Middle School Newsletter
October 2024
A Message from Principal
Alisa Johnson
Dassel-Cokato Middle School (DCMS) is officially off to a great start! With 590 students walking the halls, 48 teachers preparing lessons and 30 plus support staff assisting in a variety of ways, we are all ready to support academic success! We had an outstanding turnout for our DCMS Open House/Orientation evenings in August. Thank you for attending!
The first weeks of school have included policies and procedures to make our time together as efficient and productive as possible. Students and staff have been very busy and focused. Mrs. Reedy created a video that included school wide expectations which was shown during Charger Time. The students have now jumped right into learning and adjusting to a regular schedule that includes structure during the day and possibly homework at night. Thank you for seeing to it that your child attends school daily and is ready to learn. Coming to school well rested, and prepared for their classes aids in academic growth. A successful partnership will ensure our students achieve their highest potential. Our students know and utilize many successful habits which help them to be productive learners here at DCMS. Dassel-Cokato Middle School has a staff that works hard everyday to provide a learning environment that meets the needs of each and every child within our building.
A new school year brings new opportunities. This year we continue our 1 to 1 initiative with chromebooks in fifth through eighth grade. This means the school provides a device that our children can utilize throughout their classes each day. Our 5th grade students visited Ney Park and 7th grade students visited Prairie Woods during the month of September. Our 6th graders will visit Mill City this Friday. All students reviewed our bus safety protocols, bike safety and have also practiced lockdowns, fire drills and evacuating the building. DCMS also celebrated a fun “Homecoming“ week with dress up days and an entertaining pep fest organized by our 8th grade student council members! It has been exciting to see all the students engaged in unique opportunities within our school and beyond.
Once again, the DCMS staff and I feel privileged to be a part of this school family! A strong relationship between home and school can improve a child’s level of success! Thank you for your commitment to your child’s education. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. alisa.johnson@dc.k12.mn.us or 320-286-4100 ext. 1604.
Alisa Johnson
Middle School Principal
320-286-4100 ext. 1604
October is Bully Prevention Month
Oct. 2nd Mid-First Quarter
Oct. 2nd School Custodian Appreciation Day
Oc. 3rd Charger Connections
Oct. 4th 6th Grade Field Trip to Mill City Museum
Oct. 9-10 Vision and Hearing for 5th and 7th graders
October 9-16 Students have access to the book fair
Oct. 14 MS Conferences and free winter gear pick up event 4-8pm
Oct. 15 MS Conferences and free winter gear pick up event 4-7pm
Oct. 16 Unity Day- Wear Orange
Oct. 17-18 MEA Break
Oct. 21 NO School- Staff Development Day
Oct. 24 DCMS Picture Retake Day
To view the complete 2024-2025 school year calendar Click Below
October 14, 4:00-8:00
October 15, 4:00-7:00
You are always welcome to call the school to speak with any of our staff members or email them if you have questions regarding your child’s progress in a class. And we always appreciate you taking the time to learn more about your child’s progress and supporting them in their educational experiences here at DCMS during conferences. You may also stay updated with your child’s progress in each class on Campus.
Lunch with your Child
Although your children are getting older, they still enjoy spending time with you! Please know you are always invited to join your child for lunch. You can bring in food for you and your child or you can purchase a school hot lunch ticket in the middle school office.
Lunch times:
8th grade: 10:45 - 11:15
6th grade: 11:15 - 11:45
5th grade: 11:45 - 12:15
7th grade: 12:15 - 12:45
*Please note our lunch menus are 100% online. The link is provided below
Book Fair
Monday Oct. 14
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday October 15
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
The book fair will be hosted in the middle school media center. It can also be accessed online down below. For more information please click the more information button below.
Your child's education is important to all of us at DCMS. The best way to provide your child education is for them to be in school. Attendance Matters! However, if your child is not feeling well, has an appointment or other reasons that they will not be in school, please notify us at DCMS one of the following ways:
- Submit a absent request on the Parent Portal (Click"Enter Attendance in Campus/Parent Portal" above to learn how)
- Call the DCMS office: 320-286-1600
- Email the MS attendance at: ms-attendance@dc.k12.mn.us
- Send a note with your child to turn in at the front office.
Transportation Changes
The DC Middle School Office must be notified of any changes to your student’s schedule before 2:00pm. This refers to changes in riding the bus, walking home, being picked up, appointments, etc. Office staff needs adequate time to notify the teacher and student before the end of the day.
REMINDER: Due to the fact that most of our busses are filled to capacity, and due to safety reasons, we are unable to allow bus passes for students to go on buses other than the ones they are assigned.
Also, Please do NOT email your child’s teacher with schedule changes Please contact the office at:
320-286-4100 ext.1600
News from the Health Office
Happy Fall Y’All, and welcome back to school! I am excited to have you back, and am hopeful for a safe, and healthy school year. As a reminder, if your student isn’t feeling well, please keep them home, and notify the school of their absence. Students with fevers over 100, vomiting, diarrhea, or undiagnosed rash are asked to remain at home. They are free to return when 24 hours fever free without fever reducing medication, and/or 24 hours have passed since the last episode of vomiting/diarrhea.
