Mustang Fine Arts Update #7
March 14, 2024
A Well-rounded Education: Perspectives from Two National Merit Finalists
In the past couple weeks we have been fortunate to learn that Mustang High School has five National Merit Finalists. Two of those finalists are heavily involved in the fine arts. Avery Glinssman is an oboist and saxophone player in the band program performing with the Wind Ensemble, Jazz Orchestra and Marching Band while Nate Winn sings in Varsity Choir, and the Jazz Choir. Both these finalists agreed to be interviewed about the impact of the fine arts on their academic achievements and lives in general. They both agree that the fine arts have a significant positive impact and they are more well-rounded students because of it. You can read the full article here.
The Wizard of Oz - Major Success!
We hope you had the opportunity to see the amazing production of The Wizard of Oz performed at the MPAC last month. It was nothing less that first-class from beginning to end. This is a huge shout out to cast, crew, and faculty who all came together to produce such excellence!
Sensory Friendly Concerts Bring Music To All
In collaboration with Student Services, Mustang Fine Arts produced two sensory friendly concerts for students with sensory needs. The Wind Ensemble from Mustang Middle School under the direction of Craig Amendt presented a concert on February 26th for middle school students. The High School Wind Ensemble under the direction of Ryan Edgmon performed a concert on March 5th for high school students. Accommodations were made so that everyone could enjoy the music in ways that were most appropriate for them. After each concert, audience members got to meet the musicians in the MPAC lobby and interact with them and their instruments. Smiles and laughter were shared all around.
Tiny Art Show - Big Results
The media center at the high school housed the first ever Tiny Art Show. All this micro art showcased creative talents and skills of our high school art students. Kudos to Emily Odom, Rachel Tilley, Vanessa McIntire, and Sierra Machado for their work to produce this show.
Oklahoma Trumpet Symposium in Mustang
We recently hosted the Oklahoma Trumpet Symposium here in Mustang. This was the brainchild of Mr. Cleon Chai, Assistant Band Director. Mr. Chai brought two very distinguished trumpet artists to campus. Mr. Wiff Rudd is the Professor of Trumpet from Baylor University and is largely considered to be among the finest trumpet artists in the world. Dr. Micah Killion, from the Center for Music Learning at the University of Texas, Austin is doing ground breaking research on human learning and practice in addition to being a world-class performer. They taught master classes, presented sessions on effective warmup and practice strategies to over 40 trumpet players from all over the region. They also performed a final concert with the Oklahoma City Winds, a semi-professional wind band from the metro area.
Dr. Killion on Effective Practice
Trumpets, Trumpets, and More Trumpets
Wiff Rudd on Daily Warm Up
MHS Theatre and Debate Going to State!
This past weekend MHS Theatre and Debate students competed at OSSAA Regionals and qualified for State! Additionally, we have several alternates.
Congratulations to the following students who will compete at OSSAA State on April 12 & 13 in Tulsa:
- LEIA EADS (Monologue)
- LEIA EADS & ELLA THOMAS (Dramatic Duet)
- AALIYAH BUTLER (Original Oratory)
- ADDISON HAMBRIGHT, Regional Champion!! (Prose)
- Avery Mills (Humorous Interpretation, 3rd Alt)
- Kinley Ogdahl (Humorous Interpretation, 1st Alt)
- LeeAnn Kline & Kinley Ogdahl (Dramatic Duet, 4th alt)
- Lilyana McCutcheon & Lyric Wells (Dramatic Duet, 2nd alt)
- Leia Eads (Dramatic Interpretation, 3rd alt)
- Keaton Flickinger & Delila Haines (Humorous Duet, 1st alt)
- Audrei Fugate & Emma Hardin (Humorous Duet, 3rd alt)
Picture: (L to R) Coach Emily Farnham, Ella Thomas, Leia Eads, Addison Hambright, Aaliyah Butler, Coach Thomas Teague
High School Art Students Receive Honors
Several high school art students are award winners at the 2024 Innovations High School Art Competition at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. They will be officially recognized at a ceremony on the USAO campus on Friday, March 15th. Our award winner are.
Judges Choice
Matilda Madewell “Mama & Baby” wire
Zoe Hundley “Burning Desire” encaustic
Tyson Combs “Marquis” charcoal
Award of Merit
Alexis Bonjour “Vicinity” oil
Ava Pierone “Mother” plaster and wire
Zoe Hundley “Romanticized Burning of Thy Self” mix media
Allyson Atkinson “Putrefy” acrylic
Burning Desire
Zoe Hundley
Mama and Baby
Matilda Madewell
Tyson Combs
Romanticized Burning of Self
Zoe Hundley
Ave Pierone
Alexis Bonjour
All State Musicians Recognized
All intermediate and middle school students who were selected for the Oklahoma Music Educators All State Children's Choir or the Oklahoma Choral Directors Association Jr. High All State Choir were recognized at the school board meeting this past Monday. 48 Mustang students qualified for this recognition. Congratulations to their teachers, Jacob Chen (Canyon Ridge), Hanna Stokes (Meadow Brook), Tanner Aubrey (Horizon), Sarah Green (MMS), Holly Pritchard (MCMS), and Megan Deister (MNMS).
Middle School Theatre Showcase
Each quarter the Theatre classes from our middle schools showcase the work they have been doing. It is fun night of short skits, monologues, puppet shows, and improvisation. Congratulations to Terri Hood (MMS) and Ian Easland (MNMS) for their guidance of these students.
Awards and Advocacy!
Alexis Tellone and her high school art teacher Rachel Tilley enjoyed the Youth Arts Month Ceremony at the Capitol. The president of the OAEA presented Alexis with a full size flag of her artwork. After the ceremony, both Alexis and Mrs. Tilley were able to help pass out artwork from students all over the state (including MHS) to different elected official's offices for them to display in honor of Youth Arts Month.