CES Weekly Communicator
Issue #5: September 6, 2024
Principal Corner
Happy Friday, Chapelfield families.
I wanted to remind you that we will have an important information session about Title 1 at our first PTO meeting. I will share with you the new resources we have received this year and go over how we are doing as a school. Please join us on Tuesday, September 10 from 7-8:15 p.m. in the cafeteria. There will be FREE CHILDCARE in our gym provided by GLHS National Honor Society students. You will also learn ways you can get involved in our wonderful community. We hope to see you there.
Also, we need your HELP. It is essential that you let the office know by 2 p.m. of transportation changes. After 2 p.m., we will not be able to guarantee that your child's teacher will receive that message. By sharing this IMPORTANT information by 2 p.m., we will be able to communicate with teachers and students of any changes for transportation. Thank you for help!
Nikki Miller
Related Arts Spotlight
Art room update from Mrs Karr
We’ve been creating from day one! Students in all grades made sketchbooks and uniquely designed their covers. Thank you to our Chapelfield PTO for donating sturdy cardstock for our covers this year! We’re excited to fill them up with lots of art over the year. We talk about how keeping a sketchbook is a great way to log ideas, practice, and to document your growth over time.
Next, we started a school-wide banner with the theme “We Stick Together.” All students and staff at Chapelfield will contribute a sticker design to show community and creativity. It’s hanging outside our art room and it’s so fun to look at! Students in grades 3-5 even learned how to make their own DIY stickers with packing tape and parchment paper. Ask your child to share how they made theirs. I’m so happy to see everyone back in the art room. It’s going to be a great year!
Mental Health Corner
Hello Chapelfield Parents and Guardians!
My name is Jadean Frost and I am the new Prevention Clinician here at Chapelfield. My job is to be an additional support for students and their families, with a goal of addressing mental health difficulties before they become something bigger. I will be at Chapelfield on Wednesdays and Thursdays where I will be conducting groups and one-on-one sessions to help your children in any way possible. These sessions will address topics such as coping skills, anger management, social skills, and much more!
If you have any questions feel free to reach out! My email is frostj@gips.org. Thanks for having me at Chapelfield!
School Picture Day: Wednesday, September 11
School picture day this year is WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2024. All students will get their picture taken for our yearbook. Portraits are available for purchase for families that are interested. Order forms have gone home. You can send in your order form with money inside but we encourage you to order and prepay at shop.hrimaging.com. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school office.
Related Arts-ABCD Calendar
New Staff Spotlight
Meet Madelyn Predmore; 3rd Grade Classroom
What is your favorite color?: Yellow and Light Blue
What do you like to do for fun?: Yoga, running, hiking, and spending time with family and friends!
What is your favorite subject? Science!
What was your favorite grade as a student and why?
Third Grade! I moved schools when I was in third grade and I had a teacher that helped that transition feel less difficult. She created a positive learning environment in her classroom and taught me life lessons I will never forget. I am grateful to still be in touch with her today. She is a big reason that I wanted to become a teacher!
What are you looking forward to at CES?
I am looking forward to having the opportunity to get to know and learn from all of the amazing students at Chapelfield. I am also looking forward to building meaningful connections with all the incredible families and amazing staff in the CES community. I feel incredibly grateful to be a part of this community!
Meet Maddie Keller, 4th Grade Teacher
What is your favorite color?: Dark Red
What do you like to do for fun?: I love to hike, cook and play pickleball.
What is your favorite subject?: ELA - I love a good book!
What was your favorite grade as a student and why?
My favorite grade as a student was 5th grade. I had an amazing teacher who made learning so engaging!
What are you looking forward to at CES?
I am looking forward to building connections with the community and learning more about the Chapelfield Families!
Meet Audrey Heym, 5th Grade Teacher
What is your favorite color?: Purple and light blue
What do you like to do for fun?: Travel, explore new restaurants/coffee shops around Columbus, go on long walks, cook, go to sporting events (especially OSU!) and spend time with family, friends, and dog.
