Weekly Cadence
March 5, 2025
Schedule at a Glance
Here is everything you need to know about the Franklin Central Bands program right now.
Sync the Calendar to your phone!
The easiest way to keep up with schedules is to sync the band calendar to your phone! Add this url https://fcbands.boosterhub.com/ical-stream to your google or outlook calendar.
*If you are experiencing issues with your calendar synching, we recommend to un-sync and re-sync your calendar every once in a while to make sure your calendar is up-to-date.
Last Hosted Event! March 8
Saturday is our last hosted event and we have spots to fill. Please use the link below to consider signing up.
AM shift – 8:45am-3:45pm
- Gym – Frontside Balcony
- Gym – Performer Exit
- Unit Check-In (8am-3pm)
PM shift – 3:15-10:15pm
- Concessions
- Equipment Holding
- Gym - Frontside Balcony
- Gym – Performer Exit to Hallway
- Parking (2:30-10:00pm)
Our events do not run successfully without you! Please consider signing up for a time. If you have any questions, don't hesitate reach out to events@fcbands.org
Please remember, volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and complete an FTCSC background check. Students may not fulfill the Event Volunteer Commitment.
If you are signed up to work a shift at this event, you will receive an email about 48 hours prior. Please contact Missi Magness, events@fcbands.org or Denise Holaday, denise.holaday@fcbands.org if you have any questions or if you'll be late.
Slate of Candidates - Franklin Central Band Booster Board 2025-2026 School Year
The election of the 2025-2026 Franklin Central Band Booster Board will be on Thursday March 13, 2025 during our monthly parent meeting. Please review our candidate bios below.
President Karen Smith - My name is Karen Smith and I am seeking re-election for the position of President. This is my 6th year being part of the program and my 4th year as a board member. I served on the board as the secretary for two years, the events coordinator for one year and the current President. I have really enjoyed being a part of the behind the scenes process of the Band Boosters. Over the course of the past 6 years, I have helped with many aspects of the band. I became the button maker, created the senior photo albums, took a ton of photos of students, made and donated food and chaperoned the bus rides. I love having the opportunity to get to know the parents and the students in the band program. I look forward to watching this program grow over the coming years. My husband, Joel, and I have 3 daughters. Audrey is our oldest and participated in 5 years of Marching Band, 1 year of Winter guard and 4 years of indoor percussion and even though she graduated in 2024, she continues to perform for an independent Indoor Percussion group. Our middle child, Ainsleigh is a freshman Bari saxophone player, she is a marching band member and also is an Electric Mayhem. And our youngest, Addison, is a seventh grader and has already spent two seasons as a member of the guard during marching band and is also participating in winter guard this year. I teach 8th graders Math at FCJH.
Vice-President - Open – If you are interested in this position, please contact Karen Smith (president@fcbands.org)
Secretary Amanda Gaiser - My name is Amanda Gaiser and I am seeking to be the Booster Board Secretary. I have 3 boys, one of which graduated in 2023, I have a sophomore and an 8th grader. We, as a family, have been involved in the high school band program since 2019 when my oldest was a freshman. I was the Band Booster Secretary in the 2020-2021 school year. I was also the Marching Band Liaison in the 2022 marching season. I've been involved in various volunteer areas in the past and I would love to be the secretary again. I am a nurse, I love to bake and read but most of all I love to watch our kids make music.
Treasurer George Hewitt - I write to express interest in continuing as Treasurer. I have held a position on the board for three years, the past two as Treasurer. I enjoy working behind the scenes and being a part of such a great program. Love it or hate it, I helped bring in a new platform, BoosterHub, that ultimately helps communication with the boosters and helps streamline processes and gives members direct access to their credits and account information. I have helped refresh our sponsor program in which we saw an uptick in sponsorships this past school year. As treasurer, I have been working closely with the Board and Directors in making sure we do not overspend and stay within our budget. Alongside the Board, I have spent a great deal of time collecting on past due balances and implementing and keeping policies in place to guarantee a secure financial future for our program. By day, for the past 23 years, I have served the state of Indiana as an investigator for the Indiana Attorney General’s Office. My son will be a senior this next school year. I know it will be a rough year in some respects, with it being his last, but I look forward to what it will bring.
