USD 231 Board Briefs (April 2024)
April 8, 2024

Presentation by Gardner Edgerton High School (2.1)
Milken Educator Award (2.2)
Karla Reed, Director of Mentoring and Professional Development and past Milken Award winner, recognized Mr. Matthew Mayeske, GEHS Social Studies teacher, as a 2024 Milken Award winner!!!
For the full story, click HERE.
Kansas Teacher of the Year Recognition (2.3)
Bruce Haber, Nike Elementary principal, recognized Mandy Soetaert, 2nd grade teacher at NE for being nominated as the USD 231 Elementary Teacher of the Year. For more information about Mandy's achievements, click HERE.
Frank Bell, Gardner Edgerton High School principal, recognized Aaron Batterbee, biology teacher at GEHS for being nominated as the USD 231 Secondary Teacher of the Year. Aaron was also recognized as a Region III Semi-Finalist! For more information about Aaron's achievements, click HERE.
Grants and Donations (5.1)
USD 231 is proud of our partnerships with many stakeholders (students, parents, employees, churches, local vendors, etc.). Often, due to these partnerships, our students and employees are the recipients of generous donations.
To view a list of recent donations and grants, click the icon on the right/above.
Book Review Committee Recommendation - America (7.1)
The Board of Education discussed the contents of the book, America, by E.R. Frank. The BOE approved to retain the book.
DLR Bond Planning Update (8.1)
Mark DeWitt, Director of Operations, and Ian Kilpatrick DLR Design Lead shared an update related to the Bond planning process. Data has been collected related to capacity and building conditions. Committees have been developed including members of the Board of Education, leadership team, certified and classified employees, students, parents and community members.
The presentation and timeline can be found HERE.
To learn more about the planning process, click HERE.
Curriculum Writing Update (8.2)
Dr. Ben Boothe, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, presented an update related to the curriculum writing process. A review was provided overviewing what has been accomplished to this point in the school year, along with work taking place this spring, leading into extensive writing this summer (K-12 ELA and Math).
To view the slide deck, click HERE.
Cell Phone Policy Update (9.1)
Dr. Ben Boothe provided an update related to the Cell Phone process/policy across the District. After receiving feedback from staff, students, parents, and members of the Educational Services Advisory Committee, a revised process was presented to the Board for their consideration.
To view the proposal, click HERE.
Discussion on Board Vacancy Process (10.2)
Dr. Brian Huff, Superintendent, and the Board of Education discussed the process for filling the Board vacancy created by Mr. Russ Ellis. The Board policy related to this process can be found HERE.
Additional information, including how to apply, will be shared later this week.
Real World Learning - Kauffman Grant (10.7)
Melissa McIntire, Director of Student Support, shared that the Kauffman Foundation has invited USD 231 to apply for a Real World Learning Grant. The purpose of the grant is to enhance student learning with career, hands-on experiences including internships, client connected projects and partnerships with local businesses. The grant value is $330,000 over 3 years. Research was done on metro schools already part of the RWL program and based on that our grant application will include the following plans for the money each year: RWL Coordinator position, Software to track Market Value Assets, Field Trips for students, design team trips to innovative schools.
To view the slide deck, click HERE.
Nonresident Enrollment Approvals (10.8)
Alternative School/Alternative Placement Proposal (10.9)
Dr. Ben Boothe presented an alternative school and placement proposal. At the request of the BOE, the Educational Services Department explored potential alternative schooling options that may better serve the students and families of USD 231. The inquiry included touring alternative settings across the greater KC metro area, conversations with school leaders, and work sessions for preparation.
To view the slide deck, click HERE.
Snow Day and Calendar Information (10.10)
Dr. Jody Marshall presented an updated related to the impact the snow days will have on the end-of-school.
Monday, May 20, 2024
Elementary= 8:20-3:25
Middle= 8:10-3:15
High= 8:00-3:00
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Elementary= 8:20-3:25
Middle= 8:10-3:15
High= 8:00-3:00
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (Last Day of School=NO LUNCH SERVED)
Elementary= 8:20-11:25
Middle= 8:10-11:15
High= 8:00-12:00
To view the presentation, click HERE.
- 6.1 - 6.10 - Approval of minutes from the Board Meeting on March 4, 2024; Approval of Out of State travel for out of state competitions Educators Rising 2024, BBQ Competition, National Forensics; Approval of revised USD 231 Organizational Chart as presented; Approval of the Assurances within the IDEA LEA VI-B Application for the 2024-2025 school year; Approval of Customer Services through Gen Service Class; Approval of the Memorandum's of Understanding for USD 231 and their partners; Approval of Contracts/Purchases; Approval of Financial Statements; Approval of disposal of surplus property; Approval of claims.
- The items associated with 6.1 - 6.10 can be found HERE.
- 10.3 - Approval of Curriculum Development (Educational Services) - Dr. Marilyn Cannon for consulting.
- 10.4 - Approval of Riddell football helmets for GEHS.
- 10.5 - Approval of student Chromebook refresh SY 24/25 with CDW/Insight.
- 10.6 - Approval of facility rental fee schedule for FY25.
- 10.7 - Approval of the Kauffman Grant that was approved 18-0 by the Ed. Services Committee.
- 10.8 - Approval of Nonresident Enrollment.
- 10.9 - Approval of the Alternative School/Alternative Placement proposal, as presented.
- 10.14 - Approval of Personnel Report.
Tom Reddin
Lana Sutton
Greg Chapman
Heath Freeman
Jeff Miller
Katie Williams
Board Briefs are informal reports from the Gardner Edgerton Board of Education's regular meetings. They are typically released a day or two after each meeting and are not meant to be accepted as meeting minutes.
To view previous Board Briefs, click the image on the right.
Monday, May 6, 2024 - 6:00 p.m.