Eagle Express | November 8, 2024
Orchard Park Elementary
Important Dates
Monday, November 11 | Veterans Day Parade @ 7:40am
Wednesday, November 13 | Battle of the Books
November 27-29 | NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Holiday
Wednesday, December 4 | Fall Makeup Pictures
December 9-13 | PTO Holiday Shoppe
Thursday, December 12 | PTO Holiday Shoppe 5:30pm-7:00pm
Thursday, December 12 | Soarin' Sounds Concert @ 6pm
Friday, December 20 | Last Day of 2nd Nine Weeks
Friday, December 20 | Early Dismissal @ 11am
December 21 - January 2 | NO SCHOOL - Holiday Break
Monday, January 6, 2025 | Students Return
Veterans Day
School Nurse
Please notify Nurse Sarah if your student has been diagnosed by a Health care Provider of the following Upper Respiratory Illnesses:
- Covid
- Flu
- Bronchitis
- Pneumonia
Holiday Art Giftshop
Art Contest
Yearbook Cover Design Winners
Lost & Found is GROWING!
PTO News
Upcoming Events
December 9-13: Holiday Shoppe
Volunteer sign-ups coming soon!!
Follow the PTO on Facebook & Instagram
Follow the PTO on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/OrchardParkPTO
Follow the PTO on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/opespto.eagles/
PTO Website
Visit the PTO Website for to Update Your Child's Information
-Each student's grade and teacher must be updated each year-
PTO Email
If you are not receiving text messages from the PTO and would like to, please send your name, phone number and child's class to our email opespto@gmail.com