Monday Message Mensaje del lunes
September 9th/9 de septiembre
This Thursday at 4:30 Expansion Info Session 5 pm 4th grade family meeting
Grade Level Family Meetings Every Thursday in September at 5:00 PM
CLC Starts Monday! Before and afterschool. Contact school for details.
Letter for All Families
Dear La Escuela Fratney Families,
We are off to a great start this year and I expect that we will have a wonderful school year! Thank you for everything you have done to help your student be ready for school.
The safety of students and staff is one of the top priorities in the district. We have many safety processes in our school that are followed daily to make sure our building is safe. At times, you may be asked to follow certain procedures in our building. Please understand that these steps are designed for the safety of all.
Because we welcome families in our school, I want to share with you the procedures for visiting our building. This will help you know what to expect and make your visit go more smoothly.
All visitors must:
· Use the designated main entrance and clearly identify yourself
· Report to the office/security desk.
· Show a form of identification.
· Sign in on the MPS Visitor Record.
· Wear/display the MPS Visitor Pass at all times while in the school.
· Be escorted to the requested location.
· Return the Visitor Pass to the office/security desk and sign out.
· Visitors are limited to TWO per student for meetings, conferences, and classroom visits unless approved by the building administrator or designee.
Families should also read the Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities, and Discipline. This booklet can be accessed in multiple languages at mpsmke.com/rights. In addition to important information about weather, athletics, textbooks, medications, transportation, and the student Code of Conduct, the complete visitor policy is on page 34. If you cannot access the booklet online, please ask to see a copy in school.
Any time you have questions, please ask a teacher or school staff member.
Sara Cruz
9:00 AM Daily FREE Breakfast in the Cafeteria!/Desayuno gratis a las 9:00
Meet Secretary Ms. Lisbel
Meet Secretary Ms. Lianet
Bus Support
Meet our Social Worker Ms. Emily Rodriguez
Help with community resources (food, shelter, clothing, etc.)
Middle School Expansion Information/Listening Sessions Every Thursday at 4:30
La Escuela Fratney
Email: 182@milwaukee.k12.wi.us
Website: http://www5.milwaukee.k12.wi.us/school/fratney/
Location: 3255 North Fratney Street, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Phone: (414) 267-1100