Events Coordinator Missi Magness - My name is Missi Magness and I am seeking re-election for events coordinator for the 2025- 2026 year. I served in this position for the 2024-2025 year and I have enjoyed being involved with the band. I would like to continue in this position for the current year and support the band and my daughter. I hope you will consider my re election
Engagement Coordinator Candace Wells-Myers - My name is Candace Wells-Myers and I am running for the role of engagement coordinator of the Franklin Central Band Boosters. I have been involved with FC Bands for years, as our oldest daughter was in marching band, winter guard and indoor percussion several years ago. Our youngest son is now a freshman in the band program, playing snare in the marching band and now the rack for indoor percussion. I have volunteered with the band for years, including acting as food lead for indoor percussion, chaperoning, working events, and pushing props and equipment. I served this past year as Vice President, but since our amazing Engagement Coordinator, Jennifer McCormick, is in her final year with the band booster board, I am running as her replacement to ensure the critical communication pipeline she helped build for parents continues. My husband Michael and I love trying new restaurants, going to concerts and supporting our son and all the kids in the FC band program. We have been in the township more than 18 years and all of our children have been part of the FC school system. Outside of being part of the FC community, I am the Senior Director of Human Resources and Operations for a nonprofit medical research organization located in downtown Indianapolis. I hold bachelor's and master's degrees with emphasis in communication and believe I can be an asset to the band program in this communication centered role. I appreciate your consideration of my bid to serve as the next engagement coordinator for the FC Band Boosters. Thank you.
Fundraising Coordinator Melissa Davis - As a dedicated member of the FC Band Boosters and an enthusiastic supporter of our high school band, I am announcing my candidacy for the role of Fundraising Coordinator for the Band Boosters. With my son actively involved in the percussion program, I have seen firsthand the positive impact that music education has on our students' lives. My goal is to support our talented musicians while ensuring the sustainability of our music programs. This is my 6th year as part of the FC band program and my 3rd year as the fundraising coordinator. I have experience with the nuances of our current fundraising vendors and systems. I am also willing to try new fundraisers to raise funds for student accounts and the overall band program. I look forward to the opportunity to serve our band family.
Concert Bands
Wind Ensemble
Wind Ensemble will have additional rehearsals throughout the semester in preparation for ISSMA State Qualifications which will take place at the beginning of May.
To confirm, all other rehearsals listed are required for all students. A list of these rehearsals is below:
Wednesday, March 12th: 3:10-4:45 PM
Wednesday, April 2nd: 4:00-5:30 PM
Wednesday, April 23rd: 4:00-5:30 PM
Friday, April 25th: 2:30-4:00 PM
Monday, April 28th: 2:30-4:00 PM
Wednesday, April 30th: 3:10-4:45 PM
Friday, May 2nd: 2:30-4:00 PM
In addition, the Wind Ensemble will be participating in the Lawrence Central Concert Band Festival this year! The event will take place on Monday, March 10th, during the school day. Students will perform and receive feedback from a panel of nationally known clinicians. A few important items to note:
- Students are responsible for bringing a sack lunch/snacks to school that day
- There is not an opportunity to purchase food while at the festival
- Please do not order or drop off food at FC prior to departure because it will disrupt our front office staff
- The festival is open to parents, but anyone planning to watch will need to check in at Door 1 and then will be escorted to the auditorium
- Lawrence Central has school this day
- Lawrence Central has school this day
- Students will need to bring their concert dress WITH THEM to school Monday
- They will have time to change during their Wind Ensemble class
- They can leave their dress clothes in the band room in the morning
Winter Ensembles
Band Fees
Reminder - Make sure to get those Winter Ensemble payments in! To participate in Marching Band, all accounts must be paid in full no exceptions. Payments can be made using the BoosterHub invoices which can be found under the accounting tab of your account on BoosterHub.com or the BoosterHub App.
Semester fees are also due…If your student is in band class(es), they’ll have semester fees for each class. If you haven’t paid Fall and/or Spring fees, payments can be made using one of the store options at FCBands.org or by submitting a check and placing it in the white box.
New BoosterHub Invoice feature: most new invoices will give the option of partial payments.
Payments made easy: BoosterHub will automatically email an invoice to you. Please use the payment link in that invoice to make your monthly payments or partial payments. You can also apply credits using the same link. Although you still can, there is no need to make a payment through our website so long as you use the invoice link.
You can also mail a check payable to FCBB to the following address:
PO Box 39029
Indianapolis, IN 46239
Facing financial difficulties? We understand. If you're unable to settle your account by the deadline, please reach out to our treasurer at treasurer@fcbands.org to discuss a payment plan.
Questions and concerns should be directed to our FCBB treasurer, George Hewitt, at treasurer@fcbands.org.
*Please note, Chrome is the preferred browser when interacting with BoosterHub and payments.
Electric Mayhem & Static Havoc
Static Havoc is headed to the Avon Vocal Invitational this weekend!
Also, keep an eye out for Parent Square messages regarding meeting minutes, volunteer needs, & donation requests. Help where you can so we have a successful season! Thank you!
Static Havoc and Electric Mayhem calendars are up to date! Go to fcchoirs.org, and there are instructions for how to sync the calendar.
Winter Guard
Competition Weekend!
