Natick Redhawks
A Message from Natick High School

Dear Parent or Guardian,
To make sure we give the best possible education and services to children in Natick, we want to learn about their attitudes and behaviors with regard to a variety of health issues. In order to accomplish this, students attending Natick High School are being asked to participate in a survey called the MetroWest Adolescent Health Survey. Natick High School has been participating in this survey since 2008. The questions on the survey cover many topics including alcohol, tobacco and other drug use; violence and safety; nutrition and physical activity; sexual behaviors, online behaviors; and mental health. This project will help our district develop and enhance its health education and prevention programs. We will be giving this online survey to students in grades 9-12 on November 6 and 7, 2023.
The survey is anonymous, meaning your child will not be asked to provide their name, and no one will know how they respond. There will be no identifying information collected on the survey, and there will be no way to link your child’s responses to their identity.
Completing this survey is voluntary. Your child’s grades in school will not be affected by whether or not they participate. Your child can also decide not to take the survey or skip any question they don’t wish to answer.
The Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment is a Federal Law that requires us to notify you ahead of time about the survey, and give you the chance to look at it, so you can let us know if you don’t want your child to take part. If you want to see the survey before deciding, a copy will be available in the high school Main Office from October 25 - November 1, 2023.
If you DO NOT want your child to take part in the survey, please email Robert Anniballi, K-12 Director of Health & PE at ranniballi@natickps.org by November 1.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Bob Anniballi, K-12 Director of Health & PE at 508-647-6621 or ranniballi@natickps.org.
Josepha Blocker
Natick High School Principal