Center Community Chat
August 24, 2024
Back to School Information
Dear Center Community,
Welcome back! We are so thrilled to be welcoming our new and returning students and staff to Center this week. The school is in tip top shape thanks to the efforts of Mr. Woodman and Dynamic JCC . Please extend your appreciation when you see them; they worked long hours and put in great effort to ensure the school is clean, safe, and ready for students!
We are thrilled to welcome many new team members at Center. They are excited to be a part of our community. Above are many of our new teaching staff, be sure to check out other staffing changes below.
Update regarding breakfast:
Breakfast is again free and available to all students. Caretakers no longer have to sign up online. All students will have a blue card (distributed from food service) and they will be attached to their backpack. Upon entering the building, the students will walk (with their backpack) to the cart and select their breakfast. There will be 2 carts, one in wing A & one in wing B. A cafeteria worker will scan their card after the selection has been made. Signs will be posted at the locations of the two carts.
Staff Updates
Dr. Stacie Hanewich , Marianne Fitzgerald, Alicia O'Shea, and Shannon Dennis have decided to pursue other professional paths and we wish them well.
Joining the Center team are Kate McEleney and Shamina Akter as an ABA para educators. Swati Pandi Saraswat, as a para educator. Durgesh Nandini has been hired as a lunch and recess aide. Sarah West has been hired as our interim counselor. Erin Beals, occupational therapist, will be serving students at both Center and South Row
Lesley Yanka as math specialist - she'll be at Center Thursday and Friday. Nicole Sylvester will be serving as the student support administrative team chairperson for Center and McCarthy. Kay Malone will be teaching our Functional Academic Class while we continue the hiring process for this position.
Look forward to seeing students in 1-4 for a full day on Tuesday, and K students for their orientation. Please read all of the opening day information below to ensure a smooth arrival and dismissal this first week.
Warm Regards,
Dianna and Donna
Medication Drop Off
Nurse Felzani will be holding medication drop-offs on Monday, August 26 from 1:00-3:00 and Tuesday, Tuesday - Thursday, 8/27, 8/28, 8/29: 9:30am to 2:30pm
Please visit the health page for additional information and medication forms at https://chelmsfordschools.org/departments/health-services/health-forms/
Please send in a note on the first day of school indicating what your child's dismissal plan is (pick-up, extended day, or the bus). If your child arrives on the bus we will assume they are returning home on the bus unless we hear otherwise.
Parents/adults are not allowed to escort their child(ren) to their classroom. Staff members will be in the main lobby to assist all students and guide them to their classrooms. We appreciate your assistance with this. If you are using the parent drop off and your student has difficulty, there will be a reserved space in the upper parent drop off area. Please drive out of the campus, come back in, and park there. Counseling staff will be available to assist.
IF you are picking up your child (ren) please remember to bring your "golden ticket" /pick up pass from last year. We will be handing out more the first week of school. If you do not have one, please arrive at 2:30 and we can check your identification and provide you with one then. Kindergarten families will receive their pick up passes during orientation.
Buses- please exercise patience with the bus arrival and drop off times the first few weeks of school as drivers learn their routes. These times may fluctuate by as much as 20 minutes or so initially. We will send an email to families if a bus has not left the Center campus by 3:40 PM.
Please press the link above for complete arrival and dismissal practices.
First Day of School
Please find the CPS academic calendar below. The first day of school for grade 1-4 is August 27. Kindergarteners will have an orientation on that day, your specific time slot was in your placement letter, and the first full day of kindergarten in August 28.
School Supplies
Once again, the Chelmsford Public Schools has purchasing school supplies for students. These supplies include the traditional items families would buy in the past (crayons, pencil boxes, glue sticks, binders, etc.). Students will still require a backpack but our hope is that providing these supplies will assist families as we begin the school year. If you would like assistance obtaining a backpack, please email fulreaderd@chelmsford.k12.ma.us.
Calendar of Events
Monday, August 26: No School, Staff orientation
Tuesday, August 27: Grades 1-9 start, K Orientation
Wednesday, August 28: School for all students
Friday, August 30- No School
Monday, September 2: No school (Labor day)
Monday, September 9, Kindness Spirit Day
Wednesday, September 11: Team Leader 8:00 Conference Room
Wednesday, September 11:PTO meeting; 6:30-7:30 Library
Tuesday, September 17: National Constitution Day
Wednesday, September 18: Half day/Professional day
Thursday, September 19: Curriculum Night, 5-6:15 PM grades 3&4, 7-8:15 PM grades K-2
Friday, September 20: Chelmsford Spirit Day
Save the Date: Curriculum Night, Thursday, September 19th
5 – 5:25 PM: Principal/Assistant Principal Presentation in the cafeteria for 3rd & 4th grade families
5:30 – 6:15 PM: Grades 3&4 Teacher Presentations.
6:15 – 7:00 PM: Specialists/ Reading/ Special Educators and Related support providers available in classrooms/offices
7 – 7:25 PM: Principal/ Assistant Principal Presentation in the cafeteria for K-2 grade families (The 5 PM presentation is repeated.)
7:30 – 8:15 PM: Grades K-2 Teacher Presentations
We kindly request that children remain at home during curriculum night.
Food Services Information
This year, and moving forward, Massachusetts is offering all school lunch and breakfast at no charge to students. This does not automatically make families eligible for any other benefits. We strongly encourage families that feel they are eligible for transportation or extended day reduced tuition to fill out the online free and reduced meal application. The links can be found below. https://cpsnutrition.com/index.php?sid=1478035692058&page=lunchapps
If you do qualify for benefits you most likely will be eligible for SNAP benefits. https://www.mass.gov/snap-benefits-formerly-food-stamps
Some examples of SNAP benefits are discounts on gas, electric utilities and internet services.
Please visit our school nutrition website at https://cpsnutrition.com/index.php?sid=1478035692058 for more information about our program and also a link to the free and reduced lunch application.
Our bus registration is continuing this month and all students who will ride the bus are required to register. These registrations assist us in making the most efficient and safe bus routes. Please visit the transportation website at: https://chelmsfordschools.org/departments/transportation/ for more information on how to register for the bus.
Spirit Days
The first Monday of the month will be a "Let Your Kind Shine" spirit day. You are invited to wear tops that promote kindness.
The third Friday of the month is Chelmsford/Center Pride spirit day. Sport our district colors, maroon, white, and black.
* Dates may be adjusted due to holidays or breaks. Please look at the calendar of events for specific dates.
Permission to take pictures
A picture speaks a thousand words as they say, and we love to include these in our weekly updates and on the website through our Twitter feed. Please let email Ms. O’Hearn at ohearnc@chelmsford.k12.ma.us. if you do not want your child’s picture included in these forums.