Eagle News
May 5, 2024
Suncrest Elementary School
Email: mitchells@frankfort.k12.in.us
Website: https://ses.frankfortschools.org/
Location: 1608 West Kyger Street, Frankfort, IN, USA
Phone: 765-659-6265
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/suncrestelem
Twitter: @SuncrestElem
Dog Jog- Thank you!
Dog Jog!
Thank you to everyone who came out to our second annual dog jog event! It’s safe to say this year we doubled our attendance and had a BLAST! We were so glad Bear could attend too!
A big thank you to this years sponsors- Brandon’s Burgers, IFCU of lafayette , Rose Acre Farms, Dirt Buster Carwash, Healthy Communities Of Clinton County Coalition, Winski Brothers, Zachary Confections, Inc., @Ruoff Mortgage frankfort, Hi Tech Label, Little Miss Cupcakes, @arnis Frankfort, Eagle Harvest Frankfort, Karen Sutton, Mrs. Miller’s mom!
Thank you to Brandon's Burgers LLC, El Mata Antojos, Top Notch Service Dogs and Dog Training, United Way for Clinton County, COACH Kids of Clinton County, @The Learning Network, 4C Health, Girl Scouts, Kona Ice of Midwest Indiana, Franklin Finishline and more!!
And a HUGE thank you to our staff and volunteers who made this day possible! We would not have been able to pull this off without all of your hard work!!
☕️SPONSOR A TEACHER... with a cup of kindness!
Travelin' Tom's Coffee of Lafayette will be visiting our school on May 7 for Teacher Appreciation Week! We'd like to show our appreciation to the staff at Suncrest for all of their hard work and dedication! If you can, sponsor 1 or a few staff members by purchasing their coffee! For $5.00 you can make a staff member's day
We have about 50 staff members that visit the truck when they come out! We'd love to cover all of them!
Click the link below to sponsor a staff member!
Office News
Background checks have to be done in order to go anywhere beyond the office. These take about 2 weeks to process, if you are wanting to come into your students classroom or on a field trip. These also need to be redone each school year.
You can complete the background check HERE!
Please make sure if there is any change to how your student is getting home that you call the office, not just message the teacher. If the teacher is absent the school will not get the message.
If there are any transportation changes please call before 1:30.
Our office hours are 7am - 4pm. If no one answers please leave a message, we check them often throughout the day.
Reminder: Class Parties & Celebrations
Prior arrangements need to be made with the classroom teacher. Snacks for class parties and celebrations must meet the CSF Wellness Policy. If healthy snacks are provided, they should be pre-packaged and store-bought. If students receive balloons or flowers at school, alternate transportation will need to be arranged, as these items cannot be transported on the school bus. Students may distribute invitations to birthday parties outside of school hours if all students within the classroom receive an invitation. CSF Wellness Policy can be found in the office at any elementary school or on the district website.
Nurse News
I Hope everyone is well rested and ready for a great May. There is still much learning to be done. Here are a few tips for transitioning into warmer weather, outdoor activities, and the State testing that your child may experience this month.
Evidence based practice shows us that children do better in school when they have adequate sleep, nutritious meals and snacks, and are dressed appropriately for the weather. A child doesn’t learn or test well if they are tired, cold, or hungry.
Keep a bedtime routine even though it is winding down to the end of another school year. Elementary students need 8-11 hours of sleep each school night to feel their best.
Remind students to arrive in time to grab their breakfast, especially if they don’t eat at home first. Check with your child’s teacher about snacks during testing weeks. And consider packing a lunch if the school lunch is not their favorite.
A jacket or sweatshirt should be in their backpacks, even if the weather turns warmer for two reasons. First, it can still get windy and cool at recess. Secondly, if it is warm enough for the air conditioner to be turned on, classrooms can be cooler and feeling chilled while testing can be distracting.
Remember to please keep your child home if they have a fever or have vomited in the past 24 hours. Testing can be made up when the child feels better and is not contagious. Check with your child’s teacher or the administration or nurse if you have any questions about keeping your child home during testing.
Here is wishing every student a great May and success with all learning this month. I know Suncrest Eagles will do their very best.
Attention Preschool and Kindergarten Parents:
Please keep an extra outfit in your child’s backpack at all times. Accidents DO happen at school and I do not always have clothing available that will fit your child. Sometimes they fall in a puddle at recess, or spill milk on their lap at lunch, and sometimes they just may not make it to the restroom in time. It is so helpful if they have an extra outfit in their backpack, and myself and their teacher would greatly appreciate it. If your child does have to use their extra clothing, please replace it.
