Kentucky Trail Elementary
October 2024
Kentucky Trail Elementary School
The KT office is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the school year on days school is in session.
Principal: TJ Winkelmann
Counselor: Carey Hughes
Lead Secretary: Amy Dunn
Office Para: Lyndsey Pickens
Nurse: Stacie Williams
Hello KT Families,
October is very busy around Kentucky Trail as we have some exciting events coming up. In just over one week, we are closing out the first quarter of school. We will also host a Trunk or Treat. Finally, we will end the month with conferences.
The September 2024 Reading Newsletter will be in your child's backpack this week. It includes information and activities to support literacy and reading at home.
Parent Teacher Conferences will be on October 23 and 24. These will be held in person. Your child's teacher will be sending more information in the near future. These conferences are a crucial part of the school year as we talk about your child and the progress he/she has made.
Finally, take some time to review the October Newsletter. As always, let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for sharing your children with us!
Dr. Winkelmann - principal
Our Pirate Principles
At Kentucky Trail, we believe in fostering a learning environment that empowers every student. Our guiding principles of Equity, Perseverance, Integrity, and Critical Thinking are the compass that steers our educational journey. We strive to create a space where all students feel valued, supported, and inspired to reach their full potential.
Arrival and Dismissal
We want to ensure that your child always receives the correct mode of transportation.
In order to accommodate any changes that may be made to your child’s transportation
for that day, we ask that you notify us before 2:30pm so that we can relay the
information on to your child’s teacher. You can email us at or send a
handwritten note to school with your student.
Please do not call with transportation changes.
A Note from PTO...
Fall is in full swing for KT PTO. October includes our monthly meeting, KT Fall Festival and Parent Teacher Confrences. Volunteers make these events possible! Volunteer today, by emailing us at!
October 3rd 5:00 Monthly PTO meeting
October 17th 4-4:30 Set up
4:30-6:00 Trunk or Treat
October 24th Teacher Dinner for P.T.C.
Attendance reminders
School attendance and punctuality is a very important factor in student academic progress. We wish to work together with parents and guardians to ensure your child’s continued success.
Please be sure to email the office with any absences. Our goal as a district is to keep lines of communication open with families to impact student attendance and education positively.
Acceptable absences are defined in Board Policy as extenuating circumstances, such as severe illness and/or injury; religious observances; or visits with a parent or legal guardian who is an active duty member of the military who has been called to duty for, is on leave from or is immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting, with permission of the superintendent or designee.
The pieces listed below are not the only actions the district and Belton Police Department will pursue; other interventions and supports will be enacted to assist the student and family as needed.
- All absences for illness must include a doctor’s note to be excused.
- Acceptable absences (listed above) may be excused if accompanied by documentation.
- All absences not covered above are considered unexcused.
- When children reach five (5) days, eight (8) days and eleven (11) days of excused and/or unexcused absences, a note from the school district will be sent to the family.
- When a student reaches 8 days of unexcused absences, documentation will be given to the School Resource Police Officer, and they will make direct contact with the family.
- When a student reaches 11 unexcused absences, a citation will be written by the Belton Police Department, and the student’s parents will be required to appear in Municipal Court. (See City Ordinance Section 15-289, Truancy)
- If a student continues to accrue absences, parents/guardians will continue to get ticketed at 16, 21, and 26, etc. unexcused absences.
- If a student accumulates more than 11 absences, additional actions will be taken including the possibility of Education Court with the Juvenile Office.
Digital Citizenship Focus: Social Media
The attached website is a great resource for students, families, and teachers to learn about Digital Citizenship. This month, we have included a link to the Social Media portion of the website. Feel free to browse the various questions families have posed surrounding the topic of Social Media.
The weather is slowly getting colder as it is officially Fall. This is just a friendly reminder to dress appropriately as we go outside for recess and breaks throughout the day. We also encourage you to label all jackets with your child's name.
A Note from the Nurse...
The Flu season is just around the corner! To help keep our students well this season please read over Belton's health attendance guidelines for guidance on when to keep your child home.
Health Attendance Guidelines
The Belton School District attempts to ensure the health and safety of all our students. Children must be well to perform in school. We are asking parents to comply with the following procedure/guidelines to help reduce the spread of infection during the school year.
Any child who vomits or has diarrhea the night before or the morning of school should be kept home and remain at home until no vomiting or diarrhea is present for a minimum of 24 hours, without the aid of medication.
Any child who has an elevated temperature (>100.4 degrees Fahrenheit) should remain home until the temperature has been normal for a minimum 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.
Any child who is coughing hard enough or frequent enough to interrupt the educational process for the child or classmates, should be kept home until the coughing decreases.
Any child who has red, watery, burning eyes that are matting with drainage, especially if they are stuck shut upon arising, shall be kept home and may return to school after receiving medication for a minimum 24 hours or with physician approval.
Any child who looks or acts ill should be evaluated carefully before sending the child to school.
Any child who has been to the doctor for possible infectious conditions should bring a note from the physician declaring that the child is not contagious.
Any child who is sent home from school with fever, vomiting, or diarrhea, should remain home until symptom-free for a minimum of one full school day.
Parental cooperation in these matters will help ensure that all children remain in good health throughout the school year. Thank you.
Important Dates in October
3 - PTO Meeting at 5:00 in the library - Childcare provided
8 - KT Culver's Night
14 - No School - Staff PD Day
15 - 2nd Quarter Begins
17 - KT Trunk or Treat - 4:30-6:00
23 - Evening Parent Teacher Conferences
24 - No School - Parent Teacher Conferences
25 - No School
1 - No School - Staff PD Day
Our Mission
The mission of Kentucky Trail Elementary, as a vibrant partnership of our students, staff, families, and community, to ensure all students pursue growth throughout life with innovative mindsets, emotional health, and strong character while meaningfully contributing to the world around them through extraordinary school experiences distinguished by:
- a culture of high expectations
- engaging learning opportunities
- activities that foster connection and joy
- collaborative relationships built on trust, safety, compassion, and support.
Kentucky Trail Elementary
Location: 8301 E. 163rd St. Belton, MO 64012
Phone: 816.348.1100
Facebook: KT Facebook