Principal's Newsletter
December 16, 2024

Principal's Message
Dear Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion families
I want to wish a very Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all of our Adelante Selby students, families, staff, and community! Enjoy this fun card from our Office Staff: We would like to wish everyone a Happy Holidays and Feliz Año Nuevo! Please remember to stop by for our Hot Chocolate Holiday Door Gallery Walk this Thursday morning. All of the door decorations are looking amazing!
Congratulations and a HUGE SHOUT OUT to Jose Luna and Claudia Sandoval, the Student Council, and our school community for coming together and bringing some holiday cheer to the farmworker families in Half Moon Bay. They were able to collect and stuff 458 stockings with treats! This service project was coordinated with the award- winning nonprofit organization ALAS in Half Moon Bay. Clink on the link to enjoy the Sweet Holiday Drive Video
Last Wednesday, the Redwood City School District (RCSD) Board of Education approved Superintendent Baker's final budget cut recommendations as part of the district’s Budget Renewal Initiative. These proposals aim to proactively address the expiration of one-time federal and state funds, which have provided critical support to public schools in recent years as a result of the pandemic.The Superintendent’s recommendations prioritize long-term fiscal stability while maintaining core educational services. Developed with feedback from the Budget Renewal Initiative Committee and from nearly 2,000 survey participants, the recommendations reflect the diverse needs and values of the RCSD community.Key proposals include reducing administrative and district office positions, reallocating funds to prioritize services at schools with high numbers of unduplicated students, addressing ongoing declining enrollment, and streamlining special education contracts.Here is the LINK to the Budget Renewal Initiative Committee Work. More specifically for our school, they did approve our Site Council's recommendation reducing the .5 MTSS coordinator and the .5 Mental Health counseling positions. They will also be reducing all Librarian hours based on student enrollment. Finally, they will cut all TK-5th grade Assistant Principal positions for the 2025-26 school year.
Please be aware that TK/Kindergarten Registration/School Of Choice and School Tours on Thursdays for the 2025/2026 School year have been well -attended and are ending on January 17th. A reminder that for priority enrollment, Registration and School of Choice forms are due by Friday, January 17th, 2025.
5th grade families: Below is important information about Kennedy Middle School and how to sign up for a school tour and shadowing. Please remember to notify our office if your child is going to shadow at Kennedy.
Kennedy Principal's Weloming/Information for Incoming New Students Newsletter
Inclusive Schools Week Hands Mural Demonstrating Everyone Belongs!
4th Grade Enjoyed The Field Trip to The Oakland History Museum
2nd Gr Field Trip To Marine Science Institute
Maestra Ana's Class Gallery Walk: Student Showing Parent Cooperative Paragraph
Superintendent Baker Interacting with Students in Maestra Antonelli's class
Student Council Filling Stockings With Treats For Alas: Great Job!
Holiday Spirit Dress Day: Mari With First Graders
A Few Holiday Door Decorations: Great Job Everyone!
Elves On The Shelf!
Holiday Traditions Writing!
Peek-A- Boo We See You!
TK/Kindergarten Registration/School Of Choice 2025/26 And Tours
New TK/Kindergarten Registration 2025/26 and Tours
The School District Enrollment and School of Choice for 2025/26 TK/Kindergarten continues through Friday, January 17th at 3:00pm. It is important that both the Registration/Enrollment Form for your home school(based on your address) and the School of Choice Form for Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion must be completed by January 19th. Current PreSchool students here on our campus and siblings of students who are currently enrolled here and at Kennedy in the Spanish Immersion strand have priority acceptance as long as the forms are completed on time by January 19th. Please complete this Adelante Selby Sibling 2025/26 Form so we can alert the District to prioritize your acceptance for next year.
Please help get the word out to family, friends, and neighbors about our weekly informational TK/Kindergarten Tours that meet in person at the school office every Thursday at 8:40AM and the tours will continue through the end of January. Please register for a TK/Kindergarten Tour with this form: TK/Kindergarten Tour Registration. Promoting our school by "word of mouth" from parents and community members is the best way to "market" our school and immersion program to prospective new parents. When promoting our school, keep in mind that mastering two or more languages has enormous benefits for our students, both native speakers of English and native speakers of the target language(Spanish) at a dual language immersion school. Other talking points when talking about our school are that research has confirmed the benefits of biliteracy and bilingualism that are demonstrated as brain and cognitive functioning, academic, economic, and social advantages, as well as cross-cultural competency and supporting a stronger family cohesion and connection to their family heritage.
Unidos PTO
LUMINARIAS: Adelante-Selby Tradition
Luminarias are used throughout the world to light windows, sidewalks, and streets during the holiday season. As a bilingual and bicultural Spanish Immersion school, the families of Adelante Selby Spanish Immersion want to share this tradition with you. We invite you to participate in Luminaria Night Saturday, December 21st, it is the WInter Solistice and the shortest and darkest day of the year, by placing your luminarias for all to see, as well as going on a walk to see other luminarias in your neighborhood. If you purchased a Luminaria online they can be picked up on the following days, or purchased in person while supplies last:
Thursday, December 19 at the Holiday Walk 7:45-8:30am, OR 4:30-6:30pm by the school office
Friday, December 20 from 5:00-8:00 pm at the Red Morton Light Show
Each kit costs $10 and includes supplies to make six luminarias.
Kits include instructions and can be made at home, then set out on the evening of December 21st to light up our neighborhoods.