Healthy children are better learners! Sick children cannot function at their best, which can hinder their school performance. If sick, it is best for your children to stay home and rest, so he/she can return to school as healthy and as soon as possible. Sending sick kids to school can delay their healing process, resulting in more school days with decreased academic performance. If your child says he/she does not feel well, please use your best judgment in determining if school is the best place for him/her on that given day - you know your child better than we do!
If you are questioning whether your student should be attending school for the day, please reach out to either Deb Ryan in the Middle School health office at 320-286-4100 ext. 1605 or the District School Nurse, Jenny Heidecker, at 320-286-4100 ext. 1804, to discuss your child’s signs and symptoms.
Remember: The Best way to prevent illness is to wash your hands!!
Reminder, if your child needs medication while in school, certain guidelines must be followed:
A signed permission form from the parent or guardian is needed for ALL medications.
A signed order from the physician is needed for all prescription medications, including Epi-Pens and inhalers.
All medication must be in the original container, and have a pharmacy label if applicable.
A health assistant or trained staff may distribute medications, only as delegated by the School Nurse.
Health Plans
If your child requires a health plan or emergency health plan please reach out to the health office. If you received a health plan in August, and feel they no longer need a health plan, please reach out to the health office so we can update your child’s file.
Parents/guardians of 7th graders, please remember to get the health office records of your students TDap and Meningococcal immunizations. If choosing not to immunize your student, please complete a conscientious objection form, and have it notarized. Please get this completed as soon as possible if you haven’t already done so! Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 320-286-4100 ext. 1804 or jenny.heidecker@dc.k12.mn.us.
Jenny Heidecker, LSN RN
District Nurse
320-286-4100 ex. 1804
Is your child missing anything?
Lost and Found
We have some very nice clothing which has been misplaced around the school. Our Lost and Found table which is located by the MS commons is starting to pile up already! While we have mentioned to the students to check for lost items, they keep stacking up. Smaller items or items of value are kept in the MS office. Please have your child check with the front office if they are missing phones, air pods, glasses, necklaces, rings, wallets etc.
STEM Classroom
Mrs. Nagel was able to add an awesome experience for our students in her STEM classes this last month.
The 7th and 8th grade STEM students had the opportunity to learn from JigLabs. JigLabs showed students how they use custom AI systems to analyze visual data and help machines make decisions. Students got to experience an app that can use pictures to identify bird species, and learn how visual AI helps to efficiently detect cracks in chicken eggs. We are thankful to JigLabs for exposing our students to new ways that engineers can make our lives easier and better.
FACS Classroom
Mrs. Mages taught the kids the art of making salsa. Not only did she teach them by giving them a demonstration she also taught them skills of cutting, dicing and mincing. The next day was the students turn to make the salsa. The multiple classes were able to use tools in the kitchen as well as the new FACS room. After their hard work of making fresh salsa on the third day they were able to enjoy their fresh salsa with chips.
PhyEd Class
Mr. Flick and Mrs. Berggren's PE classes participated in the "Learn to Ride" bike unit. The bikes were provided by Meeker Mcleod Sibley Community Health Services. We have been granted this amazing opportunity for the past 3 years. They bring us a trailer with roughly 30 bikes and helmets along with tools to fix the bikes if parts fail. Mr. Flick took a course and was certified to receive the fleet of bikes. It is a great way to get students to learn to ride bikes safely and enjoy the bike path. The kids were also able to test out different bike styles and enjoy the beautiful fall weather.
Student of the Month
Every month, teachers evaluate students and make selections based on the following criteria:
1. Respectful of others and self,
2. Takes care of school and self,
3. Listens and follows directions,
4. Puts forth best effort,
5. Cooperative and helpful to classmates,
6. Punctual,
7. Participates regularly in class,
8. Daily assignments are complete
Congrats May (23-24 school year) Students of the Month!
May 2024 Students of the Month
5th Grade: Cora Levandowski, Sofia Levandowski, Bentley Bunn, Brock Larson
6th Grade: Carli Bekkala, Juliana Haley, Sydney McDonald
7th Grade: Inga McDonald, Olivia Clark, Zakeyus Butcher, Jayden Mitchell
8th Grade: Kenzie Kumpula, Sophia Mapes, Asher Marttinen, Austin Marttinen
For more information about the coat drive please call Ms. Beth at 320-286-4100 Ex. 1606
Crash Lounge
Crash Lounge is a program that is open to ALL Middle School Students grades 5th-8th on a drop in basis with signed permission slip. Come once, twice or every week.
What is there to do?
Ping-pong, foosball, air hockey, darts, four square, board games, listen to music, watch movies, read books and magazines, do homework, talk and laugh with friends, open gym and swimming (when available) and much more!
