January 2025
RCPS Division Newsletter

As students returned to school on January 13th, we were greeted with countless smiles and a vibrant enthusiasm for the upcoming semester, which promises to be filled with learning, personal growth, and engaging experiences for all.
Photo by Holly Jenkins
January Highlights
Sixth-grade students enjoyed a cup stacking challenge in the STEAM Lab. The groups had to successfully build cup towers while facing several obstacles, including not being allowed to talk and keeping one hand behind their backs while completing the task. While these challenges promoted teamwork, problem-solving, creative thinking, and communication, they also resulted in lots of smiles and laughter among the students.
Photo by Bethany Cubbage
On January 24th, students in Mrs. Fincham's Veterinary Science II class had their first visit to Rose Hill Veterinary Practice this semester, where they engaged in a variety of hands-on tasks. Under the guidance of Mrs. Fincham (LVT) and a Licensed Veterinarian, students were trained to use diagnostic laboratory equipment, enabling them to run Complete Blood Count (CBC), Chemistry, and Electrolyte panels. Additionally, they set up fecal tests, learned how to interpret the results, and participated in an in-depth discussion about zoonotic parasites. The students also completed their first cephalic vein blood draw, prepared and read SNAP4DX tests, and observed and assisted with a canine toenail repair.
Photo by Holly Jenkins
Fifth-grade music students had a great time practicing guitar notes with Ms. Sappington.
Photo by Holly Jenkins
The RCHS Scholastic Bowl team won the Region 1B Championship on January 25th! Additionally, Coach Dave Naser was recognized as the Coach of the Region. The team will advance to the super region tournament at Rappahannock High School in Warsaw, VA, on Feb. 15th.
Photo courtesy of Rappahannock County Panthers
First-grade students eagerly gathered as they prepared for Ms. Deal to read a story to the class.
Photo by Holly Jenkins
On January 28th, the National Honor Society (NHS) served the teachers and staff hot chocolate, coffee, tea, or a mix of hot chocolate and coffee with optional whipped cream, chocolate or caramel drizzle, marshmallows, and sprinkles. Pictured: Students, Wyatt and Shawne (center), pose with two very happy recipients, Mrs. Waters and Ms. Wiggins.
Photo by Chris Ubben
Seventh grade farm-to-table students have been busy growing a variety of microgreens with Mr. Volmrich.
Photo by Holly Jenkins
This month's 8th grade social featured a college and career-themed escape room challenge. Eighth graders and their peer mentors teamed up to solve puzzles and "escape" before time ran out. A great time was had by all!
Photos by Holly Jenkins
On January 31st, RCES students had an opportunity to sample locally-grown sweet potatoes from Waterpenny Farm. The young taste testers said the sweet potato, mixed with fresh pineapple, was "yummy!" For added fun, the kids also guessed the weight of the large sweet potato. The winner, who will be announced next week, will receive a free ice cream treat.
Photo by Holly Jenkins
Read All About It
Student Success Mentors (SSM)
This year, RCHS seniors will have even more tools, guidance, and encouragement to navigate the scholarship season successfully thanks to the Profile of a Graduate team and twenty-four community volunteers who have generously agreed to serve as Student Success Mentors (SSM)! CLICK HERE to read more.
Announcements & Reminders
Upcoming Events Calendar
February Calendar Reminder
Please see important upcoming dates below.
Friday, February 14th- Early dismissal noon/PD training for staff
Monday, February 17th- RCPS closed for the holiday
Tuesday, February 18th- Parent/Teacher Conferences (no school for students)
Save the Date! The RCHS Panther Band Mini Golf Fundraiser will be held on Saturday, Feb. 15th.
Save the Date! Registration for the SPARK Summer Day Camp will open on February 17th to all current K-6th grade students on a first-come/first-serve basis. This year's camp will be offered for 8 1/2 weeks, beginning June 2nd and ending August 1st. Busing, food, program supplies, and all field trip costs will be included in the registration fees. Stay tuned for more details on this fun summer program.
School Telehealth Clinic
The clinic is available to all students in grades PreK-12 with parental consent. The necessary paperwork can be found HERE. To schedule an appointment, please call the clinic at 540-793-1371. Ms. Prince begins scheduling appointments at 8 am for students and RCPS staff. If she is busy assisting another patient, please leave a message for her to return your call.