IHSCGA State Prelims at FC and HSE
IHSCGA Zionsville Competition Results
Congrats to the Regional A guard for placing 2nd in their round at last weekend’s competition! Your hard work and dedication are paying off!
Community Night
Percussion Symphony
Weekend Results!
What an amazing WGI Regional Weekend! 1st place in Music and 3rd place overall! We are so proud of our FCPS students!!
Important Need to Know Information for this week
Friday, March 7th our students will need to put the main gym black tarps down before rehearsal starts. We will be able to access the main gym at 4:30pm. Students please arrive at 4:30 on Friday to get the tarps down and be ready to begin our rehearsal on time! Rehearsal will begin at 5:30pm and end at 8:30pm
We will be moving all our equipment over to the Annex directly after the rehearsal ends on Friday. Saturday's rehearsal will be at the Annex. Lunch will be at 12pm, students will need to bring lunch with them or have one dropped off. No students should be leaving during lunch.
All equipment will be moved back to the High School on Saturday at the end of rehearsal. We should be able to put everything away in the pit and battery rooms, we just need to be mindful of the guard competition and stay out of the way of their flow.
THANK YOU to Isaac M, Brady W, Miles W, and Ezra G who volunteered to return to the High School this Saturday at 9:15 pm to help take the black tarps up from the main gym following the guard competition!!
With rising costs and additional expenses, we must raise funds so the performers may continue to compete at the highest level and carry on the rich tradition of their predecessors.
The FC Band Boosters are kicking off a unique fundraiser called “Miles to Dayton.”
The premise is this: it is approximately 100 miles from FCHS to the University of Dayton Arena.
We ask donors to buy a (pretend) mile marker. For example, I want to purchase mile marker 97 so my donation would be $97. I would select the group I’d like to support and then check out.
If each group sells all 100-mile markers, then each group would raise $5,030!
Of course, you can donate any amount. We don’t mind if other donors purchase the same mile marker. We are simply trying to raise funds to give our students a fighting chance to compete against the best groups in the nation.
Donations can be made by heading to fcbands.org, clicking on the store and finding the “Miles to Dayton” fundraiser or scanning the QR code on the flyer.
All donations are needed and appreciated!
If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to percussionliaison@fcbands.org
Please note- we WILL be attending World Championships; this is just a fundraiser to help offset costs and make sure our kids are provided with the best experiences possible!!
We are asking that every student in the group raise $100. Anything over that is gravy!
The following students have met their goal or exceeded it!
Allison Rigdon - $110
Ari Lee - $100
Krish Rajanahalli - $100
The following students have received donations:
Mackenzie Hutchinson - $50
Libby Matczak - $10
Patrick Hippleheuser - $50
March 15th Show Day at Center Grove
*Itinerary coming soon.....
*Ticket and Show schedule information can be found here: IPA March 15th Show at Center Grove
*We will be feeding the students before leaving for the competition, here is the donation sign-up https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C44A5AC2AA1F8C25-55530305-2025
Jazz Bands
Jazz 2 and Jazz 1 have a busy week next week with rehearsal, preview concert, and ISSMA Jazz Festival at Whiteland High School!
Thursday, March 6th-ISSMA Preview
7:00 pm, FCHS Auditorium
Friday, March 7th- ISSMA Jazz Festival @ Whiteland High School
Jazz 2: 5:50 PM Performance (Cafeteria)
Jazz 1: 8:30 PM Performance (Main Gym)
Jazz 1:
Jazz 2:
FC Bands Laundry Detergent (and more) Fundraiser
Reminder - pick up detergent this Friday between 5:30-7 pm in the auditorium lobby!
FC Bands Spring Flowers Fundraiser!
Purchase a hanging basket or planter today and support Franklin Central Band students!
The student’s account will be credited a portion of each plant sold.
Payment & Order Deadline (Online orders only):
Online Orders & Online Payment Due: Monday, March 31st by 12 PM
Paper forms can be accessed here. All orders must be entered online.
Online Order Details:
Include the student’s name during check out or select ‘bands” to donate to Franklin Central Bands.
Color may vary depending on availability.
Flower Delivery:
Students will pick up flowers on Saturday, May 3rd, and distribute them to their supporters.
Dine to Donate
Our next Dine to Donate night is March 11th at Smokin’ Barrel in New Palestine. 20% from 4-8 p.m.
Miles to Dayton!
Both our FC Percussion Symphony and FC Color Guard (Open Division) will be competing at WGI World Championships, in Dayton, OH, later this season!
As costs continue to rise, it's crucial that we raise funds to help our performers continue competing at the highest level and uphold the proud legacy of those before them. To support this effort, the FC Band Boosters are launching a special fundraiser called “Miles to Dayton.”
Here’s how it works: The distance from FCHS to the University of Dayton Arena is approximately 100 miles. We’re asking donors to "purchase" a mile marker along the way. For example, if you choose mile marker 97, your donation would be $97. You can select the group you’d like to support and then complete your donation.
