Spring Updates
Key Dates
It’s essential to stay updated on key deadlines, including testing dates, and score reporting.
TELPAS Window is 2/17/25 - 3/28/25
New Guidance: Designated Supports for EB Students
Parent Denial Letters
Updated Parent Denial Letters now available at txel.org, LPAC Resources, Standardized letters
Reminder, Prekindergarten registration is Ongoing!
Eligibility Information:
- Must be three-years-old (if a 3-year-old program is available) or 4-years-old by September 1 of the current school year.
- AND must meet at least one of the eligibility requirements
For eligibility requirements, visit the Student Attendance Accounting Handbook:
- Section 7 Pre Kindergarten
- Section 7.2 for PK eligibility information
- Section 3 General Attendance including coding information
Remember districts may begin the process to verify eligibility on or after April 1st of each year.
Documentation related to prekindergarten eligibility and verification may not be collected until April 1 of each year.
Early Childhood Education Website:
Required EB Summer School Program
LEAs, including districts, districts of innovation, and charters, required to offer a bilingual or ESL program shall offer the summer program for EB students entering Kinder and 1st grade for the 2025- 2026 school year, as per TEC §29.060, TAC §89.1250.
- LEAs align the summer school program to bilingual/ESL program.
- Students must have parent consent for a bilingual or ESL program.
- Instructional focus is on language development and essential knowledge & skills.
- The duration of the program is 120 instructional hours with a student/teacher ratio of 18:1
- Teachers must be appropriately certified for the bilingual or ESL program.
Program Implementation
Take a look to the reformatted TEA program implementation website for easy access to resources. New Road Maps for Success have been created including the following:
- 7 steps to help break down the process
- Help identify strengths & areas of need
- Importance of continuous improvement
Dual Language Program Models
Bilingual Program Models
Bilingual Education Exceptions and ESL Waivers
February- April
Tracking processes will identify teacher needs and student outcomes to guide instructional practices outlined in CIP and DIP.
- Follow-up with classroom teachers under an exception or waiver
- Identify additional sessions needed for certification
- Verify and update PEIMS accordingly
- Check the progress of the Comprehensive PD plan sessions
- Continue collaboration with key players
- Review Action Plan goals
- Review student academic and linguistic progress
- Progress Monitoring data to inform instructional practices
- Celebrate successes for teachers that have achieved their goal
- Highlight accomplishments
For more information visit The Cyclical Process Manual
BE/ESL/OSP RDA Monitoring Timeline
For more information visit the TEA Special Populations Monitoring webpage for guidance and helpful resources.
BEA Funding: Direct vs. Indirect
Direct Costs (55%) – Costs that can be directly and wholly attributed to a specific fund, function,
object, organization, or program intent.
- Professional Development
- Instructional Materials
- Salaries for Paraprofessionals
Indirect Costs (45%) – Costs incurred for a common or joint purpose benefiting more than one cost
objective, and not readily assignable to the cost objective specifically benefited.
- Utilities
- Overhead Costs
- Shared Equipment
Best Practices - Funding
When determining the funding source for an activity, it is recommended to keep the following terms in mind.
Reasonable – Will the cost stand to public scrutiny? Are the costs consistent with state and federal
policies and procedures?
Appropriate – It meets compliance according to state and federal guidance, policies, and
Necessary – The cost is essential to carry out the intent and purpose of the program.
R – A – N
Title 3 Series
If you did not have the opportunity to host or attend the T3 Engagement Series, the T3 Series recordings are now available.
Parent Engagement
September 26, 2024
Family Engagement
November 14, 2024
Community Engagement
January 30, 2025
TEA encourages one person as a representative from each district/charter to attend!
Missed the February webinar? You can still look at the agenda and the recording.
February 6, 2025 Webinar
To access archived webinars, visit txel.org-Division Support Meetings
You can now search frequently asked questions all in one location!
Timely FAQs
Expand ^ to see topics per section, expand ^ to see the response for question.
EB Division Newsletter/ Boletín Informativo
This issue will share ideas on making the most of the break while keeping your child engaged in learning. Learning can continue at home or on the road so your child is ready for the Spring semester.
Region 18 Bilingual/ESL/Title III Upcoming Events
LAS Battery of Assessments Summer Training SY 2025-2026
LAS Battery of Assessments WEBINAR training by DRC:
7/30/25 8:30- 11:30 am. LAS Links Online
7/30/25 1:00 - 4:00 pm. PreLAS Online
Training Details:
- This the training will be conducted in a Training of Test Administrators format while providing training turnkey tips for those who will need to deliver their own training at their district.
- All attendees will need to be able to access the INSIGHT portal prior to attending the training. The DRC trainer will not be able to add trainees to the portal during training.
- It is the responsibility of the LEAs POC to add users to the portal.
- Guide to Adding Users to each LEAs POC (usually the Bilingual and/or ESL director) to add users prior to the training.
- All training support materials such as power points, handouts and worksheets will be sent as links to you several days ahead of the training to be distributed to all registrant.
- If printed materials are desired, the trainee will be responsible for printing the training support materials.
We are thrilled to invite you to be part of our second annual Region 18 Round-Up, a cross-curricular, Bilingual and GT conference designed to inspire and empower educators across our region.
TEA Upcoming Events
2024 – 2025 Communities of Practice
Communities of practice are designed for LEA colleagues to fully engage in discussion, sharing, networking and developing alongside ESC partners. The EB Support Division team will serve as facilitators only.
2025 Title III Symposium
Steps for Submitting a Proposal
- Review the Proposal Guidebook for Poster Sessions or Presenters
- Email questions to t3sympinfo@gmail.com.
- Submit your proposal using the Proposal Submission Form.
Presenter Benefits
This is a great opportunity to showcase your experience and knowledge with your fellow colleagues throughout the state! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email them to
Maria Mata
EL Program Implementation
Berenice Ramirez Caro
Spanish Language Arts
Priscilla Salgado
Region 18 Education Service Center
Email: mmata@esc18.net
Website: www.esc18.net
Location: 2811 La Force Blvd, Midland, TX 79706, USA
Phone: 432-567-3220
Facebook: facebook.com/region18
Twitter: @Region18ESC