Free Training Opportunity
Sponsored by Pomeroy Partners for Healthy Families
Free - Open To The Public
Youth Mental Health First Aid
- Wednesday June 2nd, 9:30 am to 3:30 pm, via Zoom
- Small groups are welcome to participate in-person together via 1 Zoom connection
- Registration required - see link below!
Wednesday, Jun 2, 2021, 09:30 AM
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About Us
At Pomeroy Partners, we believe the community has a responsibility to keep kids safe. Our mission is to positively impact our youth, reduce substance abuse, and increase awareness through community collaboration. Our work revolves around mental health promotion, suicide prevention, drug and alcohol prevention, raising awareness of ACEs and child maltreatment, and evidence-based practices that allow every child to reach their full potential.
Pomeroy Partners for Healthy Families is part of Washington State's Community Prevention and Wellness Initiative (CPWI), and the National Drug Free Communities (DFC) Programs, to reduce underage drug use and promote mental well-being.
Coalition Coordinator, Melody Darby, mdarby@qbhs.org
Coalition Director, Sarah Meyers, smeyers@qbhs.org
Email: smeyers@qbhs.org
Website: www.pomeroypartners.org
Location: 856 Main St, Pomeroy, WA, USA
Phone: 5098533791
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pomeroy-Partners-for-Healthy-Families-663193677064752/