May 2024 Newsletter
Golden Hills Vision:
Golden Eagles grow together, learn with passion, act with kindness, and change the world!
Principal's Message
Dear Golden Hills Families,
Last month we had amazing attendance! We love having our Eagles here to participate and learn! Our goal this year is to have 95% daily attendance and we are REALLY close! We have so many fun things planned in the last 5 weeks of school and we want ALL of our students here to participate.
Our Summer school, Palermo Fun in the Fun, has filled up quickly. If your student signed up you will be receiving more information soon!
The Golden Hills Olympics are coming! Golden Hills Olympics will be from May 21st -June 6th. Each class will choose a team name and design a flag. Every morning the school will meet to say the pledge of allegiance and compete in 20 plus events ranging from the bean bag toss to the mile run. Students are awarded ribbons and medals at the closing ceremony! A huge thank you to Mrs. Dailey & Ms. Zarzynski for organizing this, it is a favorite Golden Hills event.
CAASPP Testing is coming, May 13th-22nd. Students will take the computer-based/paper -based California Standards Assessments in Science Assessment (5th grade only) (CAST), 4/5 Grade English Language Arts CAASPP Assessment, and 4/5 Grade Math CAASPP Assessment.
To help support your student’s success during testing please ensure your child:
Arrives to school on time
Eats a healthy breakfast at home or at school
Gets a good night's sleep
Feels encouraged to do their best.
Mrs. Napoli
Golden Hills End of the Year Activities
Families, it is that time of the year with so many activities happening, so here it a cheat sheet list of upcoming events:
5/2-5/3 5th Grade Lake Oroville Visitor Center Field Trip 5/3: Track field trip (Tuatoo/ Beard only)
5/2: 4th Grade Music Show at 9:30
5/6-5/10- Staff Appreciation Week! “Stock the Staff Room”
4th Grade Families Donate drinks
5th Grade families Donate snacks
5/6: Staff Dress like a student Day/ Student dress like staff
5/7 Team DAY- Sports
5/8: Wacky Wed. Dress crazy/ crazy hat
5/9: Tropical Thursday: Hawaiian Day
5/10 GH Colors/ T shirt Day
5/10- Fourth Grade Bike Rodeo & Golden HIlls Rally
5/7-5/8 Empire Mine - 4th grade field trip
5/9 School SIte Council/ PTG Meeting
5/9: Talent Show Try-Outs
5/13-5/17- CAASSP Testing
5/15: Teacher Request Due (Golden Hills does not accept teachers names, only teacher qualities recommendations)
5/10 or 5/17 : Golden HIlls Rally
5/17 Donuts for Grown Ups at 8 am, Adults cost is $4.25
5/20-5/24- CAASSP Make Up & I Ready
5/20- Third Grade Orientation
5/21- Olympic Day 1
5/22: Talent Show
5/23- Open House at 5 pm
Gold Bust or Dust Play
Native American Night at GH at 6 pm
5/24: Extra early release
5/27: No School Memorial Day
5/28- 5th Grade Attendance Movie Field Trip
5/29- Cal Skate Field Trip
5/31: Last day of Olympics
5/31: Extra early release
6/3: Fifth Grade Bowling Trip
6/4- 4th Grade Attendance Movie Field Trip
6/5: Olympic Closing Ceremony at 9 am & Yearbook SIgning Party at 1:45
Staff Appreciation Week
Please join us in celebrating National Teacher/ Staff Appreciation week the week of May 6th-10th! Our staff works very hard all year long for your student’s success!
We have a small Parent Teacher Group and we could use your HELP!
May 6-10th: Stock the Staff Room! It would be very appreciated if fourth grade families donated drinks and fifth grade families donated snacks!
Thank you for supporting our AMAZING staff at Golden Hills!
Staff Appreciation Spirit Week!
May 6th: Students Dress like Staff, Staff Dress like Students
May 7th: Tuesday: Team Day: Your favorite sports team
May 8th: Wednesday: Dress Crazy, Crazy Hat Day
May 9th: Hawaiian Day
May 10th: Friday: Golden Hills T-Shirt Day/ Wear Green & Gold
Shady Creek Field Trip for 2024-2025 school year!
Shady Creek is a three night, four day environmental camp. Our fourth grade class will be attending next year. In order to attend we must have parent volunteers to stay in the cabins with the students. These parents must be cleared through our district through the volunteer process. We will need to have the parents cleared before the end of this school year to commit to going! The reserved dates for Shady Creek are September 24-27th! Please begin the process so we can be sure we have enough parent volunteers.
We currently have 11 volunteers
Golden Hills Spring Sing
Mr. Grigoruk our music teacher will lead grade level shows to show off all the learning that has been happening in music class! Our students attend music class weekly!
Golden Hills Band will be showcased too!
The Golden Hills Spring Sing:
4th Grade Thursday, May 2nd at 9:30 am
5th Grade: Tuesday, April 30th at 9:30 am
* The shows will be held in the Golden Hills cafeteria!
Art Show featuring Golden Hills students:
On May 4th from 10 am -4 pm the Lott Home in downtown Oroville will be hosting an elementary & middle school art show! The following students art will be displayed:
Art Show list of students:
4th/5th grade Golden Hills
Mary Blaire, Small World Collages
Kayley R
Avery Y
Zekiel A
Cannon C
Miguel F
Dominick K
Ximena C
Mariaelena S
Heather B
Essie B
Daniel F
Siena A
Levi M
Zarcardeo D
Ximena S
Elena G
Thank you Ms. Langford for making this happen for our students!
