The Visionary
News from Fort Wayne Community Schools
From dedicated school bus driver to presidential chauffeur
Pat Cary's life has taken many turns, but her path has led her right back to where she started – behind the wheel of a Fort Wayne Community Schools bus. After a hiatus of more than 40 years, Cary has returned to the job she first held in the late 1970s.
Cary not only drove students to and from school, but during the historic flood of 1982 in Fort Wayne, she drove President Ronald Reagan to the affected flooded areas on an FWCS bus. With just the President, his security team and herself on board, Cary had a unique opportunity to interact with the nation's leader. She fondly remembers Reagan as "an average Joe, just a regular guy." Mayor Win Moses commended her for her outstanding work and dedication during the flood.
Following her husband's passing in the mid-1980s, Cary made the difficult decision to park her school bus and focus on her family. However, her love for driving remained and over time she found herself back on the road. She drove a semi-truck taking loads to the east coast and more recently, working for the Community Transportation Network (CTN).
Despite enjoying her time at CTN, the physical demands of assisting clients on and off the bus eventually became challenging for Cary. It was then that fate intervened. Hearing an advertisement for bus drivers at FWCS rekindled memories of a job she loved four decades ago. Without hesitation, Pat Cary answered the call and returned to where her journey began – behind the wheel of an FWCS school bus.
When asked about her motivation to return, her response was simple: "I have a special love for the kids in my heart, and that is why I drive." Cary plans to continue transporting students for as long as she is able.
Welcome back, Pat Cary! Your inspiring journey and devotion to our students make you a true asset to the FWCS family.
Adams promotes peace with neighborhood walk
Led by the Adams Elementary Peace Patrol, students, staff and the Peace Family from Alive Community Outreach walked through the neighborhood near the school, spreading peace.
The inaugural Peace Walk serves as a testament to the power of young voices and the positive change that can happen when a community comes together for a common cause. Adding a personal touch, students carried handmade signs featuring words of inspiration. They also chanted, "Peace... begins with me."
The Adams Elementary Peace Patrol is a group of students committed to promoting peace within the school. These young peace advocates are dedicated to creating a positive environment through their daily actions.
Elementary students get moving at FWCS Fitness Day
Nearly 450 elementary students from five Fort Wayne Community Schools took part in an action-packed day of fitness and fun at the 2024 FWCS Fitness Day. The event at Purdue Fort Wayne combined wellness activities with the excitement of collegiate athletics.
The Fitness Day kicked off with a series of exercise stations designed specifically for young participants. Students learned kid-friendly yoga poses, several different exercises and the importance of walking. Activities were led by FWCS staff members, PFW coaches and student athletes.
After lunch and a basketball game, the students from Adams, Abbett, Harrison Hill, Irwin, Lincoln and Maplewood elementary schools were celebrated with a high-five line as they prepared to return to school.
Congratulations Mark Markle!
The Indiana Society of Health and Physical Educators has named Mark Markle of Fort Wayne Community Schools as the 2024 Indiana Adapted Physical Education Teacher of the Year. Mark is dedicated to designing and implementing APE activities for students at several FWCS schools. This ensures that students, regardless of their abilities, have the opportunity to participate in physical education. Markle also won this award in 2015.
Classroom to Career
Becoming a teacher is a calling driven by the desire to make a lasting impact on young lives. Many teachers join the profession because they want to be part of something greater than themselves.
In the last edition of The Visionary, we introduced four FWCS graduates who plan to become educators in a series called Classroom to Career.
One of these standout students is McKailyn Lort. Lort recently packed her car and headed off to college, embarking on the next chapter of her journey.
Community members experience education as
Principal for a Day
Schools across FWCS welcomed more than 50 community members as part of the annual Principal for a Day.
Local leaders, business professionals, and public figures stepped into the role of principal, experiencing firsthand the daily responsibilities of running a school.
The guest principals visited classrooms, interacted with students, and observed staff in action. The event serves as a reminder of the importance of a school’s connection to the community.
This Halloween, several schools hosted Trick-or-Treating events filled with costumes, candy, face painting and games. Transportation converted the bus garage lot into a spooky experience filled with haunts and ghoulish treats!
Trick or Treat!
Want to join the FWCS team? We're hiring!
With the school year already in full force, we are actively working to fill teaching and support staff positions in all of our schools. No matter the position, a career with FWCS is a rewarding way to prepare the next generation of leaders. Visit www.fwcsjobs.org to browse available opportunities and submit an online application! High-need areas include special education assistants, substitutes and bus drivers. Questions about employment? Contact our Talent Acquisition Team at talentacquisition@fwcs.k12.in.us.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Fort Wayne Community Schools
Email: publicaffairs@fwcs.k12.in.us
Website: fortwayneschools.org
Location: 1200 South Clinton Street, Fort Wayne, IN, 46802, USA
Phone: (260) 467-1000
Facebook: facebook.com/FWCommSchools
Twitter: @FWCommSchools