Action of the School Board 3.25.24

March 25, 2024
The School Board did not receive testimony from the public or staff.
The School Board took actions regarding employees and positions in the district in relation to a reporting timeline needed to comply with contracts and state requirements. Dr. Jennifer Cherry, Executive Director of Human Resources, presented items for approval which were each approved on a unanimous vote.
Resolution discontinuing and reducing educational programs and positions
The School Board approved the resolution that adjusts full-time equivalent positions due to enrollment, student registration and staffing efficiencies.
Resolution relating to the termination and non-renewal of teaching contracts of probationary teachers
The board approved the resolution in compliance with Minnesota Statute 122A.40, sub. 5. The action is considered a routine matter conducted annually by the board.
Resolution relating to the termination and non-renewable of principals/assistant principals
The board took action to approve the resolution on a unanimous vote. The action is considered a routine matter conducted annually by the board.
OPEB actuary liability update
Michelle Varags, chief financial officer, introduced Jill Urdahl and Noel Johnson from USI Consulting group who presented an Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) actuary liability update to the School Board. This fund provides financial resources to fulfill district obligations for post-retirement medical and dental benefits.
FY24 amended budget - first read
Michelle Vargas, chief financial officer, presented an amended budget for the current school year for School Board consideration. This is considered a routine business action and a necessary step for stewardship in financial management. The mid-year adjustment updates student enrollment and updates revenues and expenditures based on prior year actuals and current year trends. The recommendation adjusts general fund revenue by $21,671,231 or 3.5% and increases revenue by $34,839,646 or 4.0%. The unassigned fund balance is projected at 10.1% of expenditures, within school board policy guidelines. The School Board will consider approval at a future meeting.
Greg Cole, chief operations officer, and Tim Fournier, manager and security and emergency operations presented an update to the School Board regarding the school resource officers (SROs) contracts. The district is working through contractual language with the six law enforcement agencies that provide service as officers return to service in the schools. The update is in response to recently updated legislation which allows city and county law enforcement to return to service as a SRO without liability risk.
Policy 528.0 Student Parental, Family, and Marital Status Nondiscrimination - first read
Authorize district calendar 2025-26 - second read
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, provided an overview and presented for approval the 2025-26 calendar and highlighted the process for approval with the district’s calendar committee. The calendar was approved on a unanimous vote.
Authorize Anoka-Hennepin Elementary school service employee 2023-25 master agreement
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, presented to the School Board the Anoka-Hennepin Elementary school service employee 2023-25 master agreement for approval.
The agreement includes custodial, maintenance and warehouse employees who serve district schools. The agreement provides clarity in the wage schedule and increases in pay at a minimum of 6% with entry-level pay at $20 per hour and a maximum pay of $42 per hour. The settlement is within budget authority provided by the school board and it was approved on a unanimous vote.
Authorize school office supervisor 2023-25 master agreement
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, presented to the School Board the Anoka-Hennepin school office supervisor 2023-25 master agreement for approval. The agreement includes a 3% salary schedule increase in both years along with additional stipends, retirement match pay and medical insurance contributions. The settlement is within budget authority provided by the school board and was approved on a unanimous vote.
Authorize technical specialist 2023-25 master agreement
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, presented to the School Board the Anoka-Hennepin technical specialist 2023-25 master agreement for approval. These are employees who serve in the district’s print and design services department. The agreement includes a 3% salary schedule increase in both years along with additional stipends, retirement match pay and medical insurance contributions. The settlement is within budget authority provided by the school board and it was approved on a unanimous vote.
Labor Relations update
Dr. Jennifer Cherry, executive director of human resources, provided the School Board with an update on the status of negotiations for employee groups consistent with Board Policy 209, Negotiations Code of Ethics. The presentation included an overview of the status of negotiations with the district’s bargaining groups and policy groups.
- Minutes from the 03/04 Work Session.
- Retirements, resignations, terminations, layoffs and recalls, leaves and modified leaves of absence, appointments.
- Cash disbursements report.
- Cash balance report.
- Donations and scholarship reports.
- Monthly revenue and expenditures.
- Policy 406.0 Public and Private Personal Data - amended.
- Policy 515.2 Protection and Privacy of Student Records - amended.
- Bid #24037B - Anoka High School library renovations.
- Bid #24036B - Coon Rapids Middle School and Coon Rapids High School library renovations.
- Joint purchasing agreement with Dawson-Boyd Public School district #378.
- Bid #24038 - Champlin Park High School media center renovation.
- Appointments by chair - amended.
School Board work session, April 8 at 5:30 p.m. at the Educational Service Center, 2727 Ferry St, Anoka, MN 55303.
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