Canvas News
#wdmcsonline #canvaslms
Have you seen the New Canvas Analytics?!
Course Grade is the first feature available within Analytics Beta. Course Grade allows instructors to view the average course grade for all course data using an interactive chart or table. Additionally, instructors can filter analytics results to compare the average course grade with a specific section, student, or assignment.
Weekly Online Activity is the second feature available within Analytics Beta. Weekly Online Activity allows instructors to view the average number of page views and participations for a course using an interactive chart or table. Additionally, instructors can filter analytics results to compare the average course activity with a specific section or student.
You do not have to do anything to turn this new feature on, just click on the "New Analytics" button on the far right of the homepage of your course (see pics below for more details).
New Analytics Button
Analytics Options
Analytics Details
Need to Know...
Grades in Course Navigation
Manually Created Courses
"What if" Grades
Final Grades Passing Back to Infinite Campus (Secondary)
We are continuing our work with parents getting connected to Canvas and better understanding the system. There are multiple resources available on the district website.
Canvas Integration for Literacy
I use Canvas in several literacy capacities. Here are two ways to integrate Canvas into literacy instruction.
Each week our fifth-grade students have a focus poem. We use the poem in shared reading to develop our reading workshop community, practice fluency, and develop understanding. Every four weeks, students are assigned to select a poem and create a video recording with fluency. They enjoy this assignment and it is a good artifact of their fluency work and progress. In addition, students take weekly quizzes that align with our comprehension work throughout the week. The great things about quizzes on Canvas are the instant feedback the students get on their work and that Canvas literally grades it for you giving you analytics of what areas students have mastered and what areas still need work.
Canvas has also been helpful in the implementation and assessment of our word study work. I organized the lists from our Benchmark Word Study Vocabulary program and post them to Canvas. I created two groups, one is the regular list and the other modifying for students needing more support. Students access the list they are assigned and work through the week accessing their lists there. No more paper to manage for them or me. I also place a link to websites such as SpellingCity.com and Sheppard Software for spelling and parts of speech practice.
At the end of the week, students complete an assessment, both a spelling list, and a quick check. The spelling list is completed through Spelling City. Students create a PDF of their finished work and submit it to Canvas as an assignment. I have created the quick check quizzes using Next Quiz and students complete that part of their word study online. Again, all of these provide the students with instant feedback as soon as they submit it and it saves me time in grading and managing papers.
Try something new in Canvas!
- If you are using Canvas in your classroom, invite parents to be observers of their students in your course and create a parent information and/or resources page
- Post an announcement to your students about an upcoming event in class
- Take a deep breath, it's almost winter break!
- Use a Canvas discussion to facilitate a classroom discussion
- Click the "New Analytics" button and look at the data it gives you
- Take a deep breath, it's almost winter break!
Vote for these Feature Suggestions!!
Please take a minute to "vote up" for these feature suggestions that WDMCS staff have found or suggested to Canvas. We have added new suggestions to the bottom of the list. Remember, you need to click "log in" at the top right for your vote to count.
Want to learn more about Canvas?
Be sure to log in with your @wdmcs.org email to view the recorded webinar.
Abby Cunningham
Email: cunninghama@wdmcs.org
Website: http://www.wdmcs.org
Location: 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, IA, USA
Phone: (515)633-4545
Twitter: @mrs_c_ham
Carrie Jacobs
Email: jacobsc@wdmcs.org
Website: http://www.wdmcs.org
Location: 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, IA, USA
Phone: (515)633-5159
Facebook: www.facebook.com/thetiedyedteacher/
Twitter: @tiedyedteacher