Funds raised will support our 5th graders as they prepare for Outdoor Ed and promotion this year.
Honey Bear Trees Fundraiser
Honey Bear Trees Fundraiser
This year, Honey Bear Trees will be donating 15% of tree purchases from anyone who shows this flyer… so tell your friends and family to join in the fun too! Beautiful trees grown on the Cocco Christmas Tree Farm in Oregon’s Cascade foothills are on sale now in the Caltrain lot across the street from Trader Joe’s.
Walk-a-thon is RESCHEDULED now until Friday, January 31, 2025!
Cold fall rain may inspire you to cuddle up with a good book or make a big pot of soup, but it isn’t very good for walking around outside, even if it’s for a good cause. It’s for that reason that the Walk-A-Thon was postponed… but it will still happen! Our fabulous Walk-A-Thon committee has picked a new date: January 31, 2025!
A delay like this does present a golden opportunity to extend our donation window! We’ve set a goal of $55,000 and we’ve reached $32,000, with only 26% of families participating. Imagine what we could all do together, so please donate today to close the gap and fund more amazing initiatives at Adelante Selby.
What to plan for this year’s Walk-A-Thon:
- The 3 classrooms that earn the most donations will receive $100 towards their teacher's Amazon Wish List and a movie party with popcorn!
- The 3 classrooms that complete the most laps will win a fruit popsicle party.
- All classes that have 100% participation will earn a Free Dress Day!
- Parents and family members are invited to cheer on our students in the afternoon on January 31st!
We would love participation from family and friends to cheer on our students and that we are looking for volunteers to make the Walk-a-thon a successful event. Sign up to volunteer here:
Walk-a-thon Schedule Friday, January 31st:
1:00pm to 1:25pm - TK and K
1:30pm to 1:55pm - 1st and 2nd
2:00pm to 2:25pm - 3rd, 4th, and 5th
Sunshine Sips Volunteers Needed
Sunshine Sips Volunteers Needed
Sunshine Sips is a self-funded teacher collective that brings a little sunshine to members at Adelante Selby by providing pick-me-ups at the end of each month. They’re asking for Unidos to help find volunteers to distribute tasty drinks and smiles for December. Sign up here and show your support:
Our district works hard to create balanced lunches that include whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables. As such, please do not bring sugary treats to school to celebrate your child's birthday(e.g, cupcakes). You are welcome to send healthy alternatives or non-edible items such as pencils, erasers or fidget toys. Typically, teachers will take the last Friday of the month to celebrate students birthdays for the entire month.
Ms. Karina and REACH Hosted A Winter Wonderland For the 200 REACH Families!
Siena Youth Center On Campus: Former Adelante Students Visiting With Ms. Bravo
After School Programs for 2024/25
If interested in more information about after school programs please contact the following coordinators via email:
- REACH enrolling over 200 students in K-5th grades: Contact: kjimenez@redwoodcity.org
- Siena Youth Center with 80 students in 1st-5th grades: Contact: mrtenorio@stfrancisrwc.org
- YMCA with 40 students TK- 2nd grades: Contact: Eliana.Gonzalez@ymcasv.org
Additionally, Casa CĂrculo provides after school classes and opportunities for many of our students
Office Hours
Our school office hours are 8:00-4:00pm. All visitors to our school during school hours (not for Drop Off or Pick Up times) must come through and sign in at the school office.
Helpful Information Can Be Found In The Links Below:
Director Warren
Calendar: Important December/January Dates
Important December/January Dates
- Tuesday, Dec 17: SEPTAR Parent Meeting: "How To Create Inclusive Schools", 7:00-8:30pm: Meeting Registration Link
- Thursday, Dec. 19: Family Hot Chocolate Gallery Walk to tour Holiday Doors. All Families welcome to hot chocolate and tour all of the Holiday Door decorations: 7:45-8:30am.
- Thursday, Dec. 19th check Lost and Found for any lost clothes, lunchboxes, or water bottles
- Friday, Dec. 20: Unlabeled Lost and Found items placed out on blue tables FREE 7:45-9:30AM: and then whatever is left that has no names/labels will be placed in green recycling bin.
- Friday, Dec. 20: Free Dress Day(Last Friday of the month)
- Friday, Dec. 20: Toy Drive Distribution at Atherton Police Department For Select Families
- Friday, Dec 20: Super Minimum Day Dismissal: TK:11:30; Kinder 11:35; 1st-5th: 11:45am
- Saturday, Dec. 21: Set Out Your Luminarias For All To See(Winter Solstice shortest day of the year)
- Monday, Dec 23- Monday, January 6: WInter Holiday Vacation: No School
- Tuesday, January 7th, 2025: Classes Resume
- Tuesday, January 7th: Unidos PTO meeting, 5:30-7:30pm: Library
- Monday, January 20: Martin Luther King Jr Day: No School
- Friday, January 24: Family BINGO Night Cafeteria Doors Open 5:30pm Food For Sale; BINGO Games($5.00 to play) 6:30-7:30pm
- Monday, January 27: ELAC Meeting, 8:45am in the STEAM Lab
- Wednesday, January 29: School Site Council Meeting 3:00pm: Library
- Friday, January 31: Principal's Coffee 8:30-9:45--Library or Amphitheater
- Friday, January 31: Walk-A-Thon: TK/Kindergarten: 1:00pm to 1:25pm ; 1st/2nd grades: 1:30pm to 1:55pm ; 3rd/4th/5th grades: 2:00pm to 2:25pm