Eagle of The Month: April
At Suncrest, we have a school wide positive behavior system. Every month we have a different focus such as responsibility, respect, and integrity. Throughout the month, we have different skills that the entire school focuses on and, when students model that behavior, they are rewarded with a Golden Ticket. The ticket is submitted into our weekly drawing where selected students get to pick a prize off of the prize cart.
For the month of April, our focus was perseverance and the following students were selected for modeling respectful behaviors throughout the month:
Mrs. Jones: Kobe is always working hard each day! He tries his best all the time too! Good job Kobe!
Mrs. Klyczek: Axel has worked so hard this month! Even when things are hard he is willing to try and try again!
Miss Pompei: Ethan has done a wonderful job at showing perserverance this month! Keep up the great work!
Ms. Stewart: Xzavior has been working hard on a lot of things that have been difficult for him this year. He comes in with a smile each day, and he reminds me of his goals and how he’s going to work on them. His hand writing has improved so much and is a sign of how persistence pay
First Grade:
Mrs. Arnold: Jazmin has been such a hard worker since she joined our class! She never gives up and is always trying her hardest to learn new things.
Mrs. Vestey: Camila never stops trying. She just keeps working at until get understands it.
Ms. Certain: Giovanni has worked so hard and does not give up when he cannot find the right answer. He will keep trying until he does and does not get upset.
Second Grade:
Mrs. Hettmansperger: Guillermo is an all around great kid. He works hard, is respectful to his peers and teachers and is someone that I can always count on. Keep up the good work, Guillermo!
Mrs. Claxton: Jenniers is such a hard worker. He gets straight to work and does his very best to complete each task. He has grown so much this year.
Mrs. Palmer: She has grown throughout the year in math due to her hard work and tries different strategies for problem solving.
3rd Grade:
Mr. Parvin: Israel uses perseverance everyday. When something is difficult for him, he never gives up and quits. He perseveres by finding solutions to his problems. If something is difficult for him, he uses his positive attitude to to make the most of the situation.
Miss Wright: Grace shows perseverance by always doing her best on her work. She is always determined to do things to the best of her ability. She wants others to succeed as well and is often a classroom leader and encouraging EVERY student to learn any material.
Miss Gable: Eliana is a perfect example of showing perseverance. All year, Eliana has never given up on a difficult task in the classroom. She seeks opportunities to practice and do her best on tasks. She also encourages her classmates to keep trying even when it seems too difficult.
4th Grade:
Miss Kidwell: Bellami has such a positive mindset when it comes to perseverance. No matter what, she never gives up and always tries her best!
Mrs. Vickary: Jeandra works diligently on her assignments each and every day. When she isn't sure about the definition of a word in an assignment or a direction I've given, she will ask for clarification to help ensure success in her work. She completes all her work in a timely manner!
5th Grade:
Mrs. Herring: Elex shows perseverance daily. He is strong willed in a positive way. Nothing rains on his parade. I hope Elex keeps this trait for all of his life. Way to go!
Mrs. Rudd: Mateo has persevered through school and all that it entails, even in the face of painful medical issues that make mobility difficult.
Mrs. Cooper: I have seen Zander M. growing so much this year. He’s becoming more of a leader. He’s come a long way in a year and I am proud of all his hard work.
From Your School Counselor
This is the counselor referral form! If you feel that your child needs to speak to the school counselor, please fill out this form. The form will ask you who you are, who your child is and why your child needs to see the counselor. Please fill out the entire form and provide as much necessary information on the form as possible so that we can best help and support your child. Thanks!
From The Coach
Helping Your Child Stay Engaged With Reading Over the Summer
1. Visit the Library
Take a trip to the Frankfort library! Encourage your child to explore different genres and pick out books they’re excited about. Many libraries also offer summer reading programs with fun incentives for completing books.
2. Choose a Good Chapter Book
Select a fun chapter book to read together. Whether you read aloud to your child or take turns reading, it’s a great way to enjoy and discuss the story.
3. Celebrate Book Completion
When your child finishes a book, celebrate! Make reading an enjoyable experience for the whole family.
4. Create a Cozy Reading Spot
Create a comfortable reading nook at home. Add pillows, blankets, and good lighting. Encourage your child to spend time there with their favorite books.
5. Set Reading Goals
Discuss reading goals with your child. Whether it’s a certain number of books or a specific amount of time spent reading each day, having goals keeps kids motivated.
6. Connect Books to Activities
Tie reading to other summer activities. If you’re going on a beach vacation, bring along beach-themed books. If you’re exploring nature, read about animals or plants. Connecting books to real-life experiences enhances learning.
7. Be a Reading Role Model
Children learn by example. Show your love for reading by reading yourself! Share what you’re reading with your child. When they see you enjoying books, they’ll be more likely to follow suit.
