Old Trail Intermediate Summer News
July 29th, 2024

Winter is definitely here. Just a reminder that if there is any change of schedule due to inclement weather the district will send a phone call and email to alert you. Also, a reminder that students do have outside recess each day so please encourage your student to dress appropriately for the weather.
If we do have inclement weather that causes schools to close, live classes will be held virtually on ZOOM. We will follow the virtual schedule published on the district website, with classes starting at 9:30 am and ending at 1:40 pm. Students will access classes via Schoology. If the weather causes a 2-hour delay, school will open at 9:55 am and we will NOT be serving breakfast, as lunches start at 10:57 am.
For weather-related Remote Learning Days:
1. Teachers post Zoom links on Schoology.
2. All directions, lessons, and resources are posted on Schoology.
3. Students dealing with Zoom connectivity issues should message their teachers on Seesaw.
Last month we were treated to two amazing concerts by our band, chorus, and orchestra at Red Land High School. Congratulations to all our talented students and to Mr. Noss, Mrs. Graft, and Ms. Ketterer for their hard work.
Are you checking your emails or SeeSaw account regularly? Our staff often communicates with parents through email or SeeSaw, so please check these often so you don't miss any important information from your child's teacher.
Students of the Month
In December each of our teachers nominated a student for demonstrating our character trait of the month, EMPATHY. These students will be honored at our PBIS assembly and are highlighted in the showcase by the gym. Congratulations to all our empathetic, caring students! This month is all about Perseverance. One way to think about Perseverance is “pushing yourself through challenges and obstacles.” We all experience challenges in our lives. We all have moments when we feel like we can’t do it or that we want to give up on a big task. It is important to develop tools that help us work through those challenges in order to grow in those moments instead of giving up. How might you practice Perseverance as a family this month?
Holiday Greeting Card Contest
Each year students across the district are invited to submit a verse or a picture for the District's annual winter greeting card. This year two of our own Old Trail students were selected as "Honorable Mention" in the contest. They are Leizel Porr and Rachel Zalik of 5th Grade. Congratulations girls on your efforts!
Academic Teams In Training
We have several academic teams that are hard at work preparing for competitions. Academic Bowl teams in both grade 5 and grade 6 meet several times a week to test their knowledge and will compete against other students from Fairview IS later this month. The Math Olympiad team practices during school preparing for their regional competition. And the Math 24 club is practicing to get ready for the district competition to see who will represent WSSD at the regional competition. Good luck to all these hard working students and their dedicated coaches!
School Social Media Accounts
We will be managing the following social media accounts this year...
Instagram- OTPatriots
X (Twitter)- @OTPatriots
Facebook (managed by PTO)- Old Trail Intermediate School PTO
Please follow, like, and watch as we will post OTIS happenings throughout the year!
Important upcoming dates!
Below are some important upcoming dates:
Thursday, January 2 Welcome back to school
Wednesday, January 8 OTIS PTO meeting at 6:30 pm
Wednesday, January 15 PTO family bowling at Trindle Bowl from 5-8 pm
Monday, January 27 Grade 6 Academic Bowl at Crossroads MS
Tuesday, January 28 Grade 5 Academic Bowl at Crossroads MS
Friday, January 31 Old Trail night at Hershey Bears
PTO Info
The Old Trail PTO is already up an running and are very appreciative of the parents who stepped up to take on the huge task of starting a PTO from scratch. Thank you also to all our families who have participated in our family events and community night fundraisers. Our next PTO meeting will be held Wednesday, January 8 at 6:30 pm in the Old Trail Learning Commons (library). We will also have a ZOOM option for those who cannot attend in person. We hope many of you will join us to learn more about the events planned for this school year!
There is a Community Night Fundraiser on Saturday, January 4 at Chipoltle in Camp Hill from 4-8 pm. We are also having family bowling at Trindle Bowl in Camp Hill on Wednesday, January 15 from 5:00 - 8:00 pm. There is an Old Trail Night scheduled at the Hershey Bears on January 31. Please see the PTO newsletter for the QR code to purchase tickets. And check out the PTO Facebook page for up to date information.