Marshall High School Newsletter
Nov 1, 2024

Principal's Message
This week at Marshall High, we’ve been making great strides! We’ve started the exciting process of converting the old autoshop into a new multi-purpose room. Once complete, this space will serve as a hub for student activities during lunch and after school, offering much-needed flexibility for our growing programs. I have met with ASB, PTSA, and other stakeholders to discuss possible uses. We will reach out to families soon to get a little help in cleaning it up and making it an inviting space.
We also celebrated our students’ achievements with a pep rally honoring our flag football team and girls’ volleyball team for their playoff appearances.
I also want to announce our new choir club, facilitated by Mr. Van Wagner. They sound amazing already. I can't wait to hear them perform.
Thank you for your continued support as we work to enhance the experiences of all our students.
Yours in service,
Juan Puentes
🦃Coffee with the Principal
- Thanksgiving Celebration and Raffle (Turkey, Ham, and Apple Pie)
- Topic: Graduation Requirements
Phone Free School Day
The Shared Decision Making (SDM) Council met on Wednesday to vote on the district’s proposed options, selecting one for implementation at Marshall. Comprised of elected parents, students, teachers, and staff, the SDM Council voted 13-1 in favor of adopting the Yondr magnetic pouch system. Leading up to the February implementation, Marshall will host additional meetings for students, parents, faculty, and staff to discuss the details and address any questions about the rollout process.
November at a Glance
Nov 11 - Veterans Day No School
Nov 15 - Coffee with the Principal
Nov 22 - Coffee with the Principal
Nov 25 - 29 Thanksgiving Break 🦃
Saturday School
For students enrolled in Saturday School, we will see them tomorrow. The entrance will be on
St George, next to the bike racks. Student start time is 8:30 am. No students will be admitted after 8:45 am.
Students can also count this time for any campus clean-up they need to complete.
Please register soon.
The Winter Academy is designed to provide academic support for students during the winter break.
Deadline for "Online" registration is November 29, 2024
(Transportation available)
https://www.lausd.org/winteracademyPlease welcome Blue Tide.
Our own John Marshall Student Newsletter.
Blue Tide – The Student News Site of John Marshall High School (bluetideatmarshall.org)
ASB Student Activities
SPIRIT WEEK 11/20-11/22
11/19 - Say Hey day!
11/20 - Crazy Hair day- wear or style your hair crazy!
11/21 - Purple out- wear purple to spread awareness of Pancreatic cancer.
11/22 - Throwback day- wear your favorite style from the starting from the 2000's and the past!
* Leader and Girls Basketball are selling the World's Finest Chocolates.
Open Coaching Positions
The Athletics Department is looking for people to fill a few coaching positions. If you have coached or played the sports below, this is a great opportunity for you to influence, teach and lead student-athletes to be great leaders. If you know of anyone who has coached the sports below, please tell them the positions are open and they can send a resume to Ms. Martinez at lsm9496@lausd.net Please see the stipend rates below and talk to Nico or Ms. Martinez if you are interested in coaches.
Winter Season: Competitive Cheer Coach $4204
Spring Season: Varsity Softball Coach $5024 & JV Softball Coach $4204
Spring Season: Stunt or Game Day Cheerleading Coach $4204
College Application Season
College application season is here! Seniors can get one-on-one assistance with their college application this Saturday via zoom anytime between 9am and 11:30 am. Ms. Bryan will be available to help you create your account for financial aid, review UC applications and submit your Cal State applications. Seniors should check their Schoology page.
Fall College Essay Workshops.
If it’s fall, it’s college essay time. This fall for the 13th year, CollegePath LA is teaming up with the college center to provide your child help with their college essays. Please encourage your child to take advantage of this great opportunity to work one-on-one with a writing coach.
Where: The College Center
When: Tuesday, September 17th through Tuesday, November 19th, from 2:45-4:30 p.m.
Please ask your child to click on the link below to sign up and select their dates. You will need to sign the parent permission form attached to the sign-up form. This will allow our volunteers to work with your child via email and google docs.
Parent Center
Please join us for our workshops. See schedule below.
Google Workshop
Taller de Google
Let's support
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