purchase your Own SAS Sports Shirt!
We have gone live on DirectGroup Uniforms with our Sports Shirts that you are able to purchase. We feel moving forward this is a great option and will save a lot of time issuing and collecting sports shirts. At this time we still have our other sports shirts for anyone that is playing and has not purchased their own yet. Check them out at:
You can purchase the sport shirts and they arrive directly to your address and they even have Afterpay so that it makes it possible to budget. We are looking forward to seeing these appearing on our sports fields.
Manawaru Table Tennis Club
School Bank Account details...
Uniform room is open Thursday Mornings 8.30am - 9.30am
Contact Us - Whakapā mai
Location: Stanley Avenue School Stanley Avenue, Te Aroha 3320, New Zealand
Phone: +64 7-884 8479