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Mathews Elementary School
Kindergarten Information
The Kindergarten Teachers!!
Deborah Shelton
Team Leader
(469) 752-2322
Teresa Calaza
(469) 752-2324
Silvy Mir
(469) 752-2323
Welcome to kindergarten at Mathews Elementary. We are all delighted to be able to work with both you and your child. Your child will grow tremendously both academically and socially throughout the year.
Important Dates
August 27 -Kindergarten Curriculum Night 6:00 - 6:45 pm
September 2 - LABOR DAY / No School
September 8 - Ms. Shelton's Birthday
September 23 - 27 - Book Fair Week: Class visit times will be sent home soon.
September 24 - Picture Day
Reminders: Please remember to review your child’s green folder daily. Please clear out all papers from their folder each day and return it to school each day. Thank you!
You may drop off your child in the carpool lane on the south side of the building along Caravan. Your child may be dropped off as early as 7:00 a.m. If your child arrives before 7:30, they must go to the gym and sit in the kindergarten line and wait for the bell to ring. After the 7:30 bell rings, students go directly to the kindergarten area to unpack. Students must be in their classroom promptly by 7:45.
Departure is at 2:45 p.m.
Students who walk home will exit out the kindergarten door and remain with the teacher until the “pick-up” person has arrived. Please write your child’s name on the walker tag for pickup. If your child is riding the bus, they will be escorted by a teacher to the bus. Carpool students will wait for their name to be called. They will wait in the gym. Please use the pink car tags that are available for you to write your child’s name, grade level, and/or carpool names. Please have the pink tag hanging from your rear view mirror.
IMPORTANT! A note must be sent to the classroom teacher, if there is any change in the way your child is going home from school that day. This includes going home with friends, a new carpool, or grandparents coming, etc. Your child’s safety is our greatest concern.
Lunch, Snack, and Waterbottles
Lunch is an exciting time for the kindergarteners! Students may bring lunches from home or purchase lunches at school. Each child has a lunch debit account number to use for lunch or milk. We have found this procedure works well with our little ones rather than bringing money each day. Please notify the cafeteria manager of any food allergy or restrictions for your child.
Kindergarteners will have a short snack break in the morning. Students may bring one healthy snack each day. Snacks may be peeled and sliced fruit, graham crackers, gold fish, raisins, etc. Snacks must be packaged separately from a student’s lunch so that it may be stored in their cubby. Students may drink water with their snack. Please do not send juice or milk with their snack.
Birthdays are always special days! If you wish to send birthday treats for your child’s classroom, we would suggest things items such as cookies or brownies. All birthday treats much be store bought. We ask that you do not bring a cake. Please send the treat in the morning with your child or leave it with the office staff by 10:00 to be delivered to the classroom. We appreciate your cooperation!
The primary homework assignment will be sent home on the bi - monthly newsletter. The newsletter will be posted on our grade level website for you to access. Please send the assignment back to school by Friday, unless otherwise stated. Please read with your child daily for 20 minutes. This will help build a strong base for reading in the future.
Green Communication Folder
Each afternoon your child will bring home a green plastic “Take Home” folder. A calendar sheet for six weeks will be stapled inside for communication purposes. Homework and graded papers will be in the folder as well. It is vital that your child returns to school each day with the green folder and completed work.
Absences and Make Up Work
If your child is absent, call the Child-Safe Program at Mathews by dialing 469-752-2300 and follow the voice mail options. When your child returns to school, a dated note informing the school of the days and cause of the absence must be turned into the office. Otherwise the absence is marked as unexcused. If you know in advance your child will be out for several days, please pick up a form from the office to give advance notification.
We are also looking for someone to help organize and change out our dramatic play center approximately every six weeks. Please notify your child’s teacher if you are interested.
Take Home Materials: If you would like to help prepare materials at home, please notify your child's teacher.
The kindergarten classes will have the opportunity to visit the counselor, library, art, music and PE. Each class will send home a class schedule for you. Tennis shoes are required to participate in PE.
Odds and Ends
If your child requires medication to be given at school, please fill out a permission form provided by our school nurse, Amy Cimino.
Kindergarten students do not receive report cards. During the months of September and October we will be evaluating your child’s strengths and areas for growth. We will be meeting with you to discuss these areas three times during the school year. We will also show examples of your child’s work and discuss work habits. A student led Portfolio Celebration will take place during Open House.
Recess and other outdoor activities will be limited or carried out indoors when the heat index is 95 degrees or greater OR when an actual red or orange ozone warning has been issued in Collin County. Parents must provide the school with written notice if they do not want their child to participate in outside activities on days other than those mentioned above.