The Greystone Glance:
Weekly Newsletter From Principal Quattrucci
The Weeks of November 20th and November 27th
Thank you!
Thank you to all who attended Parent/Teacher Conference meetings on Wednesday evening! It was great to see so many of you there!
Thank you all for adhering to our arrival system, which is described below.
Arrival (K-5)
Thank you for your cooperation!
Colton's Art Club
A Glance Back ...
Painting with Miss Jenny from the NP Library!
Working on beginning sounds with Fundations!
Checking in and saying hello!
Grade 1
Grade 2
IAS 3-5
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
Rooms 16 & 6 : Buddy Activity
Finished Product: Ways to be Kind
Caught Being Kind!
November Kindness Challenge
A Glance Ahead...
Need to Know Info/ Upcoming Events:
November 22nd-24th Thanksgiving Recess/ No School
December 7th & 8th: PTA Holiday Bazaar
February 10th: PTA Family Dance
February 15th: 4-6:30PM Celebration of Cultures
NPSELAC Dates and Locations
January 17th at 6pm - Location Ricci Middle School
March 20th at 6pm - Location Greystone Elementary School
May 15th at 6pm - Location Stephen Olney Elementary School
Reminders from Nurse Amanda
Rescue Medications and Allergy/Asthma Plans
Please return all paperwork for Epi-Pens and Inhalers, along with the medication, as soon as possible.
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Great Article:
STEAM Month Calendar
Attendance Information from RIDE
School Hours
Pre-K Hours:
AM Session: 8:55am -11:25am
PM Session 12:42pm-3:05pm
Regular School Hours for K-5:
8:40 a.m. Students may come into the schoolyard and will be supervised by yard monitors if and when we are able to find new yard monitors. Until we are able to find yard monitors, we will ask the students to be in the gym before the school day officially begins.
Breakfast will be available in Cafe Greystone from 8:40am-8:50am. Children who arrive after 8:50am may take a 'Grab and Go' breakfast package (provided by our kitchen staff) to their classroom.
8:50 a.m. Students will line up with their classmates..
8:55 a.m. Classroom teachers greet their students and escort them into their classroom. The school-day begins.
3:12 p.m. Students are dismissed.
Elementary Handbook 2023/24
District Calendar:
School Lunch
School Lunch Application:
My School Bucks: