Burns Park Family Newsletter
September 2, 2024
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From the Principal
Hello Burns Park Penguins,
What a Beautiful Opening Week at Burns Park.
The students and teachers were hard at work and play this past week as they began for form and norm their learning communities. During week 1 our Special Area teachers planned and designed grade level assemblies where they all came together to help students learn about Burns Park (the building, the different learning areas, the park, and the community). Students and staff are excited to begin the year with shared expectations, experiences, procedures, routines and moments of fun. We are all comforted when we know who we can reach out to when we need help, what is expected of us, how we fit into the group and what fun looks live around the school.
Our staff will continue the work of building our students sense of belonging and feelings of security this week as we continue to build community and learn more about each other. AAPS Curriculum will begin next week. It is important to us that students have lots of opportunities and practice being a student in their new learning environment with low risk, low pressure situations before introducing the curriculum.
Looking forward to week 2,
Principal Bullock
Previous Family Newsletters
Family Needs *Link Fixed*
Each year the Burns Park Community celebrates a number of school events together. This ranges from picnics, walks/runs to outdoor parties. This survey has been created so that you can inform Burn Park of possible supports your family may need to fully participate in school wide events.
If you have experienced an expected or unexpected hardship that has made it difficult to participate in activities that are not a necessity, please let us know.
*Note: This information being shared is confidential and is collected and seen by Principal Bullock only. Principal Bullock will not share your name with entities. Total numbers is the only thing shared.
Picture Day
Save the Date, Friday September 27th is Picture Day at Burns Park.
Bell Schedule
Our bell schedule is 8:45 AM - 3:48 PM. It is an expectation that your child has a timely arrival. We thank you in advance for getting your child to school on time each and every day.
School Meals
School meals are free for all students for the 2024-2025 school year. Students must receive an item from each food category in order for your student’s account not to be charged. A la carte items will be charged to your student’s account. The district has asked that every family complete this Child Nutrition & Education Benefits Application.
Fall After-School Rec & Ed Classes
AAPS Rec & Ed is excited to offer several after-school classes focused on fun, learning, movement, and discovery. Registration is NOW OPEN! Visit www.aarecedonline.com for details. Scholarships are available! Please call (734) 994-2300 ext. 0 for assistance.
From The Burns Park PTO
Hello BPE PTO Families,
I hope everyone had a great first week of school. Thanks to everyone who attended Popsicles in the Park and stayed for the Welcome Back Coffee & Tea with the PTO and Principal Bullock. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at Curriculum Night on September 9, where we’ll be sharing information about the PTO. Keep an eye out next week for information about volunteering as a Room Parent and for the various other roles throughout the school year.
PTO Meetings
Our monthly PTO Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. via Zoom. Please join us for our first meeting Tuesday, September 10. We’ll be presenting and voting on the proposed 2024-25 School Year Budget. The agenda and proposal will be made available the week prior to the meeting on our PTO website here.
The meetings also provide an opportunity to ask questions and learn about our efforts to fund all the school field trips, classroom subsidies, and student engagement opportunities, such as Walk & Talk and March is Reading Month. You’ll also learn about exciting volunteer opportunities inside and outside the school.
PTO Directory
Our PTO website has a Directory that allows families to create an account and share contact details and class information, enabling parents to reach out to each other within class, grade level, etc. to setup playdates and otherwise foster a sense of community. Our current PTO directory is opt-in, meaning that families have to proactively create an account on our site to join. Returning families need to update their class assignments and new families should definitely sign up!
Upcoming Opportunities
In the coming weeks keep an eye out for a survey and information from us about the array of upcoming volunteer opportunities both inside and outside the school. We’ll be putting calls out for Room Parents, Library Helpers, Art Angels, and help with a variety of committees. New families will be hearing from our New Family Liaisons to help with the transition. Many hands make light work, and we are excited to work together to help brighten this year for our Penguins.
Save the Date – Fall Picnic
Mark Thursday, September 19 on your calendars for the annual Burns Park Fall Picnic. Details will be forthcoming next week.
Your Burns Park PTO
Kory Zhao, President
Michelle Ding, President-Elect
Safe Routes to School
The Burns Park Safe Routes to School Committee will be meeting on Friday 9/6 at Argus on Packard from 9-10am. All are welcome and we will be starting the planning for the October Bike/Walk to School event.