Remember: Summer Reading Prevents the “Slide”
Reading over the summer helps prevent the dreaded “summer slide.” Kids who continue reading maintain their skills and even improve. So, let’s make reading an adventure this summer!
Classroom News
Preschool News
Preschool Graduation is Friday May 17th at 1:45! Please join us to celebrate our preschoolers and all their hard work this year. There will be a short performance and ceremony followed by refreshments. Please park in the back and enter through the cafeteria doors.
Summer is a great time to get ready for the next big step, Kindergarten! Below are some ideas of things you can do this summer to get ready for kindergarten.
Read a book with your child everyday!
Practice Independent Tasks such as:
going to the bathroom (unbuttoning and fastening pants)
dressing (changing clothes, zipping coats, and fastening shoes)
eating lunch (opening juice boxes)
knowing their full name
Play and learn! The best way to learn is through play!
Kindergarten News
What an outstanding school year this has been! We polled our Kindergarten students and the best parts of the year were: the field trip, eating lunch, noodle art, and Mrs. Cooper. It is always a joy to see how much they have grown and changed throughout the year! One of the most important things you can do for kids this summer no matter where you go or what you do is read with them and talk with them. Keep building that love of reading and they will soar. Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do to make your child’s time at school the best it can be!
1st Grade News
With the end of the year fast approaching, first graders need to remember that we are still here to work hard and learn every single day.
We are getting ready to show how smart we have gotten this year by taking our NWEA Math and Reading tests. Students need to be sure to be here every day unless they are sick so that they can pass their tests.
ALL STUDENTS NEED TO HAVE WORKING HEADPHONES FOR TESTING! Please check with your student to make sure their headphones are working correctly for them. If they need to purchase headphones we do have some available in the front office for $3.
Please be on the lookout for any important papers that may be coming home in the next couple of weeks. Your child will be bringing home papers almost daily that you need to see. Please sign and return if necessary.
2nd Grade News
Second graders had a wonderful time on their field trip to the Indianapolis Zoo. Thanks to a generous donation from Karina Chuca, a grant from the PTO, two grants from the Frankfort Education Foundation, and a generous donation from Estrada Auto Repair we were able to go with no cost to the students.
In science we learned about the parts of a plant, the life cycle of a plant, and how plants get around. We planted our own seeds to watch their cycle. We also have five caterpillars that have become chrysalis and are hatching into butterflies. We will be letting them free when the weather is right. We looked at the adaptations of butterflies and how they use them to protect themselves. We have been working very hard on our animal research books and projects that will be seen by parents during a celebration. Students have also been creating new animals with adaptations that allow them to survive in the habitat we have been researching as well.
NWEA will be coming up soon, and we cannot wait to see how much our students have grown this school year.
In math we have been working on collecting and interpreting data in different types of graphs. We have been looking at bar graphs, pictographs, and line plots. We are comparing the data shown on them.
In writing we have been researching animals from specific habitats. We have been learning about their description, food, enemies, and fun facts about our animals. The students have been working very hard on their books. They also drew their animals and wrote a fact about them to put on display on the bulletin board.
In reading we have been learning about text structure and how it helps understand a text. We learned about procedural text, cause and effect, and compare and contrast. Students learned how to read and follow steps in a procedural text, the cause is why something happens in a text and the effect is what happens in the text, and that when we compare we look at what is the same and contrasting looks at what is different.
We have a very fun finale for the year planned and cannot wait to see what the kids think about all the activities planned. It has been a great year of learning and growing. We hope the students have a safe and wonderful summer.
3rd Grade News
April/May: The third graders are working hard and finishing the school year out strong. April and May are busy testing months for our third graders. We completed ILEARN testing in April and the students rocked the test! We will be starting NWEA very soon and we are excited to see all the growth each student makes. Our last STEM unit of the year is happening now with Mr. Bracken. The students have been working on building structures using dominoes and challenging themselves to increase the size and complexity of their structures.
Reading: During April and May we reviewed understanding plot, identifying themes, and locating explicit and inferential information within a text. These are all essential skills that your child will continue to see next year in fourth grade.
Writing: In writing we recently finished up our text dependent responses unit. In this unit students read one or multiple texts and used the information from the texts to respond to prompts. The third graders worked hard using our RACE writing strategy to answer the text dependent prompts. We are excited to begin our poetry unit in the month of May. We will be taking a deep look at several different styles of poems.
Math: During our math time we continued to problem solve and complete our daily math pages. We finished our units on measurement and geometry. As our school year is coming to an end we will begin working on fourth grade math skills and review our essential third grade skills.