If each group sells all 100-mile markers, they could raise $5,030!
Of course, you’re welcome to donate any amount, and it’s perfectly fine if multiple donors choose the same mile marker. Our goal is to raise enough funds to give our students the best opportunity to compete with the top groups in the nation.
To donate, simply visit the fcbands.org, go to the store, and find the “Miles to Dayton” fundraiser. Select the group you'd like to support, Winter Guard or Percussion and then enter the Mile you'd like to purchase (amount you'd like to donate). Every donation is important and greatly appreciated! Thank you for your support!
IMS 2025 Concession Sign-up
Help fund your student's band accounts!! Locations may have a combination or all of the following: Frozen Yogurt, Lemonade, and Pretzel Cart and will sell bottled water as well. (Parking passes and wristbands will be distributed as we get closer. The vendors will communicate attire. This is being offered to more than just us so shifts are not guaranteed yet, so act fast.
Compensation: 10% Of Total Gross Sales at Each Location Worked by our booster club and 100% of ALL Tips from Each Location Worked. If two or more booths are combined (due to weather, etc) those booths' sales will be pooled. The vendor will provide one check for each location along with a list of people showing what the number of shifts worked and at which location. We will then credit the students' accounts appropriately.
**Please note: All workers must be at least 16 years old. All minors must have at least one adult with them. This event does not count toward the event shift requirement from the Marching Band Financial Agreement. Thank you for your understanding.
BEST Events
2025 Dates now available for BEST events. Please note, times have not been provided at this time. If you sign up, be sure to clear your schedule, for that day, so that when times are added there is no conflict. Some of the dates overlap with winter ensemble activities so be sure to check the band calendar for any potential conflicts. Be sure to read the full description on Signup Genius. Signing up commits you to working that shift. No shows / canceling may result in our program losing this opportunity.
Signup Genius Link:
For first time workers ONLY registration link: https://workatbest.com/v/NeBKwp2GPiuFv-uHtBClA
• Once this is completed, BEST will send you an email from HireRight to complete a background screen. Usually 24 hours after you do registration.
• This must be completed before you are approved to work.
•BEST pays for the background screening, so you must be willing to work at least three shifts.
Amazon Wishlist
Our Winter Ensembles need a restock - please check out the updates on the Amazon Wishlist!
Items will be added to the list throughout the band year!
Franklin Central Band Sponsors
Thank you to our current sponsors!
Sponsor FC Bands!
It's a new year and time to rally to find businesses interested in sponsoring our awesome band program. The partnership of sponsors is critical to maintain the exceptional level of instruction and opportunity that is currently provided to our students.
For every sponsor you are able to secure, you will receive 10% of the donation to your student’s band account. Franklin Central Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Sponsor donations are tax deductible.
Check out recent updates to our Sponsorship Program
- Updated Sponsor Landing Page on Booster Hub
- New perks and advertising added to each sponsor level.
- Student Packet to assist in reaching out to our community businesses to acquire new sponsors!
- Band Student Sponsor Resources - all the details and support needed to speak to potential sponsors
Questions? sponsor@fcbands.org
Callout for Sponsorship Committee
We would like to pull together a committee to assist in petitioning, securing and managing our sponsorship program. If you would like additional information, or to express your interest please contact Jennifer McCormick at engagement@fcbands.org.
Background Checks
Reminder for all parents and volunteers! ⭐
Please make sure you have a SafeVisitor background check on file with FTCSC. A cleared background check is required for all of our volunteers (this includes required volunteer shifts at our events and helping with props during competitions). Background Checks are good for 2 years.
To complete a background check: https://ftcsc.org/safevisitor/
*Note: Volunteer Background Checks are no longer free of charge. The fee is approximately $16.00 per volunteer.
General Fundraising
Have you seen the new feature? You can now earn even more by using the "online shopping" tool via RaiseRight. Please note, credits from taking advantage of this new "Online Shopping" tool will take longer to show in their booster credits. RaiseRight will not pay out online shopping credits until 45 days after purchase to assure no item have been returned.
Find our enrollment code on FCbands.org or contact Jessica Lee at raiseright@fcbands.org
with any questions! This is an easy way to earn extra funds for your student account.
RaiseRight credits are added to students' band accounts in BoosterHub the first week of every month.
You can find detailed instructions on enrolling in RaiseRight HERE.
Kroger Community Rewards
It's easy to sign up and start earning for the band. Ask your friends, parents, cousins, aunts, uncles... everyone you know to sign up as well!
Log in to your Kroger account and search for our organization:
Organization Name: Band Boosters Club of Franklin Central H. S. Inc.
Organization Code: 10100
You can find detailed instructions on enrolling in Kroger Community Rewards HERE