Fisher Family Update
September 20, 2024

Good Afternoon Fisher Families,
It was great to see many of our families Tuesday evening at our first PAC event of the year! Everyone enjoyed the ice cream social and reconnecting with friends and families. You'll have another opportunity to network or meet other members of our school community at our upcoming PAC meeting scheduled for Wednesday, September 25th at 7pm in the STEM/Library classroom. Please read through this edition of the Fisher Family Update for upcoming events, dates, meetings and more....
Have a great weekend,
Upcoming Dates and Events
25 - Fisher PAC 7pm, STEM/Media Classroom
1 - Fisher School Picture Day
1 - NEW DATE - Fisher Open House/Curriculum Night 6 - 7:30pm
11 - Early Release - Fisher dismissal at 12:25pm
14 - NO SCHOOL - Columbus Day
16 - Fisher PAC 7pm, STEM/Media Classroom
12 - Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences - 5:00 - 7:00pm
14 - Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences - 5:00 - 7:00pm
15 - Early Release - Fisher dismissal at 12:25pm
15 - Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences -1:00pm-3:00pm
News from the Health Office
Please consider donating to the Fisher School Health Office
I'm sharing my list with you on Amazon.https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/KPFDTT3GDQRG?ref=cm_sw_em_r_un_un_NeRt433oe2ko9
If your child sustains an injury and has accommodations or restrictions that will be needed at school, please make sure that the health office is aware so that we can keep your child safe at school. If the accommodations or restrictions are greater than 5 days, we will need a note from a NP or MD.
Please remember our illness policy:
- Children who are ill with a temperature over 100, or who have diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, undiagnosed rashes, uncontrolled coughing, impetigo, or conjunctivitis should remain at home.
- If your child is ill with a fever they must be "Fever Free" for 24 hours WITHOUT the use ofTYLENOL, MOTRIN, or any other fever reducing medication before they can return to school.
- If your child has a viral stomach illness with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, please keep them home for an additional 24 hours after symptoms have subsided.
- If your child has been diagnosed with an infection requiring antibiotic treatment such as Strep Throat, Conjunctivitis, Impetigo, etc. they must be treated with the antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school. In addition, for Conjunctivitis, your child's eyes must be free of drainage. For Impetigo, lesions may not be oozing.
As always, please feel free to email if you have any questions or concerns that come up throughout the year at LMoyes@walpole.k12.ma.us.
Lost and Found
Fisher Counselorsโ Newsletter - September
Hello Fisher Families and Welcome Back!
Our amazing Fisher friends have completed their first full week of school! We are off to a great start! Everyone has done well settling into the new school year and everyone is excited to be back. Our students did not forget how to S.W.I.M over the summer as we have already seen a great display of respect, teamwork, integrity, and great choices being made. Our older students have been so helpful with younger and new students. This year we will continue to provide bi-weekly S.W.I.M lessons to classes and will focus on the importance of continuing to show respect, teamwork, integrity and respect, not only at school but within the community as well.
We are looking forward to a wonderful school year ahead and cannot wait to see all of the student success that will fill up the Fisher School community!
Thank you,
Fisher School Counselors
Consistent School Attendance is Important
Click this link to view a newsletter from Mr. Ed Connor, Dean of Student Support and Absenteeism.
Walpole Public Schools App
We invite all families to download the "Walpole Public Schools" app to your tablet or phone. By downloading this free app you will have access to the WPS news feed, past and current Fisher Family Updates, upcoming events, school documents and forms, lunch menus and much more. Instead of relying solely on email for important school news , you will be able to receive alerts and view updates from your phone. Stay connected!
You can find links to download the app by scrolling to the bottom of the Fisher School website at https://www.walpole.k12.ma.us/o/fs
We are just a few short weeks away from Walpole's 300th Anniversary Parade! The Parade will kick off on October 5th at 11am from the Norfolk County Agricultural High School and proceed up Main Street to the Town Common and then turn and proceed up Common Street to Walpole High School which will allow for 2 miles of viewing. Downtown we will have food trucks around the common. Join us as we watch bands and performance groups from around the region celebrate our hometown.
The 300th Committee is also looking for additional floats from Community Groups, as well as antique autos which would like to participate in the parade. Check out Walpole300.com for more information
Afterschool Enrichment Sign Up
Fall After School Enrichment is here!
The first session of the 2024-2025 school year will begin on Tuesday, October 1 and run for 5 weeks. The full list of offerings can be found here. A hard copy was also sent home with students. Sign-ups will begin on Monday, September 23 at 7:00pm. The Sign-Up Genius link can be found here. Sign-ups will not be accepted prior to Monday at 7:00pm.
Classes will begin the week of September 30 and will run on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays from 3:30-4:45. Students must be registered via the Sign-Up Genius. For scholarship information, please contact Kate Anderson directly at kanderson@walpole.k12.ma.us
School Store Info
What is the School Store?
For students in grades 3,4 and 5
Open on Wednesdays during lunch. Students can only come up to shop after they have finished their lunch.
Students can purchase pens, pencils, erasers and other fun novelty items
Items are priced from .25ยข - $2.00. Spending limit of $2.00 per visit.
Grades 3,4 and 5 are split into two groups and shop once per month.
Groups and the starting schedule are below.
Group 1: Barend, Blake, Hughes, Fomenko, Brogan, O'Neill
Group 2: Penfield, McDonald, Sullivan, Winer, Terranova, Wesinger
Private Lessons through the WPS Music Department
The Walpole Public Schools Music Department is pleased to announce the fall session for our Private Lesson Program for students in grades 4 - 12. If your child is interested in taking private instrument or voice lessons, here is your chance. Lessons are offered in flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone horn, tuba, piano, percussion, violin, viola, cello, guitar and voice. All lessons are taught by accomplished performers on their respective instruments. Some lessons are currently being taught virtually. Session 1 will run September 23 to January 31. Registration is open until Monday, September 16th. For more information and to register, visit: https://sites.google.com/walpole.k12.ma.us/wpsmusic/private-lesson-program/overview For questions, email: Tim Fleming (K-12 Music Coordinator) at tfleming@walpole.k12.ma.us
Beginning of the School Year Information
Main Office Information
Absences: If your student is going to be absent or tardy, please call the absence line and let us know in advance. You may call this line at anytime and leave a message. The telephone number is 508-660-7234 and then press 1
Dismissals: Please send a hand written note with your student in the morning or fill out this form with at least 2 hours advance notice.
Afterschool dismissal changes: If your student is changing their typical way of leaving Fisher at 3:25pm, please send a note into school with the plan that morning.
We understand that there are unavoidable last minute changes, however, please be mindful that we must call the classroom and upset time on leaning with each change.
Please feel free to email the front office: fisher-secretaries@walpole.k12.ma.us
Start and End Times 2024-2025
School Day Begins at 8:55am
Dismissal is at 3:25pm
Early Release Days - Dismissal is at 12:25pm
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Click HERE to view our arrival and dismissal procedures