The end of the year is a busy time at Suncrest. We have several events on the horizon so be on the lookout for important information coming home each week.
4th Grade News
We’re so excited for our field trip to the Indiana State Museum! We’ll be exploring the interactive galleries, special exhibits and hands-on activities. It’s such a great conclusion to our Indiana History we’ve been studying this year.
In math, we’ve been working on geometry concepts such as types of angles, lines, shapes, and more.Also, we’re learning how to find area and perimeter AND understanding real life applications for those!
We have some great whole group chapter book read-alouds happening in each of the classrooms. We’re using these as we work on reviewing the reading skills we’ve learned throughout the year, such as inferring, theme, drawing conclusions, and summarizing.
Our class family is coming to an end soon, but we’ll take our memories with us. “How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” A. A. Milne
Thank you for supporting us throughout our journey this year.
Our 5th graders will be heading to middle school next year, and we are so proud of them. In April and May, we have been doing a lot of standardized testing, but they have persevered through like troopers! We’re going to celebrate the end of the year with two field trips- one to Camp Cullom for “Cops and Kids'' and the other one to the Indianapolis Zoo. The $10.00 admission fee to the zoo for all participants was paid for by a generous donation from the Frankfort Farm Bureau Insurance agents!! We also have field day coming up and of course… our 5th grade final walk. It will take place after the awards ceremony on the last day of school. We wish our 5th graders good luck and much success in their future endeavors!! They will be sorely missed!
It’s that time of year again for NWEA testing and time to show all we have learned since the beginning of the year! Students will start testing May 2-May 15! Talk to your students about the importance of trying their best and using strategies they have learned in both math and reading intervention. We are excited to see all the growth students have made from the beginning of the year to now!
ML News
I can’t believe we’re nearing the end of the school year!! Multilingual students have been very busy this past month and we’re still learning and growing like crazy!
Wednesday, May 15th at 5:00 is our Multilingual Game Night! We hope that you will plan to come! We’ll play lots of games and also take home some prizes–and have yummy cookies for a snack!
During Game Night, we will go over your child’s WIDA scores. WIDA is our language test that our multilingual students have to take every single year until they score a 5 or a 6–that means they are fluent in English. Those scores are in and we’ve already done some celebrating. Plan to attend Game Night so you can hear how your child did on that test.
Look at these 4th and 5th graders that ‘tested out’--they scored a 5 or a 6 and now no longer have to take the test! They are fluent!
We can’t wait to see all of our multilingual families on May 15th. Papers are coming home next week! Fill those out and plan to attend!
P.E. News
Field Day 24'
Kindergarten, 1st grade and 2nd grade will have their Field Day on Wednesday, May 15th 12:40-2:40. Please have your student wear clothing appropriate for the weather AND that is safe to run, jump and play in!
3rd, 4th and 5th grade will have their Field Day on Thursday, May 16th 12:40-2:40. Please have your student wear weather appropriate clothing which is comfortable for running, jumping and playing in!
Our spring Book Fair begins Monday, May 6 and continues until Friday May10. Your children can shop on their regular library time and later in the week. You can come and shop with your child on Thursday May 9 at our Art and Books Night. Come to Suncrest on Thursday from 5:30-6:30 to see the amazing art the students have created this year and visit the book Fair! Hope to see you there!
Music News
5th and 4th grade worked on their composing skills by making digital music using Soundtrap. Soundtrap is an online DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) that is very similar to professional level workstations that audio engineers use. These students spent all month building the skills needed to create a totally original song in Soundtrap, and then sent their song to Mr. Pinto to be added to their own class playlists! Below is a picture of what Soundtrap looks like after creating a song in the app.
Save The Date
May 6: School Staff Appreciation Week
May 6- May 10: Scholastic Book Fair
May 6: NWEA Testing Window Opens
May 7: Teacher Appreciation Day
May 7: Parent Night @ Middle School for parents of incoming 6th Grades 6:00-7:30
May 8: Nurse Appreciation Day
May 8: Walk & Roll To School Day -7:45am
May 9: Touch a Truck 12-2:30 PM
May 9: Art & Books Night - 5:30-6:30
May 10: Dog Jog backup date
May 13: IREAD Summer Test Window Opens
May 15: Field Day PK-2 : 12:40-2:40pm
May 16: Field Day 3-5: 12:40-2:40pm
May 17: Grades Due
May 17: SLP Appreciation Day
May 17: PK Graduation 1:45-2:30 in the cafeteria
May 21: Awards Ceremony K-2 1:00-2:00 in the gym
May 22: Awards Ceremony 3-5 1:00-2:00 in the gym
May 22: 5th Grade Walk 2:15-2:30
May 22: Last Day of School for Students