DRES Family Message
November 15, 2022
Message From Mrs. Sanchez
Lockdown Drill
DRES Chorus Concert 11/17/22 @ 7pm
Turkey Dinner Pick Up
You have been assigned a location and Mrs. Pearson will be reaching out to let you know which location you've been assigned.
The pick up locations are: Marsh Creek Community Center and Holston Lane just outside of Pines of Ashton apartment complex.
If you did not sign up for a Turkey and fixings and your family is interested in receiving this opportunity, please reach out to Mrs. Pearson, Social Worker, at jspearson@wcpss.net. We have a limited amount left available at this time.
PM Carpool Reminder
Raleigh's Best Winner
Quarter 2 Dates
11/15- Chipotle Spirit Night
11/17- DRES Chorus Concert "Back To Broadway" @ 7pm at DRES Gymnasium
11/23-11/25- Thanksgiving Break
11/28- PTA Meeting @ 6:30pm, Interims Go Home This Week
12/5- Early Release @ 1pm
12/6- Alpaca Spirit Night
12/18- PTA Meeting & Winter Playdate @ 3pm
12/21- Early Release @ 1pm, End of Q2
12/22-12/31- Winter Break!
Join the PTA
- Please join here if you have not already joined the DRES PTA! Also, please ask grandparents and family members to join!
- We are working towards a goal of 275 members - if we hit this, every child will get a DRES water bottle sticker
TSI-AT Designation
Early Release Dates
The rest of the Early Release Days for the year for Track 4 are:
December 5
December 21
March 24
May 9
Title 1 Video
School Messenger
Read more at this link: https://www.wcpss.net/schoolmessenger
Did you change your phone number or move?
If you've moved, please provide an updated gas, electric, water bill, signed lease agreement, or bill of sale for house purchase. Contact Mrs. Antonio for an appointment.