Bogan Weekly News
November 15, 2024
A Message From Ms. Cannon
Happy Friday!
This week, we enjoyed a fantastic fall musical from our second grade students. Thank you to our families who attended to celebrate all of their hard work.
We have one more week until Thanksgiving break. Please see below under the "PTG Corner" for Spirit Week information.
Have a great weekend!
Kirsten Cannon, Principal
Around Bogan
Car Rider Reminder
When merging in the car lines, please remember to be cautious when merging. We want to ensure all students and families are safe.
STEM Cycle #2 begins on Monday, November 18th!
Lunch Accounts
As a reminder, you are able to add funds to your student's lunch account through the Talawanda EZ Pay system. If your student's account reaches -$50 it will be rolled into your school fees. Please be mindful and keep your student's account current. You can use Talawanda EZ Pay, send a check or cash to the school office to take care of your student's balance.
November Lunch Menu
Here is our lunch menu for November!
Counselor's Corner: updated November 1st
Hello parents and guardians! It’s so hard to believe we are at the end of October and racing towards Thanksgiving break! We have been very busy in the classrooms and students are so excited about the many things we have been learning in Second Step and various other social-emotional learning classroom lessons. This month we have covered the following topics:
Kindergarten and 1st grade: Kindergarten and first grade have moved into our emotion management unit. We are learning how to identify big emotions in ourselves and in others, and what we can do to help both ourselves and our friends. We have practiced coping skills such as deep breathing, muscle relaxation, and taking a break as needed. We also discussed the different qualities that make us a good friend.
2nd grade: Second grade recently finished our unit on making mistakes with learning how to speak positive affirmations over ourselves. Students were encouraged to change their negative thoughts to a positive and remember the things they are good at and what they are still learning to do. In November, we are moving into working on identifying big emotions and how to handle them.
3rd grade: Third grade has continued to learn about how our brains help us to learn new things and we put that into practice as we talked about test anxiety. Students learned some calm down techniques that can be done quietly at their desks, both before a big test (like the state test) or even just on a normal school day. We also covered the topic of rumors and played a game of Telephone to learn just how quickly rumors spread and change as they are passed from one person to the next.
4th and 5th grade: Fourth and fifth grades have finished our unit on goal setting and have moved on to learning to identify big emotions and how we can help ourselves to calm down and work through those big feelings. We have also recently covered topics such as friendship, what happens when we say hurtful words to others, and respecting those around us, both adults and other students.
Counselor note:
I have spoken to many parents and guardians recently with various concerns for their students. Please do not hesitate to reach out at any time if you have concerns or need additional support for your student. I am here to help in any way that I can!
Nurse's Notes: Updated November 8th
Happy November! 🦃
This month we will be doing vision and hearing screenings for Pre-school, Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd and 5th grade. Please know if your child fails either of these screening I will contact you and a referral will be sent home.
With winter quickly approaching we want to remain aware of the inevitable cold and flu season. Here are some common symptoms to watch for:
- Cough
- Runny or stuffy nose
- Sore throat
- Headache
- Fatigue
- Fever or feeling feverish
- Muscle or body aches
Please remember that if your child has a fever they must be kept home and remain home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
Remind your kids on the importance of handwashing and covering their mouth with a tissue when they sneeze or cough.
November 25th-29th: NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Break
December 3rd: Read-A-Thon money due
December 14th: PTG Winter Wonderland: 9:30am-11:30am
December 23rd-January 7th: NO SCHOOL: Winter Break
January 14th: Dine to Donate: Cane's
January 20th: NO SCHOOL: MLK Day
January 28th-30th: 2nd Grade CogAt: More information to come
January 31st: PTG Kids' Night Out: 6:30pm-9:00pm
PTG Corner
Pebble Go
We are excited to have Pebble Go! Pebble Go provides access to a lot of different digital books that you can read with your children at home. Many students also use Pebble Go in the classroom and have really enjoyed the content! Please see below for the login information. The subscription will expire August 30, 2025.
Site Login: https://login.pebblego.com/
Username: bogan
Password: bogan
Around Talawanda
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