Northside Elementary School
2023-2024 School Year
First Day of School is Wednesday, August 2nd!
We will open doors for our car riders on Wednesday at 7:30 AM. Parents are welcome to walk their children into school on Wednesday through Friday of this week, but they must go in through the front office and receive a visitor's sticker. School begins at 8:00 AM, and we ask that all visitors exit the building by this time on these three mornings.
A Message From Mrs. Addison
Welcome back Northside Elementary families!
We are thrilled to kick off the 2023-2024 school year with you and your family. At Northside, we have a long history of not only fostering student success, but also nurturing the whole child which goes hand in hand with our mission of: Nurturing, Educating, and Serving our students. We look forward to a year of creating positive learning experiences for your child as well as building strong school partnerships with our families and community members.
It also important that we maintain clear communication lines between school and home. You can expect weekly newsletters, lots of information on our new Facebook and Instagram page or school website, Class Dojo updates, and parent-teacher conferences to keep you updated throughout the year. Also, reach out any time with questions or concerns. We value open dialogue between home and school.
Next week, we will host a Meet the Teacher on Tuesday, August 1st from 12:00-2:00pm where you will be able to explore classrooms and experience a family-friendly atmosphere. Education is a shared responsibility, so let's work together to make this year your child's BEST EVER school year.
Mrs. Amy Addison, Ed.S
Principal of Northside Elementary
Meet the Teacher- August 1st
Our Pre-K students will meet their teachers on Tuesday from 10:00-11:00am. Please meet under the awning in the back parking lot between the gym and the main building.
Students in K-5 will meet their teachers on Tuesday between 12:00 and 2:00pm. If you have your supplies, feel free to go ahead and bring them with you on Tuesday. We look forward to seeing everyone there!
School Nutrition
Medication Drop Off
If your child has any medications that need to be administered at school, Nurse Linda will be set up in the cafeteria on August 1st from 12:00-2:00pm. You can fill out the paperwork and drop off medications with her.
Upcoming Events
July 31- Title 1 Continuous Improvement Parent Input Meeting (Media Center/5:00pm)
August 1- Meet the Teacher (12:00-2:00pm)
August 2- First Day of School (We open the doors for car riders at 7:30am)
August 11- All Pro Dads (7:15am in the gym)
- PTO Meeting to follow (8:00am in the cafeteria)
August 24- Open House/Title 1 Curriculum Night (5:30-7:00pm)
- Volunteer Training at 5:30pm
September 4- Labor Day (no school)
Northside Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Morning Arrival
School begins at 8:00 AM.
Students may be dropped off at Northside starting at 7:30 AM.
Students in Pre-K, K, 1st, and 5th grade will be dropped off in the back parking lot drop off area.
Students in grades 2nd – 4th grade will be dropped off in the front parking lot drop off area.
Breakfast Eaters:
Breakfast will be served between 7:30 AM and 7:55 AM.
Non-Breakfast Eaters
Pre-kindergarten through 4th grade students who arrive between 7:30 AM and 7:45 AM will report to the gym. They will be walked to class at 7:45 AM.
Our 5th grade students who arrive between 7:30 AM and 7:45 AM will report to the media center. These students will be released to walk to their homerooms at 7:45 AM.
Students must be in their classrooms by 8:00 AM. If your child is late for school, a parent or guardian must come inside the school to check in the student.
Afternoon Dismissal Procedures
School ends at 2:30 PM.
If your child is a bus rider, you may call the Coweta County School System’s Transportation Department if you have any questions or concerns about a morning or afternoon route. (Coweta County Transportation Department - 770-254-2896)
All students will receive a dismissal number that parents of car riders need to display in the front window of their car if their child is an afternoon car rider.
Students in Pre-K, K, 1st, and 5th grades will be picked up in the back parking lot pick up area.
Students in grades 2nd – 4th grade will be picked up in the front parking lot pick up area.
Any car rider who is still waiting to be picked up at 2:45 PM will be sent to the After School Program. A $25.00 per day fee will be charged for each child who is sent to the After School Program.
If a student needs to leave early during the day, a parent or guardian must come inside the school to check out the student before 2:00 PM. Students may only be checked out after 2:00 PM for extreme emergencies.
Any transportation change requests must be sent to the front office before 1:30 PM on the day of the change. Parents may send these changes in writing (through their child’s agenda, by emailing your child’s teacher and copying Mrs. Janette Trahan (janette.trahan@cowetaschools.net), or by fax -770-304-5922). If you email or fax a change, please call the school before 1:30 PM to make sure that we have received it and that there has not been a technology glitch.
Bus Riders: If your child will be riding the bus to a different location, the name, address, and phone number of the destination needs to be written on the bus transportation change request.
Car Riders: If your child will be riding home in a car with a different person, the person who will be picking up your child must be listed on the transportation change request, must have your child’s afternoon dismissal number, and may need to show a photo ID.
After School Program
Connect to Northside
Ways to Get Information About What's Happening at School
Your child's teacher is your best source for what's happening in your child's classroom. Teachers use email, Class Dojo, Remind Texts, newsletters, agendas, and phone calls as ways to communicate with families.
You can also find school-wide information in the following ways:
- school website - nes.cowetaschools.net
- school-wide email list - Please complete this Google Form to be added to our email distribution list.
- school-wide text service -Text @ @b37e7kb to 81010 to join the school's text service
- Northside's Facebook- Northside Elementary-Coweta County
- Northside's Instagram-nes_cougars
- Northside's PTO Facebook Page - Northside Elementary PTO - @NESNewnan
Keeping Our Students Safe at School is Our Top Priority
Northside has strong safety protocols in place, and our staff and students will practice these protocols throughout the year. It is important to remember that safety is a shared responsibility. We ask that all of our families and visitors adhere to our strict guidelines for safety when they visit our school to volunteer, attend conferences, or eat lunch. The only door that will be unlocked at the school is the front door going into the office. Once you enter the building, you will be asked to sign in using your ID. You will receive a Visitor's Badge, and then Mrs.Trahan will buzz you into the main building. When you are in the building, we ask that you go directly to the area where you are volunteering, having a meeting, or to the lunchroom. The only visitors who should go to a classroom are those who are scheduled to volunteer on that day. Finally, no visitors will be allowed to use our students' bathrooms. We have adult bathrooms for all staff and visitors.
We hope you understand the reasons for our strict procedures and will help us by adhering to them throughout the year. There is nothing more important to all of us than the safety of our precious children.
Fall Gifted Referral Period- August 4--25th
Referral Period for testing into the Gifted (REACH) Program is according to the schedule below:
Elementary – 1st – 5th Grade
August 4th-25th
Paperwork should be requested from and returned to the local school.
Click HERE to view our Gifted Informational Newsletter.
Please contact the REACH teacher at the student’s school for additional information.
Laura Crymes
Northside Elementary
Title I Continuous Improvement and Family Engagement Input Meeting for FY2023
for our Continuous Improvement & Family Engagement Input meeting.
We would love to have your input as we review and revise our schoolwide improvement plan, parent involvement plan, parent involvement workshops, parent involvement budget, and school-parent compact for next year.
When: 7-31-2023
Where: Northside Media Center
Time: 5pm
Connect to Northside
Swim Lessons
Attached is a flyer of swim lessons offered by the YMCA. Click HERE.