What is your favorite subject?: Reading and writing!
What was your favorite grade as a student and why?
My favorite grade would have to be either fourth or fifth! I had incredible teachers for both of these grades who inspired me to become a teacher myself. They made learning fun and encouraged me to be the best version of myself in and outside of school. I also loved the topics we learned about, the books we read, and the leadership opportunities in these grades!
What are you looking forward to at CES?
I am so excited to get to know the wonderful students and families at Chapelfield! They have already given me such a warm welcome and I can’t wait to learn more about them as the year goes on. I’m also looking forward to continuing to work with and learn alongside all of the amazing staff here at Chapelfield. The teachers and administration at CES are truly passionate about teaching and I am thrilled to be a part of this community!
Beginning of the Year Assessments
Dear GJPS families,
During the 2024-25 school year, students in kindergarten through 10th grade will take the NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Assessment in the areas of reading and mathematics. The MAP assessment measures student achievement and academic growth over time. It also compares student, class and grade level performance with other students’ performance across the country.
The MAP Assessment is web-based and adaptive to measure your child’s instructional level. The results from the MAP Assessment are one data set that help to provide a more complete picture of what your child knows and is ready to learn, helping staff to better plan instruction to meet their needs.
The MAP Assessment will be given up to three times this year depending on the grade level. Your building principal will share the specific dates for your building before testing begins. Following each testing window, you will receive a report showing your student’s performance and growth.
For more information about MAP Assessments, check out the Family Guide to MAP and the NWEA Family Toolkit. If you have questions, please contact your student’s teacher or building principal
Tia P. Holliman
Director of Curriculum
Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools
*Please note: Kindergarten will take the Acadience Screener starting next week, while grades 1-5 will take MAP. Kindergarten will take MAP starting in January.
MAP Testing Scheduling
Third Grade Reading Guarantee
EMAS Due by September 30
All students MUST have their emergency cards completed by September 30th. They will not be able to have snacks or go on a field trip without it.
You can complete this on infinite campus.
Infinite Campus Parent Portal - Please Update ASAP
Parent Portal Annual Update
Infinite Campus is our parent portal and student information system. This site will allow parents/guardians to access school information electronically. For example, Infinite Campus will allow you to update email addresses and other important information regarding your child as well as view your child's report card electronically.
ALL Families (either new to Chapelfield or returning families) need to update your information in the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus. Directions for how to update Infinite Campus are linked below:
Log into the Parent Portal on Infinite Campus at: https://gahannajeffersonoh.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/gahanna_jefferson.jsp
Click MORE from the left hand column
Click on ONLINE REGISTRATION from choices on the right
Click START next to "Existing Student Registration"
Go through each step to complete the registration
Families New to Chapelfield Elementary: If you are a new family to Chapelfield (including all of our kindergarten families), you will receive an email from Mrs. Gilzow, school secretary, soon detailing directions on how to log into the Parent Portal of Infinite Campus to update your information.
Returning Families: If you need assistance - please call the school office at 614-478-5575. Mrs. Gilzow will be happy to help.
Transportation changes by 2 p.m.
The front office is a busy place the last 30 minutes of school. We ask that parents NOT CALL to make transportation changes after 2:00 p.m. Please make sure students know your plan of pick up before they come to school.
PTO Updates
PTO Events
*Our first PTO meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 10th at 7:00pm in the cafeteria. Free childcare is available. This is a great opportunity to learn more about the various events PTO hosts and board positions. In addition, Mrs. Miller will talk about our Title 1 program and the resources we now have available. It will be a state of the school presentation starting at 7:45 p.m. We would love to have you there. There is FREE CHILDCARE from GLHS NHS students.