Mondays: after school 5:00pm
October: 7, 28 November: 4, 11, 18
Permission Slips are in the Middle School Office!
Cost: FREE
The STARS Program is a targeted service program designed to support students who are experiencing academic, social or emotional difficulties which interfere with their ability to be successful in the school setting.
When: Tuesday and Thursday from 3:05-5:00pm.
Permission slips are in the office.
For additional information, please contact Miss Beth at ext. 1606.
Wright County Foster Care Providers Needed
We are in need of child foster homes within Wright County communities.
Our goal is to keep children within their communities and school districts. We currently have no child foster care providers within you school district. If a placement was needed, we would have to utilize a provider outside of your community.
I have been encouraging organizations within your community to help in my efforts to find more foster parents through events and presenting. We need our communities to help as children in foster care are not someone else’s children, they are our community’s children.
There is an average of 115 children, which has been reduced from last year at this time, within the county who are in out of home placement nightly. This number includes relative and nonrelative homes. We have a pressing need for foster parents especially for teens, sibling groups, and emergency on call providers.
If you or someone you know is interested in gathering more information about foster care or becoming a foster care provider, please reach out to Robin Dorf at Wright County Health and Human Services.
Thank you for your time and your support to our program.
Robin Dorf
Robin Dorf • Case Aide - Child Foster Care Recruitment/Kinship
direct: (763)684-8414 • fax: (763)682-7701
3650 Braddock Ave NE Suite 2100, Buffalo, MN 55313
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DCMS Parents/Guardians:
Friday, November 15, is the first Activity Night of the 2024-2025 school year!
Students in grades 5-6 are welcome to attend 5:30-7:00 pm.
Students in grades 7-8 are welcome to attend 7:30-9:00 pm.
All students should enter through the MS Commons Doors (Door I). Entry costs $6 per student. DCMS Student Council will be selling concessions, including pizza, candy, pop, and snacks, for an additional cost. Activities at the event include an inflatable Giant Slide Obstacle Course, NASCAN Sprinters, an inflatable Vortex, ping pong, foosball, and open gym.
In order to be eligible to attend, your student must meet the following criteria:
Have passing grades in all classes
Have received no more than 1 detention
Have no suspensions
Please check with your son/daughter to ensure he/she is eligible to attend this fun event!
If you have any questions regarding Activity Night, please contact Anna Reedy, DCMS Dean of Students, at (320) 286-4100 ext. 1608 or anna.reedy@dc.k12.mn.us.
Drop off's and Pick-up's at the Middle School
The middle and high school complex parking lot is a very busy place from 7:45 – 8:00 AM and from 3:00 – 3:15 PM and we need your help! Please drop your child/children off at the curb rather than in the bypass lane as you wait at the crosswalk. If you need to enter the school, please locate in a parking spot rather than at the curbside. There are many students that ride with their older brothers and sisters that walk through that area too. Please keep an extra eye out for these students as well. We realize there are many cars in a small area but with a little extra time and patience everyone can be safe!
Reminder that the speed limit through the parking lot is 10 MPH.
We integrate technology skills into the district's PreK-12 curriculum and instruction so that students are able to use a computer by the time they are out of elementary school and are technologically literate by the time they leave the middle school. At the high school, we expand on this learning and ensure that students are able to apply appropriate technology as needed to meet educational, career, and personal goals upon graduation.
We equip and train all staff with the technological tools and skills required to improve and enhance the quality of their work. We are fully Google integrated and have wireless access in every room. We continue to add devices and opportunities every year and now support over 3000 devices district-wide.
Using Infinite Campus, advisory committees, as well as our website and social media presence, we provide the district communities with a vehicle for communication and parental involvement. Internally we have teams of teachers, administrators, and IT staff that get together and improve upon the technology offering and expand on our use of emerging technology. On top of this, we have a technology steering committee that oversees the vision and direction of technology district-wide.
Dassel-Cokato Schools believe technology should enhance instruction and student learning experiences
Every classroom is equipped with either a PC computer and an interactive display or a Chromebook that includes a PC computer. Every child has access to a computer via classroom sets, shared carts and at the MS and HS, full one-to-one (one computer to each child). Students are introduced to digital media and programming at an early age and we expand on that learning every year up to graduation.
- All students grades K-12 have computers available for use in the classroom.
- Grade 5 students have their own computer assigned to them and keep their device here at school.
- Grades 6-8 each have their own computer assigned and are offered the opportunity to take them home.
Our Vision
The Dassel-Cokato Middle School program is designed to meet the special needs of middle level students. The program strives to be transitional in nature, providing students with a “bridge” between the self-contained classroom of elementary school and the departmentalized curriculum of high school
Email: communications@dc.k12.mn.us
Location: 4852 Reardon Ave SW, Cokato, MN 55321, USA
Phone: (320) 286-4100