September 14, 2024

Hello, Longwood Families!
🎒See you Tuesday at 6:00!
- We look forward to welcoming you for Curriculum Night at 6:00pm! Doors Open 5:55pm.
- Teachers host two sessions (6:00-6:25 and 6:30-6:55). The same information will be shared at each session to support families with multiple children. If your child is in Project Arrow, Ms. LaShure's session is at 5:30.
- Curriculum night is an opportunity to visit your child's classroom and hear from your child's teacher about the many ways your child will learn and grow this school year. If you have specific questions related to your child, a phone call or arranging a personal conference is best.
🚒 Fire Drill Tuesday
Safety continues to be a top priority at Longwood, and part of that commitment includes regular drills to prepare for various emergency situations. During the month of September, we will conduct a variety of drills to ensure students and staff are prepared in the event of fire, severe weather, or other emergencies. On Tuesday, September 17th, we will practice our first Fire Drill.📖 Volunteers
We love to have volunteers to Longwood! There are a variety of spaces to be able to support - library, lunchroom, and classrooms. Please see the district's updated volunteer application process HERE. You will receive a confirmation email from the district once approved.
Our Lions had a fantastic week! See photos below!
Enjoy your weekend, Lions! Thank you for being a part of our Pride!
🦁 Our Lions work Hard! 📝
🦁 Our Lions show Kindness! 💙
🦁 Our Lions have Fun! 🎉
🎵 Longwood Chorus 🎶
A Message from PTA President, Mr. Tim Skrivin:
We are still looking for representatives for:
Reflections - a national K-12 art competition. This year’s theme is “Accepting Imperfection”. We have a few family volunteers but in order to participate we need someone to be the lead in coordinating locally.
Parent Diversity Advisory Council (PDAC) - we need a PTA member to attend this monthly meeting and report in our meeting.
Upcoming Events:
Sept 26th: Red Robin Restaurant Night Fundraiser - meet up with friends and Longwood staff for a fun night off from cooking!
Oct 8th: Next monthly PTA Meeting on Oct. 8th at 7pm
Oct 25th: SAVE THE DATE: Fall Fest will be on Oct 25th 🍂🎃
By signing up, there's no obligation to actively participate or volunteer—though we welcome your involvement if you’re interested! Your membership fee directly supports activities, events, and special experiences for your child! We value your support and appreciate your contribution to our school community!
Mutual Ground Presentation
Grade 1 & 4 Families,
This year, our school is again partnering with Mutual Ground, Inc. to provide Sexual Violence Prevention Education programming to our students.
Mutual Ground has been providing programs to students for over 30 years. Additionally, legislation in our state, which is called Erin’s Law, requires all public schools in Illinois to develop and teach a comprehensive plan for sexual violence education for student’s Pre-K through 12th grade.
As a part of this plan, Mutual Ground’s Prevention Education Department present a Personal Body Safety Program in your child’s classroom. This program will discuss sexual violence prevention at an age-appropriate level for our students. It is NOT a sex education program, but a SAFETY program designed to Educate, Inform, and Empower students. Please see the letter linked below for more information regarding the program topics and a parent informational program on Monday, September 30th.
Our school is committed to the safety and well-being of our students and that is why we feel that providing this programming is so important. After reviewing the letter linked below, if you have any further questions please feel free to contact Tina Bleakley, Mutual Ground’s Prevention Manager at tbleakley@mutualground.org or (630)897-0084 x137.
Mr. Michael Zeman
Principal, Longwood Elementary
Join Longwood's IPEF Team!
SEPTEMBER Breakfast/Lunch: Menus
Tue, 9/17: Curriculum Night! Doors Open 5:55pm, Session #1: 6:00pm Session #2: 6:30pm
Tue, 9/17: Practice Fire Drill
Wed, 9/18: *Late Start Wednesday* Doors Open 9:00am
Sat, 9/21: IPSD 204 Parent University - Restorative Practices
Tue, 9/24 - Thu, 9/26: G2 & G5 Cognitive Abilities Testing
Wed, 9/25: Picture Day!
Thu, 9/26: Red Robin Restaurant Night!
Mon, 10/14: No School - Columbus/Indigenous Peoples' Day
Thu, 11/7: Picture Retakes
🦁 Thu, 9/26: Red Robin Restaurant Night 🍔
🍎 Previous Updates 🦁
- 9.7.24 Weekly Preview
- 9.3.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.31.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.25.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.24.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.17.24 Weekly Preview
- 8.14.24 Notes from Mr. Zeman
- 8.5.24 Summer Scoop