Rays Update
December 6, 2024
Principal Message
It has been an awesome week welcoming back students from Fall break. We hope you all had a restful and thankful week. This week the teachers dressed up each day to see if the students could catch on. It was so much fun to hear students' theories about what each day's theme had been.
We wanted to give a huge shout out to all of our students who participated in PTA Reflections. We have several students moving on to Regional competition.
With the cold weather changes in mind, please make sure to label your child's items as they bring them to school. This helps us identify items in lost and found and deliver them safely back to their owner.
We are hosting some holiday fun over the next two weeks! While no student is required to participate, we would like to invite all students interested to dress up with our staff:
- December 9 PJ day
- December 10 Flannel
- December 12 Deck your neck
- December 13 Holiday Hair don't care
- December 19 Ugly Sweater Day
Save the Date: We will be hosting our next Site-based meeting and Coffee with the Principal on January 23rd. Please save the date. At this meeting we will go over Leader in Me and walk the campus to look at how our instructional goals are being met.
We hope you all have a great weekend,
Alison Pennington
X: @ReaganELemCP Instagram: @reaganelem_rays
Save the Date
December 17-19: Winter Parties (teachers will provide more information)
December 20: Early release at 11:30 am
December 23-January 6: Winter Break
January 7: Students return to campus
Counselor Corner
Hill Country Christmas Bureau is offering assistance to our community during the holiday season. Online registration for the Leander Police Department Blue Santa program runs from November 15th through December 8th. Click here for more information.
Hill Country Christmas Bureau Volunteer Opportunity with our Reagan Elementary Giving Tree. Our Giving Tree will have items to donate to families in our community. Please stop by and take a tag or two and drop off your donations in the front office by December 13. If you are unable to make it into school but would like to fulfill a Giving Tree Tag Request, please email Carolina.Bowers@leanderISD.org and a tag will be sent home with your child. Thank you for your support!
Over the last 24 years Operation Turkey has remained a 100% volunteer organization without a single paid employee. They are more than 50,000 volunteers strong working together to ensure everyone receives a warm meal on Thanksgiving Day.
No matter where you are on Thanksgiving Day, you can participate with Operation Turkey. If you are interested in receiving a delivered meal on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28, 2024, please click the Request a Meal Form. The Request a Meal form will remain active until all available meals are requested or Friday, November 22; whichever occurs first.
Child Protective Unit Lessons: As you know, teachers in Leander ISD utilize the Second Step curriculum to teach children important skills for getting along with others and doing well in school. It also helps our school be a safe and supportive place where everyone can learn. To meet the required State of Texas Health TEKS for the instruction to prevent child abuse, Leander ISD counselors will utilize lessons from the Second Step Child Protection Curriculum. Please complete the CPU form sent to parents/guardians by your child's teacher by December 1. Parents/Guardians are required to opt in in order for a child to participate in the CPU lesson from the school counselor. If you have any questions please reach out to Carolina.Bowers@leanderisd.org.
Sack Lunch - December 20
Students needing to purchase a lunch on December 20th will receive a sack lunch prior to dismissal at 11:30 am. We are needing a head count, by December 12, 2024 to determine how many lunches we need to prepare, so that we place an accurate order with our nutrition services department. Please let us know if your child will need a sack lunch on December 20, 2024. Please remember, students will be dismissed for the break at 11:30 on 12/20,
Yearbook Ads
Yearbook Ads are only open for fifth grade students.
About Reagan
Email: reagan@leanderisd.org
Website: https://reagan.leanderisd.org
Location: 1700 E Park St, Cedar Park TX
Phone: 512-570-7200