*Mum Fundraiser update: Due to the Labor Day holiday this week, we are extending the end date to September 13th. This fundraiser is a great way for our PTO to support Chapelfield in all they do for our children. Don’t forget to share your child’s personal link with friends and family as well as on your personal social media outlets. Let’s get everyone excited to buy some truly beautiful, hardy mums from your child!
*Whit’s fundraiser- Saturday, Sept 7th- This is an All Day Event- Just mention you are there to support Chapelfield! 50% of all sales will go to benefit Chapelfield Elementary!
*Breakfast with Buddies: Join us on Friday, September 13 from 7:30 a.m.-8:05 a.m. for all students' whose last name starts with M-Z and their family.
*1st Skate Night is Monday, September 16th from 6:00-8:00pm. We can’t wait to skate the night away with you!
5th grade PTO committee
*Spirit wear is still available! Check out the site here: https://peprallyapparel.com/collections/chapelfield-elementary. All orders will be handed out to students in mid-October. If you would like your order to be a gift send a quick email to Andreaagan1@aol.com and we will hold your order. Spirit wear store will close Monday, September 16th.
*We still have blue Chapelfield paw print t-shirts in kid sizes (xs-l) available. They are $16 each. We will have them available at all events or you can email Andreaagan1@aol.com and she will get them to you.
Community Connections
Join us for our next GJPS Coffee and Conversation on September 11, 2024, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Panera Bread. This is a great opportunity to chat with Superintendent Dr. Deagle and a member of our Board of Education and ask questions in a casual setting.
Free tutoring offered by OSU students
GJPS Families-
Dash & Stash!
- Dash on Sunday, 10/13 @ 11:00 a.m.
- Where: GLHS stadium
- Stash begins at 12:30 (early entry for Dashers)
- Who: ALL GJPS families and community members
- Businesses and GJPS building staff will decorate their vehicles and give away candy to the community children.
- MUST register for the Dash, www.gjef.org
- Costumes encouraged!
Come and join the fun, whether you dash, walk or run!
Come see the progress of the new GLHS!
Do you own a business or work at a business that would like to have a decorated trunk at the Stash?
If you would like more information, please contact Dianna Bessignano at bessignanod@gjps.org OR (614) 269-4262.
Thank you for your help!
Dianna and Tricia
Columbus Metropolitan Library is Your Student’s After-School Space
Columbus Metropolitan Library’s School Help Centers are now open, offering students in your family free after-school help.
Reading Buddies, 15 minutes of one-on-one reading practice for K-3 students
School Help Centers, offering K-12 students free help with their schoolwork plus use of computers, printers, digital research tools and other resources
HelpNow, connecting them one-on-one with a virtual tutor Monday-Friday, 2-11 p.m.
Online school help tools available 24/7
YouMedia, an open lab space at nine locations where teens can explore technologies
After-School Snack, offered at 16 locations in partnership with the Children’s Hunger Alliance
Learn more at columbuslibrary.org.
September Important Dates
Saturday, September 7: PTO Restaurant Night-Whit's ALL DAY
Tuesday, September 10:
*8:30 a.m.: MAP Testing-3rd Grade Reading
*PTO and Title 1 meeting in the cafeteria from 7-8:15 p.m.; FREE CHILDCARE
Wednesday, September 11:
*Picture Day
*MAP Testing-4th grade Math
Friday, September 13th:
*PTO Breakfast with Buddies for families with last names starting M-Z @ 7:30 a.m.
*8:30 a.m.: MAP Testing-3rd Grade Math
Monday, September 16-20: Start with Hello Week; more information to come
Monday, September 16: PTO Skate Night 6-8 p.m.
Thursday, September 19: PTO Restaurant Night-Mod Pizza
Monday, September 23: NO SCHOOL-Districtwide Professional Development
Thursday, September 26: OSU Vision Screening for 1st grade from 8:15-10:30 a.m.
Friday, September 27:
*Our first learning community meeting-PACKS
*5th grade BizTown
Important District Links
280 Chapelfield Road
Gahanna, OH 43230