Milton Elementary School

Teacher Spotlight
Message from the Principal
October 4, 2024,
Dear Milton Elementary School Families,
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) asks that each Title 1 school hold an annual meeting of Title 1 for the purpose of...
- informing you of your school's participation in Title 1
- Explaining the requirements of Title 1
- Explaining your rights as parents to be involved.
You will learn...
- What is Title 1
- What it means to be Schoolwide
- Information regarding our Continuous Improvement Plan
- How you can be involved
- How you can request or find information, such as the qualifications of your student's teacher(s)
The meeting will be held at the beginning of the PTA meeting on October 8 beginning at 6:00pm.
Kylene Flowers
Policy Highlights
The Milton Town School District maintains programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents of students receiving services, or enrolled in programs, under Title I Part A of Elementary and Secondary Education Act. These programs, activities and procedures are described in school district and school level compacts.
Milton PTA
We would like to invite you to join the Milton VT PTA for the 2024-2025 school year! There is a small $8 fee to cover the annual dues of becoming part of not only the Milton VT PTA but also becoming a member of the larger Vermont PTA and National PTA!
The link to join is: https://miltonptavt.org/join/
Box Tops for Education:
Anyone can raise funds for our school using the Box Tops for Education App! Download the app and select ‘Milton Elementary School’ as your school, then scan your receipts to start earning. Plus, October is ‘refer a friend’ month for bonus box tops.
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday Oct 8th, PTA Meeting
Friday Oct 25th, Trunk or Treat
November 11th-15th, Book Fair
Victoria Herman, President
Holly Peet, Vice President
Brian Singh, VP of Membership
Karen Stout, Secretary
Jaime Nichols, Treasurer
For more information about the PTA and how you can get involved visit https://miltonptavt.org.
Celebrating Learning
2nd Grade Math Centers
Students take the lead on a Fundations lesson in second grade.
2nd Grade practices mindfulness
School Resources
Lunch Program
Health & Safety
News from the nurse office:
Hand, foot, and mouth disease: In the nurses’ offices we have heard of some students who have been diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth disease.
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is caused by a virus and is easily transmitted. Most people experience only mild symptoms. Symptoms may include fever, sore throat, decreased (or loss of) appetite, and sometimes sores (may be blister-like) inside the mouth or on the hands and/or feet.
Good handwashing is an important way to prevent the spread of hand, foot and mouth disease. It’s important to keep shared surfaces clean as well.
If your child is diagnosed with hand, foot and mouth disease, please keep your child home until the child has been fever free for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication. If your child has any open lesions/spots or is drooling due to uncomfortable lesions in the child’s mouth, please keep the child home. If your child is unable to be available for learning due to not feeling well with this virus, please keep your child at home.
If you would like more information:
Flu Vaccine:
The FDA has approved a flu vaccine that can be given at home by spraying the vaccine into the nose. The flu, or influenza, is caused by a virus that causes respiratory symptoms. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends that people 6 months and older get a flu vaccine, unless you have a medical condition that prevents you from getting the vaccine.
With a flu vaccine that can be given at home, parents will not have to miss work or other obligations in order to get to the doctor’s office or flu clinic. Parents may want to reach out to their child’s primary care provider and ask about using this vaccine.
Evelyn Mullins
Mark your Calendar
- PTA Meeting-October 8th from 6-7pm in the MES library.
- Fire Safety Week October 6th-12th. We will have assemblies on October 9th with the Milton Fire Department.
- No School: October 10th and 11th
- School Pictures are October 16th and 17th
Milton Elementary School
Website: https://www.mtsd-vt.org/
Location: 42 Herrick Avenue, Milton, VT, USA
Phone: 802-893-5400