Message from the Counselor:
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Our mental health is just as important as our physical health. You can celebrate by remembering to take care of yourself, take care of each other, and talking about mental health. What makes you happy? Do the things that make you feel regulated and give you energy. Check in on each other. Talk about your feelings. There is no such thing as a good or bad feeling. Feelings are normal. We have them for a reason. It’s important to talk about them and why we have those feelings and what we need to feel happy and calm. If you or someone in your family is having trouble taking care of their mental health there are people who can help. Please let me know if you need assistance.
We will also be having a talent show in May. We have try outs on May 8 and 9 during lunch recess. If your child has a talent please encourage them to try out. I'll send home letters to the parents of everyone who makes it the following week. The talent show is May 22. You can contact me at rwalker@palermok8.org or (530)532-6000 ext 2607 if you have any questions or need any support. I’m on campus Mon-Thurs.
Golden Hills Yearbook Sales
Yearbooks are for sale in the school office for the low price of $14.00. The yearbook features a soft cover, color pages, and contains pictures of all the students, teachers, staff, and fun memories at GH. Students who purchase a yearbook will receive their copy the last week of school.
After School Program 2024-2025
Golden Hills After School Program Coordinator, Mrs. Davis, will be at the third grade orientation and at Golden Hills Open House with ASP applications for the 2024-2025 school year. If you cannot attend applications will be available in the Golden Hills office after May 20th for sign ups.
Positive EAGLE Award Winners:
Lulu C.
Markston F.
Alicianna C.
Reece S.
Kenji C.
Jesse H.
Kevin B.
Abigail S.
Arely R.
Aniayah D.
Cali H.
Zoey B.
Arabella G.
Heather B.
Ximena C.
Samuel L.
Austin S.
Dominique S.
Alberto M.
Jessie M.
Jhett J
Nadia M.
Anthony A.
Twin Day at Golden Hills
Specific Needs Requests for 2024-2025
Due to the nature of our program at Golden Hills, where students may have several teachers in a given day, we don’t take teacher requests. Instead, we value your input on the specific needs your child may have that will assist us in making appropriate placements. Please feel free to pick up a form in the Main Office at Golden Hills between April 1st and May 15th. Forms are due May 15th.
Third Grade Orientation:
On Monday, May 20th at 10:00AM the Third Grade classes will be touring Golden Hills School. We will assemble under the awning near the car pick- up area at Helen Wilcox at about 9:50 and walk over to the Golden Hills cafeteria/ multi-purpose room. Students and parents will have the opportunity to meet with the school principal, Mrs. Napoli and all the fourth grade teachers. They will have an overview of the Golden Hills routine, as well as time to ask questions. Students will then be given an opportunity to walk through the 4th grade classrooms as a way of becoming familiar with the school’s layout.
If you would like to join us, please meet at the Helen Wilcox awning. It is important that you allow yourself enough time to check-in at the school office, we would suggest you be at Helen Wilcox by 9:40. If you are unable to attend this meeting, your student will be bringing home a letter from administration at Golden Hills with an overview of what was discussed at the assembly. We hope you will be able to join us!
Open House
Golden Hills is holding our Open House on May 23rd from 5:00 to 6:00. Native American Night May 23rd at 6:00pm at Golden Hills. Please come visit your child’s classroom and let your child show you what he or she has been learning. Make sure you visit the Farmers Market where your student will be able to get a free fruit and Veggie.
Please don’t miss this wonderful event!
Third Trimester Attendance Challenge is a field trip to the movies:
Students must have less than 17 absences for the entire year or less than 6 absences for the third trimester 3/11/24-6/3/24.
Mrs. Napoli met with every student who has ten or more absences to be sure everyone knows their absences. We want EVERYONE to be able to attend. Movie Packs are $6.25 and will need to be preordered. To purchase a movie pack students must bring EXACT change to the office by Friday, May 24th!
April’s Lego Party winner for the best attendance is:
Our Ironman Winners (class with the best attendance) for the month of April
4th Grade:
1.Mrs. Dailey
5th Grade:
1.Mr. Benson
If your child is absent please call the school office to let them know the reason so that your child can possibly be excused. Also, if your child will be absent for 3 or more days you can request independent study. Your child will receive work to do and if the work is completed, your child will receive credit for attendance and will not be counted as absent. If you have questions, please call the school office.
Attendance is very important, if your student is not at school, they cannot learn. Thank you for your support!
Family Reminders:
Students should not be dropped off before 7:45 am, We do not have supervision until 7:45 am.
We have minimum days on Friday’s and school gets out at 1:45. On Friday, May 24th and may 31st we have early early release, school gets out at 1:15 pm.
Students should not bring items from home. We are not responsible for any lost, stolen or broken items.
All students who are on campus must be supervised by an adult. Students should not be on campus after school unless they are in a club, tutoring, a sports team or after school program. Please be on time to pick up your student.
A reminder of pick up options at Golden Hills. Students can:
1.) Ride Bus
2,) Be picked up in the car pick-up line, drivers must drive up from Lower Wyandotte Rd.
3.) Meet a GH staff member at green fence to be walked across the street
4.) Wait at front gate for a parent to walk up to gate to meet them
*** Students cannot walk out by themselves and walk out to cars waiting in the parking lot. We have had multiple students try to walk out to cars waiting by basketball courts, this is not allowed due to safety.
Thank you for understanding our safety procedures. If you have any questions please call the office.