School Telehealth Expansion
Rappahannock County Public Schools is excited to announce a pilot project in partnership with Rapp at Home (RaH). Starting in the new year, Rapp at Home Friends will be able to schedule appointments at the telehealth clinic at Rappahannock County Elementary School during normal clinic hours. The urgent care clinic nurse tests for strep, ear infections, Covid, flu, and rashes. Through telemedicine, Valley Health doctors can provide recommendations for further testing and prescriptions.
This is a pilot project for Rapp at Home (RaH) members to test the viability of the clinic being more accessible to the public. Only RaH members who complete the necessary paperwork and scheduled an appointment will be able to visit the clinic. Patients will enter and leave the clinic through a dedicated entrance. After a trial period, we will evaluate the possibility of expanding the program to the general public and providing additional services, which will benefit our students and staff.
RaH is a 501c3 not for profit operating in Rappahannock County. Their goal is to allow senior residents the opportunity to stay active, socially engaged and able to live comfortably in their homes by linking residents to services and offer stimulating and interesting social and fitness activities. The services and activities RaH offers can range from opportunities for staying involved with friends and neighbors, to receiving help with transportation, to assisting with tasks around the house or yard, to picking up groceries and prescriptions. You can learn more about RaH at www.rappathome.net.
If you have any questions, or concerns, please contact our telehealth nurse, Tara Prince, at tprince@rappahannockschools.us or Mr. Bob Richey at bob@rappathome.org.
Behind the Wheel
To sign up for Behind the Wheel, visit
For more information, please contact Ms. Fox at efox@rappahannockschools.us.
Budget Priorities Survey & Calendar Survey
Dr. Grimsley and the School Board would like to invite you to take a very short, anonymous survey regarding your perception of budget priorities for the upcoming fiscal year planning process. Your input is very important to us. Thank you for your support of the public schools. To begin the survey, visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/T7RSDQG This survey will close on January 31, 2025. The results of this survey will be published in the annual budget report.
RCPS is seeking input for the academic calendar for the 2025-2026 school year.
CALENDAR DRAFT- To view the calendar draft, CLICK HERE.
SURVEY- Once you have viewed the calendar draft, CLICK HERE to share your thoughts and complete the survey.
Thanks in advance for your feedback. This survey will close on Friday, February 7, 2025.
Community Opportunities for Students & Families
The 7th Annual Student Storytelling Contest
sponsored by Foothills Forum and Rappahannock News
starts Friday, January 24th and runs through March 21st.
Students in Grades 7-12 are welcome to enter for cash prizes, publication in the
Rappahannock News, and the satisfying and exciting experience of telling a story
and sharing it with others.
What is new and different this year?
1. There is a single prompt focused on telling a true story about something that
happened to you or someone you know:
Tell a story about yourself or someone you know that involves
an act of generosity, honesty or kindness.
2. Different forms of storytelling are eligible for entry, including written stories,
feature articles, poetry and acting scripts, graphic stories with multiple frames
and audiovisual presentations such as podcasts, videos, and photo slideshows.
3. A Contest Website, rappstories.com, where you will find everything you need to
know to get started, including contest guidelines, submission form, storytelling tips
and editing support. More helpful information and story form examples will be
posted on the website on an ongoing basis.
4. Entries must be submitted on the Contest Website. The submission form and button
are right there for your convenience. Students may choose to drop-off an additional
physical copy at sites identified on the website prior to the March 21st deadline.
4. A Contest Workshop, complete with free pizza, will be held on January 30th
from 5:30 — 7:00 pm at the RCHS commons/cafeteria. Expert presenters will
discuss the contest and various story forms in detail. Come for fun and inspiration!
Totality Martial Arts is offering a special program and rate for students. For more information, contact Gordon Wicks at totalityma@gmail.com.
RappTaxFree will prepare your return accurately and at no cost. Register at RappTaxFree.org or call 540-227-0493. We will schedule your time with an IRS-certified counselor. There is NO fee to prepare your return. We are scheduling appointments now for Saturdays at the Sperryville Schoolhouse, beginning February 15. RappTaxFree is an AARP TaxAide site hosted by RappCE. For more information, call 540-227-0493.
Helpful Information
Mental Health & Wellness Resources
To view the list of helpful mental health and wellness resources for students and families, CLICK HERE.
Connect With Us
Website: www.rappahannockschools.us
Facebook: www.facebook.com/rappahannockcountypublicschools
Instagram: www.instagram.com/_rcps_
Email: info@rappahannockschools.us
To view a helpful list of our communications channels, CLICK HERE.